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* * * * * (4.6 - 226votes)

Amari Mawari

Alt Names: alt Around Amarialt あまりまわりalt 亚麻理的日常alt 아마리 마와리
Author: Kuroda Bb
Artist: Kuroda Bb
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Guy has some "precious book" with some "wonderful pictures" that he can't show to anyone.... The reason being, most of his college friends can't really understand his "tendencies".

Of course, we wouldn't have a story if the guy didn't go through some life changing encounters (all thanks to that very same book).
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Just want to mention that people seem to forget that in Japan, middle school is grades 6-9. So at the oldest, Amari would be 15, and at the youngest, Haru would be 18, which would only be a 3-year gap.

Kyouka, that brush better not be for dog hair lol! Now that would be an amusing prank to play on Haruharu. Also:


Haru Please dont go to the dark side!!!!

Where do you get those amazing badges lol?


Oh well, there's still the fluffy Amari anyway, and I can enjoy that for sure.

The police do

They don't, or at least they don't have the right to do anything about it, not until actual sexual act is actually done, which may or may not happen,


On to the story, that Kyouka.. just how much of a hair fetish was she to recognize bad hair, a bleached one at that, that quick.. and she brings hairbrush in her pocket everywhere?

Guys, it's a fictional story about fictional characters who exist only in the minds of the author and the readers. Moreover, it's a fictional story about people who are overwhelmingly innocent and gentle. Turning this kind of story into a battleground for legal and moral arguments is just awkward, given the pure and sweet nature of it, and a waste of both your time and your energy. If you really feel the need to talk about it, take it to the forums, that's what they're there for.
Thanks, y'all.

Looking forward to the last few chapters, this has been a sugary treat for me to look forward to ever since it came out. I'm sure I'll be re-reading it in the future when I'm feeling gloomy or in need of a smile.


Haru Please dont go to the dark side!!!!

who the fuck cares if im a lolicon?

The police do

It ended. Two chapters left.


Woah, people chill. Remember this is more a light-hearted comedy than a romance manga. :D


I have bad feeling for this teaser. Hope you can update next chapter soon, since I'm curious for this. Thanks for update, and I'm Indo here.


Nice to meet you! Glad to know someone from my country here! :D


It ended. Two chapters left.


Damn, that last chapter give me heart attack lol

I'll work on it on the next few days, Hopefully before this week ends.

who the fuck cares if im a lolicon?

It ended. Two chapters left.

Uhh, there are a lot of illegalities and law violations depicted in fiction already, inspired by human's true faults. So please don't fret over one fiction lolicon case, okay? It's just us, humans. Then again - the lolicon genre could hardly be any meeker in amari mawari.

Lolicon isn't even a fault, it's the very foundation of human-specific love.




And no one commented about the lower mouth. I am disappointed.

honestly as long as they're not having sex, I don't really care about the age gap. I'd probably be more concerned if this were real life, but I don't really look for realism in manga and I just don't have the same set of standards for the two.

Lmao, look at all these people defending what essentially is a pedophile's wet dream. "B-but its only a fiction guyz!!!!!!!". It's still wrong you retard, and we have the rights to criticize it.
Uhh, there are a lot of illegalities and law violations depicted in fiction already, inspired by human's true faults. So please don't fret over one fiction lolicon case, okay? It's just us, humans. Then again - the lolicon genre could hardly be any meeker in amari mawari.

She's a child. He's in College. Please understand this is wrong.

Try to read Miman Renai, it's one of  the best manga I've  ever read and the MC is 29 while the main girl is just middle schooler mmm...

I beg to differ, listen to all suggestion and take the best so you can improve, but all in all your scanlation is already very nice, maybe just lacking some proofread and redrawer but both of those can be categorized as luxury especially if you're new mmm...


Eh... I though my sarcasm was obvious enough, guess I was wrong, huh...

She's a child. He's in College. Please understand this is wrong.


I think you might enjoy Kodomo no Jikan

Remember folks, she just want a hug. Maybe wait a few more years until she's legal

So Kyouka either has feelings for Haru, or Amari, or both of them.


Damn, the violent tsundere is bisexual! And (technically) has an incest fetish!

I feel that it will turn out to joke like previous time ;p And isn't Haru high school student? If middle school is  13-15 then high school will be 16-18 so it's not tat big difference ;p For example my father is 60years old and mother is 54yo so nothing is impossible ;)   

Haru is a college student, and I believe that he's a freshman, so that would make him 18 or 19. Amari is between the ages of 11 and 14, but I have a feeling that she's twelve years old for some reason, maybe 13. At max, there is an eleven year age gap, at the least, there is five years between them.

Honestly idc if author goes pedo route or JK route or harem route just please don't deny my closure :<

There is no pedo route, all Amari wanted was everything they have been doing til now, but with hugs. It seems that their feelings are mutual, and it seems that Haru's might be more romantic than Amari's, though that is most likely due to her being young.


I honestly don't see Haru hooking up with Kyouka, since she's done nothing to truly endear herself to him, quite the opposite really. Any feelings between them are those of a victim (Haru) and those of a violent tsundere bully (Kyouka)


One,  8 years is a big difference. It's almost a decade. 
Two, what that difference means changes with age. Romance between a 16yo and a 24 yo is a bit of a stretch, but hardly impossible. Romance between an 8yo and a 16yo is plain sick. Assuming in the most optimistic scenario that Amari is ~12 years old (remember, she hasn't been through puberty yet), and Haru is, again in the most optimistic scenario, 20, that's still very much a situation that spells out "jail time".

"B-but my love for her is pure and platonic!"

Yeah, good luck convincing the rest of the world (including, presumably, the police) of that.

Frankly, I can't predict where the mangaka is going with this, but it had better not be where it seems to be going currently.

Like I said before, Amari wants their current relationship, but with more hugs. Just because they like each other doesn't mean they have to go doing anything physical.


Seriously, all these people thinking along these lines are the sick ones. Just because most people go wild on their first date, if they even go on a date in the first place, doesn't mean everyone does. There is such a thing as waiting.


We aren't animals in heat, though it seems many people may as well be.

Honestly idc if author goes pedo route or JK route or harem route just please don't deny my closure :<

I feel that it will turn out to joke like previous time ;p And isn't Haru high school student? If middle school is  13-15 then high school will be 16-18 so it's not tat big difference ;p For example my father is 60years old and mother is 54yo so nothing is impossible ;)   

One,  8 years is a big difference. It's almost a decade. 
Two, what that difference means changes with age. Romance between a 16yo and a 24 yo is a bit of a stretch, but hardly impossible. Romance between an 8yo and a 16yo is plain sick. Assuming in the most optimistic scenario that Amari is ~12 years old (remember, she hasn't been through puberty yet), and Haru is, again in the most optimistic scenario, 20, that's still very much a situation that spells out "jail time".

"B-but my love for her is pure and platonic!"

Yeah, good luck convincing the rest of the world (including, presumably, the police) of that.

Frankly, I can't predict where the mangaka is going with this, but it had better not be where it seems to be going currently.


small correction: she is in middle school so at best she is 14 years old, i mean it's even mentioned that she is too small for her age.

and since he is in university (if i'm not wrong) then at best he is 18 if he just began.


So in the most optimistic scenario as you say there's only 4 years between them, but in the end none of those informations are given (again if i'm not mistaken) so let's forget about that and appreciate all the sweet fluffines shall we

One,  8 years is a big difference. It's almost a decade. 
Two, what that difference means changes with age. Romance between a 16yo and a 24 yo is a bit of a stretch, but hardly impossible. Romance between an 8yo and a 16yo is plain sick. Assuming in the most optimistic scenario that Amari is ~12 years old (remember, she hasn't been through puberty yet), and Haru is, again in the most optimistic scenario, 20, that's still very much a situation that spells out "jail time".

"B-but my love for her is pure and platonic!"

Yeah, good luck convincing the rest of the world (including, presumably, the police) of that.

Frankly, I can't predict where the mangaka is going with this, but it had better not be where it seems to be going currently.


This post is just plain nonsense. This is a manga. This is fiction. Did you see any "adult" in that series? Like a teacher or something? None. This story happens in an imaginary place, where there's no police and no "rest of the world" to judge and condemn "improper relationships".


If MC ends up with Mawari (as is probable) it will be implied they will wait until Mawari is 18 to do anything beyond holding hands. I'm not even sure they will kiss.

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