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* * * * * (4.53 - 154votes)

Puppy Lovers

Alt Names: alt Puppy Lovers
Author: Amazume Ryuta
Artist: Amazume Ryuta
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Eri Inui is a 20 year old college student aspiring to become a mangaka. She has been following this dream ever since she was little and has been a the best artist among all her friends. But she still hasn't found a publisher willing to take her under their wing.

One day, however, Souta Inuzaki, the son of a distant relative, comes to live with Eri and her mother. Souta, like Eri, is an aspiring violinist and has come to Tokyo to practice. Eri sees a lot of herself in the young Souta. But how will she deal with a 13-year-old boy following his dreams and going through puberty?
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So 2 more chapters and volume 2 is done. The manga ends with volume 3 at chapter 49. Has a good ending.



For some, reason I have no inclination to ship them. I do love them and their relationship can work but I just don't "feel" it.


I ship these two hard but I'm hoping that they do the do when he gets older. Technically he's legal in Japan at 13.


Also that new girl damn!

For some, reason I have no inclination to ship them. I do love them and their relationship can work but I just don't "feel" it.

He's thirteen. :P


I won't be willing to ship them either until the kid's grown up a little.

If only he knew that nobody wears their glasses in the shower.

I just focused on something else I need to re-read the early pages to see what are you saying.

Nope, I'm not giving an excuse here.

What is she having a shower in? Orange juice?

This author sure knows how to a draw a woman's body.

Like boichi, gorgeous women.

For some, reason I have no inclination to ship them. I do love them and their relationship can work but I just don't "feel" it.
Eri san in the shower... Damn!

This author sure knows how to a draw a woman's body.


If only he knew that nobody wears their glasses in the shower.

This author sure knows how to a draw a woman's body.

And someone had to be an ass and change the title of the series, lol...

How many chapters are there in Japanese?

Wouldn't a great way to do that is just flip it? Japanese words into english and english into japanese while keeping to english grammatical structure? maybe put english translation of the E>J words under them too?


I spent a good amount of time trying to figure out a way to get across that she was speaking English. The first problem is that she wasn't speaking the entirety of her lines in English, they were mostly random words in the middle of sentences she spoke in Japanese. The next problem being that the bubbles are ridiculously small, so adding more to the lines means the font size has to be even smaller and it can make shaping more difficult. Usually in manga when a character is speaking English, they make the bubbles more wide than tall, and then the words spoken in English are actually shown in English. Unfortunately neither were the case here.


tl;dr Too many problems to show she was speaking random words in English over Japanese, was too annoying, and there was little reason to actually do so, given it's already made quite apparent that she's a very unusual person.

I should note this since Derek didn't make a point of it while TSing this:


Anuelle says a considerable number of her lines in English, or at least throws English words into her otherwise-normal Japanese sentences. It's a nightmare to figure out how to express this in typesetting, so I don't blame Derek, but you should all know that she's EVEN MORE BONKERS than her visible behavior lets on.


Wouldn't a great way to do that is just flip it? Japanese words into english and english into japanese while keeping to english grammatical structure? maybe put english translation of the E>J words under them too?


Sorry for doubting you.

It just keeps getting better and better...


I should note this since Derek didn't make a point of it while TSing this:


Anuelle says a considerable number of her lines in English, or at least throws English words into her otherwise-normal Japanese sentences. It's a nightmare to figure out how to express this in typesetting, so I don't blame Derek, but you should all know that she's EVEN MORE BONKERS than her visible behavior lets on.

Almost got his woman stolen from him by a chick

Balls to the wall

This... is for people who likes to check the comments section first.


After i read this http://vatoto.com/comic/_/comics/collapse-of-the-world-as-we-know-it-r705 close images with onomatopoeias like this really scare me

2 more chapters will be coming on Christmas. 6 chapters left in volume 2 before we start volume 3.

I dedicate these two chapters to.... //DRUM ROLL///




More, I want MORE!! please?

Really funny update. I can't wait for the next two chapters in 2018!

hell it could be papa no iukoto  wo  kikinasai chronicles of street observation research that hasn't been updated for over a year cuz the hiatus ....so no complaining dude

And here i thought this one was droped, tyvm for the updates Renzokusei and Derek.

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