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* * * * * (4.7 - 53votes)

Sumire 17-sai!!

Alt Names: alt スミレ17歳alt スミレ・17歳!!alt Sumire 17 Sai!!alt Sumire 17!!alt Сумирэ 17!!
Author: Nagayoshi Takeru
Artist: Nagayoshi Takeru
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Sumire is a 17 year old high school girl who wants nothing more than to make friends with her new classmates. She's so dissappointed that they all seem to hate her, calling her a pervert, a dirty old man, creepy, weirdo... alas, what is a poor lifesized puppet to do in this cruel world.


> Sumire 16-sai!!
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/sumire-16-sai-r3037 )
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Why I can't read the new chapter ?


Osaka and Nekokoneko ate 'em.



Oh my god, I had completely forgotten about this series. This made my day

Why I can't read the new chapter ?

Every time I look at the ventriloquist I think that's Hideaki Anno and it makes it all the funnier 



Sumire needs a typesetter, since the one who volunteered is MIA. If you want to do a chapter or two, please let me know.

I would like to have said I've seen it all in manga then


Thank god this is getting done. Hard to believe it's been 3 years since the last release. There's only six chapters left, and they're all translated, so I'm hoping the whole series will be finished soon.

P.S. Sumire 17-sai takes place after Sumire 16-sai (the 17-sai girls even make a cameo at the very end of 16-sai). However, the mangaka wrote 17-sai first, and dropped it in order to get a fresh start with 16-sai. So 17-sai is basically the prototype for 16-sai. Once 17-sai is fully scanned, I'd recommend reading it before 16-sai.

Wait, so 17-sai is the prequel to 16-sai? Or more specifically, it was written before 16?

That's my understanding.


Yay, new chapter!  So Habanero picked it up?  Many thanks!

...Bunraku gone horribly right.  XD

This is so strange ^^'

Looks like this is not a sequel (16 is a retry) and there's about 20 chapters total (2 volumes)...

So nostalgic, this is one of the best heartwarming series I read.

the heck this manga is alive


thanks to habanero for picking it up

Translated, awaiting typesetting.

It's hilarious. Trust me. Funniest damn thing . . . it should be creepy but it isn't.
This older guy has this life-sized wooden doll, he acts as if she's a real person and he's not there, and he refuses to break character even if suffering severe damage. And she's a chirpy, cheerful shoujo-heroine type.
Everyone finds it creepy, but gradually starts to half-forget she's not a real person.
This one's actually kind of a dry run, though . . . it's good, but the mangaka kind of does a re-try which is better and runs longer, same name except 16 instead of 17.


Wait, so 17-sai is the prequel to 16-sai? Or more specifically, it was written before 16?

Know that this is the sequel of Sumire 16-sai.

It is also available on Batoto, so enjoy it.

I have nothing to say about this...

I wonder if the woman from the first series will show back up?
It's so ridiculous, but...but I can't stop reading!
@grandking3 why must you bring that abomination here?? (* ̄m ̄)
now i can't unsee it
Should've listen to rarity advice watch 20sec clip......raged hard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NRMLrvdhS4
The weird thing about this manga is that you'll actually get hooked reading LOL
hahaha... this is very funny... i also think that it's not really creepy... the story is very interesting!
the live action wasnt that bad, i thought it was hilariously bad
live action of this exists. watched 2 mins. could not handle it.threw up everywhere. good manga. horrible live action.never.watch.ever.don't.serious.

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