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Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.57 - 214votes)

Fisheye Placebo

Alt Names:
Author: Wenqing Yan
Artist: Wenqing Yan
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaSci-fi Sci-fiWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Other
Status: Ongoing
Description: Vance just wanted to make the most out of his college experience under an authoritarian regime, and if that meant hacking into the university to assign himself a hot female roommate, then so be it. The last thing he expected was to be dragged into a crazy conspiracy to overthrow the government by his most-definitely-not-female roommate. College was meant to be exciting, but not this exciting. Between failed dates, failed grades, and successful hacks, Vance will slowly begin to question the morality of his actions and the true price of freedom.

Original webcomic on tapastic: http://tapastic.com/series/347
Original webcomic on DeviantArt: http://yuumei.deviantart.com/gallery/42604730
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Topic THAT ART THOUGH New Window lightninglee
  • 9 Replies


Pretty impressive. I hope we will be able to see more of that guy in his masked/hacking form, though. Currently the antagonist of the series (or so it would seem), but it just feels so like the MC and he will team-up for "good". ;)

I'm just completely blown away by the artwork. Very impressed and enthralled.

The composition in this is great. The parodies of corporate culture are funny. Even the Mario Savio reference was clever. I'm pretty sure hacking doesn't work this way, but I don't even care. If only there weren't so many memes in the dialogue...there's no surer way to make something seem dated than by tacking on a meme.

Whoa, I didn't realize that this was available from Batoto as well, nor that it was made by the author of Knite on Deviantart! It's an absolutely gorgeous work with really funny dialogue. I'll be looking forward to further updates. :D

I think it takes place in china because the author says its in china.


I think it actually doesn't takes place in China but rather a fictional country just west of China. I think the author just using the comic as a way to criticize China's internet censorship policies, known as the infamous Great Firewall of China.

I think it takes place in china because the author says its in china.

Where'd she say that? Proof please!

Amazing work.  I believe it takes place in a time around the present in China, but the society is different.
I say it takes place near the present since Vance was playing a Nintendo 3DS inside the car.  I think it takes place in China since "The Great Firewall" is the name for the restrictions that China currently has in its Golden Shield Project, but what convinced me was the first photo in chapter 0.1

I think it takes place in china because the author says its in china.

It seems like everywhere I look I see the police states and cries of revolution, makes me feel like there will be parallels in RL soon.

Amazing work.  I believe it takes place in a time around the present in China, but the society is different.
I say it takes place near the present since Vance was playing a Nintendo 3DS inside the car.  I think it takes place in China since "The Great Firewall" is the name for the restrictions that China currently has in its Golden Shield Project, but what convinced me was the first photo in chapter 0.1

It's Chinese, not Korean. = _=


The art is absolutely stunning.


..ugh, I can't not ship VanFrey (Frey as top).

uh, I think the comic is from US even tho the artist is Chinese. As far as, I know she still lives in the US.

It's Chinese, not Korean. = _=


The art is absolutely stunning.


..ugh, I can't not ship VanFrey (Frey as top).

Instant follow story+art are perfect... thought I wonder if author gonna keep it up

AMAZING colour aesthetics.  I also feel like fist bumping the author after every chapter 'cause it's so awesome.  LIKELIKELIKE

WOW!!!! The art is so amazing, and the plot seems to be going into a good way :)

Good job noticing the details.  Put the theories that this is either China or US down for good.  Considering that it's specifically said Central Asia Republic, it's safe the say the country is in the region that's east of Iran and west of China in our world.  The slums and the limited infrastructure that was drawn reminds me of places like Astana and Almaty.  A decent level level of technology, divide of the rich and poor (literally), oppressive government with illusion of democracy, a good mix of different races, I'd say this story's setting is inspired by Kazakhstan with references from permanent security council members.  The great firewall could easily been an export (there are other countries with it, just that China is more famous).


We have walls in the Philippines too, almost exactly like the one presented in the manga. City governments hide the slums from view by building walls between them and the highways. They say it's for aesthetic purposes, and also to prevent accidents since otherwise the kids would play on the streets. Whenever I see one of these walls, I always wonder who the gov't thinks it's kidding.

Are you saying the wall would be a reference to the Great Wall of China?




I swear I didn't mean to go into a history lesson!

Good job noticing the details.  Put the theories that this is either China or US down for good.  Considering that it's specifically said Central Asia Republic, it's safe the say the country is in the region that's east of Iran and west of China in our world.  The slums and the limited infrastructure that was drawn reminds me of places like Astana and Almaty.  A decent level level of technology, divide of the rich and poor (literally), oppressive government with illusion of democracy, a good mix of different races, I'd say this story's setting is inspired by Kazakhstan with references from permanent security council members.  The great firewall could easily been an export (there are other countries with it, just that China is more famous).

Wow, the art is so pretty. :)


And the MC is an idiot. Seriously, who in their right mind would brag about hacking stuff on your facebook page. And randomly blab about everything to a total stranger? Especially when you know that Big Brother is watching. :\

Script kidddies, idiots, and 90% of facebook users.

Why do I say facebook? An example, have you ever noticed that torrent sites have a "like us on [. . .]" really are you people insane for pressing like? Just be glad that in some parts of the world they need a warrant first, still to like a questionably legal website should be grounds for suspicion if 1==1.

Wow, the art is so pretty. :)


And the MC is an idiot. Seriously, who in their right mind would brag about hacking stuff on your facebook page. And randomly blab about everything to a total stranger? Especially when you know that Big Brother is watching. :\

It's not a manga.


Since when did that matter? Good stuff is good stuff, nuff said. ;)

Amazing art, interesting plot and that's totally awesome : I will read it !

Like the history, love the art. Of course I'm going to follow.

Man , i saw the intro ( Ch. 0 ) on deviantart , but never thought that there will be manga. IT HAS AMAZING ART , AND THE STORY WILL BE GOOD I KNOW IT!

It's not a manga.

Man , i saw the intro ( Ch. 0 ) on deviantart , but never thought that there will be manga. IT HAS AMAZING ART , AND THE STORY WILL BE GOOD I KNOW IT!

You're forgetting "the wall" however. Remember as they were driving the MC ( or was it his sister?) points to it saying "What's this thing it goes on forver?"

Are you saying the wall would be a reference to the Great Wall of China? I don't know much about the ramifications of the Great Wall in past and present day China (since I know Western history better) or if there's some kind of other wall in China, other than the Great Firewall of China (which has been referenced in Fisheye several times), but I would think the physical wall is a reference to the Berlin Wall maybe. (There's also a current one somewhere in the Middle East, but I think that one is more of a result of a difference in religious/ethnic ideology, but don't quote me on that.)


During Cold War, the standards in living were vastly better in West Germany (and West Berlin) than East Germany (and East Berlin). The tensions between the Western nations and the Eastern communist bloc, resulted in the building of the Berlin Wall, which was a wall that surrounded West Berlin (a city that was actually within East Germany), in a move by the Soviets to cut off Western support of West Berlin and to prevent emigration of East Germans into West Berlin. It just simply looked bad for the Soviets, when consider how much wealthier West Germans were (see: West German "economic miracle") than their Eastern counterparts and the fact that a capitalist city was thriving within their own territory.


While I believe most of the Berlin Wall has been torn down, some if it still remains today. It's seen by many as a symbol of the Cold War (and to a certain extent, the stark differences between the capitalist West and communist East), at least that's the American perspective. (I heard from my history teacher the countries surrounding Germany were actually very nervous about the tearing down of the Berlin Wall and the reunion of the two Germans, since historically, when Germany unifies, they start a war. xD)


Obviously, not a direct reference, since in Fisheye, the wall seems to be a dividing line between the slums and wealthier neighborhoods, though you could draw parallels with the divide of the rich west and poor east and how the wall was torn down, but somewhat remains (like I did). Additionally, the webcomic does mention that the wall was built by imperialists (usually a reference to Europe, America, and to lesser known extent, Japan), while the Berlin Wall was built by the Soviets (who were "enemies" to many formerly/current imperialist countries).


I swear I didn't mean to go into a history lesson!

I suspect it's an alternate universe America, not China. (Could be Europe, but since the author resides in California and Vance's home looks like a typical American suburban neighborhood makes me lean toward America. Then again, the rustic city scenes make me think Europe. For all I know, it's actually a mix of both.) Also, the father mentions growing up in China, implying that they're probably not in China.


For the record, China has had democracy-like protests before. See Tiananmen Square (primarily students seeking an easing of the restrictions on speech and protesting government corruption), or just google image the famous associated image, "tank man." (Sorry for the tongue-in-cheek link, I just love that site.)


And while I'm no Chinese history expert, (Mainland) China used to be a republic (a real one, lol), before the current communist government took over after the Chinese Civil War. The democratic China now resides in modern day Taiwan (where they were forced to retreat to after the war).


An interesting thing is that the US (not mentioned in the Wiki page, but that's how I remember/learned it; I could be wrong) refused to acknowledge the People's Republic of China (the current communist government) as China in the UN Security Council and had seated Taiwan as China for several years after the Chinese Civil War.

You're forgetting "the wall" however. Remember as they were driving the MC ( or was it his sister?) points to it saying "What's this thing it goes on forver?"

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