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* * * * * (4.53 - 210votes)

Kimi no Knife

Alt Names: alt 君のナイフalt Kimi no Naifualt Your Knifealt Твой Нож
Author: Kotegawa Yua
Artist: Kotegawa Yua
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureFantasy Fantasy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: "If you can get 5 million yen for killing a person, what would you do?" A beautiful woman asks Shiki, a part-time lecturer, that question on their first meeting. Shiki answers "If it's an evil person...," mistaking this for a joke. But then the woman points out the target...
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If this is an anime I'm pretty sure  i'm going to cry for the ending.... a sad song played when shiki and kuzumi died.... Ahhh just imagining it make me feel sad... this is just like the ending of phantom requiem for the phantom....


At the very least, I'm pretty sure Shiki's sister and Itsuki still love him dearly.... And Makihara started to study and all....


And did I miss something? why did everyone says that the priest is the mastermind?

Omg the last page. That bastard.

Well, I'll admit it kept me entertained all this time but after that ending I won't be recommending this manga unless someone asks for " one of those going-nowhere-plots that are all the rage".

I am very aggravated about the ending. It didn't answer why these different groups of people were keeping little girls captive, (I don't think thats just a coincidence), it didn't explain why this organization would kill off its own pawns instead of continually using the same hit men. It didn't explain how this organization had the money to pay all of these people or how it got formed, especially if it was led by a priest, I mean come on there has to be a story there. Nothing happened to the office lady who arranged it, which was bothersome. It generally felt like it had a rushed ending to me, and I hate that.

This story is not about that, the story is about Shiki.

I am very aggravated about the ending. It didn't answer why these different groups of people were keeping little girls captive, (I don't think thats just a coincidence), it didn't explain why this organization would kill off its own pawns instead of continually using the same hit men. It didn't explain how this organization had the money to pay all of these people or how it got formed, especially if it was led by a priest, I mean come on there has to be a story there. Nothing happened to the office lady who arranged it, which was bothersome. It generally felt like it had a rushed ending to me, and I hate that.

I might have gotten something from reading this, but it wasn't enjoyment and it def wasnt positive which is why I was disappointed.  I thought the idea of the story was really good but just not executed well.  I think a lot of details were left open-ended which for me is frustrating because I think every little thing has meaning and when it turns out the author forgets about certain things or doesnt address them it pisses me off... Anyway, just because I didnt like this doesnt mean you wont.  It was a good tragedy-type story and emo type story that is really depressing. Many people like that so if you do, please indulge.


I can understand where you're coming from.  I think this also touches on a few other things.  For example "what is entertainment?"


There are a lot of stories that won't give people joy simply due to their nature.  The Walking Dead is a very popular comic and TV show, but it's full of darkness and very rarely has any real joy coming out of it.  There are victories for the protaganists, sure, but more often than not they are bitter ones, and small ones as well.


The same is true here.  There are small victories, and bitter ones.  I don't agree that it was poorly executed.  I do understand there being some frustration over the many loose ends (and I'd be happy to see a sequel to maybe help tie up some of them) but I also think that there being loose ends, that the "good guys" didn't resolve all the issues brought up, is intentional.  Because really, it's hard for those things to really be resolved like that without injecting more "convenience" than is already in the story.


It's meant to be a tragedy, and while there won't be much of a happy feeling for everyone at the end, I don't think that makes it a bad story.  Maus and Habibi are somewhat similar (though they have "happier" endings... kind of) to use some more western examples.  Or watching Breaking Bad (by report, I never watched that myself so I could be wrong).



But of course, I can't tell you or anyone else what to like or not, I just had these thoughts, and felt like sharing them.

I mean for someone like Hosaka who is THAT observant, to not even think twice about that priest's comments was kinda frustrating.  I mean he reacted at first but then just moved on.

He already quit his job and confronting the priest is a foolish move (if that guy truly turns out to be the mastermind) because now hosaka is living for his wife. I figured he must've learned a page or two from shiki's tragic life story.

I loved the manga, but she didn't really do the ending justice at all. We've been following these characters for so long, I would've liked to see the end result of everything rather than just; Hosaka invented a lie and Makihara told it, the end. Oh well.

Not a bad ending, but needed more closure.

Eyepatch girl and the priest at the end were pretty much deus ex machina and the office lady got away...

Ohhhh man.  I actually friggin' love that ending.  The very second I saw that panel I was just like...


So, how many people were attentive enough to figure out who the mastermind is?



exactly.... DOUGHNUTS!


I mean for someone like Hosaka who is THAT observant, to not even think twice about that priest's comments was kinda frustrating.  I mean he reacted at first but then just moved on.

And now to finish my thoughts about the end ( i didnt want to talk about the end before others have read it sine I already read the raws).. Anyway I thought the ending was much too easy and again..predictable.  And again, no enjoyability.  I thought we could get some closure and justice in the end but of course none of that happened.  Erika didnt get caught and nothing was explained about Erika's organization and why any of this happened..I mean I feel like she just got to the end and said to herself "I know, I think I'll just blame this all on the priest" lol.  Pretty disappointing.. And at the person who was skeptical that I read this whole thing... I did, and also I might have gotten something from reading this, but it wasn't enjoyment and it def wasnt positive which is why I was disappointed.  I thought the idea of the story was really good but just not executed well.  I think a lot of details were left open-ended which for me is frustrating because I think every little thing has meaning and when it turns out the author forgets about certain things or doesnt address them it pisses me off... Anyway, just because I didnt like this doesnt mean you wont.  It was a good tragedy-type story and emo type story that is really depressing. Many people like that so if you do, please indulge.

I don't get it.


I figured it wouldn't end well, but I thought there would be some closure, that the mystery would be unveiled. Instead of that, for some unfathomable reason, Hosaka does a 180 and decides to completely drop the case he was obsessing over and cover everything up. Everything that has happened to Shiki has been driven by some random woman who has access to a lot of money and seems to keep hiring hitmen to take care of previous hitmen that were hired through her.


Well the story does focus on Shiki, his surroundings and his choices, but still the background here is just silly. Shiki didn't get caught up in something bigger. He got hired to take care of hitmen, and then hitmen were hired to take care of him BY THE SAME PERSON.

hmm... Did anyone find the priest's whisper to Hosaka suspicious? I mean, how did he know about the shueikai thing? And that Hosaka had been investigating it? I might be a bit paranoid, but it seems there is more to that priest than meets the eye... To bad the series ended and only left more questions. I enjoyed it throughtly anyway.

I enjoyed the manga, and the ending wasn't bad, but it really felt like it was missing just one last thing. I assumed it was a Sunday Shootout starring Hosaka and whatshername, but then








Which is fine.

So, how many people were attentive enough to figure out who the mastermind is?



I approve this ending.

overall story for me : 8.5/10

I totally agree with you there. I wanted a little more closure



It seems appropriate. This whole story is filled with someone being fed just enough information that they can justify killing a person they don't really know all that much about, then following through with a murder. The story often revealed the real circumstances surrounding the target are substantially more complex. Shiki didn't really do much to investigate his targets other than a quick and dirty — partially because he was not afforded the time or resources to do so, but primarily because his focus was on the reward and what it could do for his sister, rather than acting as an dispenser of justice.


I didn't like the ending, it felt like it was the ending of a whole different manga. 


I want an aniime!

What a great series 


Felt like the ending was a bit lacking but still a great series 

Well it`s pretty clever how they put together all of the events so that they still make sense but don't make Shiki out as a bad guy and didn't even include the detective hitman dude who died. But what annoys me is that nothing was done about the woman who gave out the contracts. Was she the one in charge or was it as she suggested and she was just a liaison for the contracts? If so, who was giving her orders and why? Btw, what happened to their driver? Was he killed earlier? I can't remember now.


A decent ending, but some loose ends still left untied.

I'm ok with this ending.

And it's over... and I feel a need to reread previous chapters to understand this ending.

Still, at least the girl's motives were made clear apparently.

This ending left me feeling a bit sad overall. I am happy that Hosaka seemed to truly care for Shiki & co's wellbeing after all this.

Thanks for the scans and translating this story for us endless abyss and imangascans. It was a fun ride to the bittersweet ending.

I thought Shiki was gonna jump into the river to escape, fall into a coma, and that would be the end. He never wakes up and his sister gets better and lives with Itsuki and Makihara. Boy was the ending different from what I expected. =/

Pretty brutal story all around.. It needs to be believable and this isnt even close.. I found my self saying "Are you serious?" throughout the whole thing... And of course it wasnt really even enjoyable to read at all because you knew there couldnt be a good outcome or ending... I was really hoping this chik author would do something unexpected but everything was predictable all the way to the end.  And seriously, if you wanted money that bad for your sisters hospital bills there is a MILLION things other than murder you could have done... Heck you coulda came to the US and gotten it done for free and paid everything back later if it was that important.  To me there has to be something enjoyable about a series and there has to be hope that things will turn out in an unexpected way... Thats why I read comics anyway.  Even in this genre there can be things that can make a series enjoyable to read.  This was just a downer the whole time.  I felt like telling Shiki to smoke a dang blunt or take some friggen Xanax and chill the F out.  Dude was a moron... ANd seriously the odds of things messing up THAT many times is just not believable in the least... I mean there seemed to be a fuck up every single time and people just happened to be places... Anyway, I cant say it was a terrible series, there were aspects of it that were good.  I mean it was written well.  Just didnt like the choice of outcomes and scenarios a lot of the time.  Just my thoughts after reading, cheers.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, but I disagree with nearly every single point you said. I won't argue your points, since I can imagine why you say what you do. From a different standpoint of my own, I could definitely agree with you.

I do believe that if you did read the whole thing though, you did find something enjoyable out of it to have kept up with it to the end. Maybe not something entirely satisfactory or a good reason, but you did.

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