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Billionaire Girl

Alt Names: alt น้องหนูพันล้านalt 亿万富豪少女alt ビリオネアガールalt Миллиардерша
Author: Hasekura Isuna
Artist: Katsura Asuka
Genres: Drama DramaRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Takato Kei is just an ordinary college student, training for an ordinary life, when he falls into a strange and appealing part-time job. He’s been hired to tutor a teenage girl at home for 10,000 yen an hour! The girl in question, Fujioka Yukari, is not a high school student, but a highly successful day trader who has already amassed 170 billion yen! Despite her money and her beautiful apartment, Kei can’t help feeling like there’s a certain loneliness about the cute teenage girl. She even seems embarrassed of her career, as if her obsession with the stock market and the vast amount of time she spends moving stocks makes her an otaku. Kei may be just the person she needs to help her break out of her isolated lifestyle and acquire the one thing money can’t buy– happiness.
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I had to put this on my "pile of garbage list". The inaccurately portrayal of stock trading is ruining my enjoyment of it. I would´ve let it slide if this was pure made up fantasy, that none of this could happen in the real world, but as it being labeled slice of life and suppose to mirror the real world.......I hate it.


TL;DR: The author made a crap job of researching stock trading, you learn nothing but false facts. I do enjoy the premise though.


//Someone that studies economy.


Someone that studies botany will say that there is no thing like akuma no mi.

I had to put this on my "pile of garbage list". The inaccurately portrayal of stock trading is ruining my enjoyment of it. I would´ve let it slide if this was pure made up fantasy, that none of this could happen in the real world, but as it being labeled slice of life and suppose to mirror the real world.......I hate it.


TL;DR: The author made a crap job of researching stock trading, you learn nothing but false facts. I do enjoy the premise though.


//Someone that studies economy.

I think you are looking into this far to much. I am a Battodo student in other words im a student of the Japanese Sword and Yari though I read a lot of manga that involve sword fighting the techniques they use is absolute crap and have 0 reference to anything but like most manga its fiction and still makes for interesting story lines.

I suggest taking a break for a bit because you are getting far to worked up over something so minor

I had to put this on my "pile of garbage list". The inaccurately portrayal of stock trading is ruining my enjoyment of it. I would´ve let it slide if this was pure made up fantasy, that none of this could happen in the real world, but as it being labeled slice of life and suppose to mirror the real world.......I hate it.


TL;DR: The author made a crap job of researching stock trading, you learn nothing but false facts. I do enjoy the premise though.


//Someone that studies economy.

I do agree to some extent all the stock trading 'stunts' being portrayed here are false facts and exaggerated, but they're just for show and a base to set up the premise. The whole underlying theme is how a girl who earns billions of yen everyday opens up herself and get used to life. Just swap that trading thing with something else less sensational and more sensible doesn't change the series's premise. 


// Another person doing econ 

I had to put this on my "pile of garbage list". The inaccurately portrayal of stock trading is ruining my enjoyment of it. I would´ve let it slide if this was pure made up fantasy, that none of this could happen in the real world, but as it being labeled slice of life and suppose to mirror the real world.......I hate it.


TL;DR: The author made a crap job of researching stock trading, you learn nothing but false facts. I do enjoy the premise though.


//Someone that studies economy.




Almost all fiction is like that anyway. Learn about any subject and you'll see how movies on said subject are so very wrong,

I had to put this on my "pile of garbage list". The inaccurately portrayal of stock trading is ruining my enjoyment of it. I would´ve let it slide if this was pure made up fantasy, that none of this could happen in the real world, but as it being labeled slice of life and suppose to mirror the real world.......I hate it.


TL;DR: The author made a crap job of researching stock trading, you learn nothing but false facts. I do enjoy the premise though.


//Someone that studies economy.

You need to read more josei, every male is handsome, a fucking dick and in some way rich/special/super talented. It's fucking boring.

Pick and choose the stories you read. It is true that a majority are as you've stated but why else would the word "cliche" be coined? Of course we're also limited by what scanlators choose to work on...

thats the point, for a pro market trader, u need to look at it everyday. And believe me, once u know how much u can earn just by luck, u'll get addicted way worse than smoking(this is from experience).


Its not that easy to just quiet and have a leisure life at school. Why do u think all the other traders still doing it even when they got billions in their account?


@ Bold


Correction, for a trader that wants to make a lot of money still.


I get the feeling of wanting to make even more.


And the school was just an idea, there's also just doing "fun things" for the rest of her life. The issue is that she has no hobbies and know no one. 


Quite frankly although I see a lot of ultra rich individuals that keep at it until the day they die, it's not something I would personally do.


I grew up in a pretty rich household but my mother always said this.


"You work to live, you don't live to work." I guess it's just my outlook on it.


Why make that much money that you can't even find the time to spend it?

It's kind of weird but kind of cute. I like it : )

Not true at all, you don't have to look up the market every single day at all. I'm sure she has a lot of money right now and there's always safe/long-term investments.


Although she does look like someone who's all about high risk/high reward.


She's just doing it everyday because it's literally the only thing she has done in a long time.


Which is my point, to be able to interact with people you usually need to have some common interest or situation.


And most people around her age aren't that interested in what she does and have a lot more issues to deal with everyday than her.


She can't relate with people and they can't relate to her.

thats the point, for a pro market trader, u need to look at it everyday. And believe me, once u know how much u can earn just by luck, u'll get addicted way worse than smoking(this is from experience).


Its not that easy to just quiet and have a leisure life at school. Why do u think all the other traders still doing it even when they got billions in their account?

except that would make her unable to do what she does - trade stocks/options. schooling hours would be right on top of when the market is open. While she easily has more than enough money to not need to trade anymore, its really all she knows, and its the one that that keeps her grounded.


Not true at all, you don't have to look up the market every single day at all. I'm sure she has a lot of money right now and there's always safe/long-term investments.


Although she does look like someone who's all about high risk/high reward.


She's just doing it everyday because it's literally the only thing she has done in a long time.


Which is my point, to be able to interact with people you usually need to have some common interest or situation.


And most people around her age aren't that interested in what she does and have a lot more issues to deal with everyday than her.


She can't relate with people and they can't relate to her.

Pretty cute how they are both trying to get into each other's interests, just so that they can get along more. 

So I assume that girl never went or didn't finish High School? ( Children only need to finish Middle School in Japan then education isn't required anymore ) . She should try to take tests and then perhaps continue her education. It would be a great way to make her go outside. And perhaps make her discover some new hobbies or interest. I think this would be beneficial seeing how lonely she feels. Just go out there and do stuff, y'know.


except that would make her unable to do what she does - trade stocks/options. schooling hours would be right on top of when the market is open. While she easily has more than enough money to not need to trade anymore, its really all she knows, and its the one that that keeps her grounded.

So I assume that girl never went or didn't finish High School? ( Children only need to finish Middle School in Japan then education isn't required anymore ) .


She should try to take tests and then perhaps continue her education. It would be a great way to make her go outside.


And perhaps make her discover some new hobbies or interest. I think this would be beneficial seeing how lonely she feels. Just go out there and do stuff, y'know.



She reminds me of a lot of 20th century rich heiresses like 




A very solitary existence. 




Another thing she could consider is learning new languages. She probably only knows Japanese and some really bad Engrish from school.


Learning English/X/Y/Z would allow her to go about the world.


I don't know about you guys but I had that much money I would travel a lot and soak up the sun in a lot of places.

A date, huh...134.gif




How likely is that?

"Hey dad, I have millions! You guys don't have to work anymore!"
"You whore!" 

Not overly unlikely. People have complex feelings when it comes to money and status, this is further increased in historically status-based (confucian and patriarcal for much of east and south-east asia) societies where the lower-status individual gains ascendency upon the higher-status one (through increased material wealth for instance).


See also: merchants and banker jews in europe.

I remember when my then mortgage broker temporarily deposited AUD$800,000 into my account so I could pay it in full to the building company responsible for building my home. When the money finally hit my personal bank account (I didn't have any other account to deposit in), they called me up to see them ASAP. Freaking out, thinking that there had been some problem with the transfer, I dropped everything at work and ran to the bank, only to be told the similar shit (i.e. we were worried about the large sum deposited and while you're here, do you want to look into our Long Term Deposit and investment ventures?)

I nearly drop-kicked the bank manager right there for making me piss myself with worry at work, so that he could earn himself some commission.



I remember when my then mortgage broker temporarily deposited AUD$800,000 into my account so I could pay it in full to the building company responsible for building my home. When the money finally hit my personal bank account (I didn't have any other account to deposit in), they called me up to see them ASAP. Freaking out, thinking that there had been some problem with the transfer, I dropped everything at work and ran to the bank, only to be told the similar shit (i.e. we were worried about the large sum deposited and while you're here, do you want to look into our Long Term Deposit and investment ventures?)

I nearly drop-kicked the bank manager right there for making me piss myself with worry at work, so that he could earn himself some commission.


SO god damn cute! I love all the faces she makes. Embarrassed, scared, happy, nervous, and whatever else she's displaying makes her so damn cute! 

You need to read more josei, every male is handsome, a fucking dick and in some way rich/special/super talented. It's fucking boring.

This manga, Billionaire, seems forced to me in regards of the character's establishment. It's like the author wanted to say : "She's cute-looking, she's socially awkward..She's vulnerable! She's all yours! Go get her! MOE! MOE! MOE!", and then tried to construct that character to fit into the role; the parents felt inferior to their daughter in terms of income so they beat her up? Seriously? How likely is that?

"Hey dad, I have millions! You guys don't have to work anymore!"
"You whore!" 

Î don't like how that Tasuku guy looks at her... I just hope he doesn't make a pass on her during the next chapters ><

You need to read more josei, every male is handsome, a fucking dick and in some way rich/special/super talented. It's fucking boring.


Well think of the demographic for Shoujo and Josei.


Shoujo: Girls dey love dem bad boyzzzz!



Josei: mid 20s+ unmarried in a shit desk job or married with a husband that works too much and doesn't even pay attention to them because he's physically and mentally too exhausted after years of working 12 hours a day with hours and hours of unpaid overtime.



How can they resist the man that is


1. Is rich

2. Handsome as fuck

3. Is able to still get it up

TBH i just think she wanted to see him/be with him, and made up a reason to call him over.

It's amusing that Yakkul and Vexed would have a hand in the release this time around, given that 1) I knew Yakkul is a huge Hasekura Isuna fan and 2) Dammit, I had already translated this and everyone else in Renzokusei was just being slow as hell.


Unrelated to that: Why erase the text over her head in the splash page?

You need to read more josei, every male is handsome, a fucking dick and in some way rich/special/super talented. It's fucking boring.

Girls seem to like that kind of super cliche, not happening in real life plots.

Woo! Update!

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