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Afterschool War Activities

Alt Names: alt Afterschool Military Activityalt 방과 후 전쟁활동 (하일권)
Author: Ha Il-Kwon
Artist: Ha Il-Kwon
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalSchool Life School LifeSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenTragedy TragedyWebtoon Webtoon[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
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Topic [SPOILERS] Current Chapter Discussion New Window svines85
  • 122 Replies


Dropped. This shitty character would die first in real life. This is just bad writing.

Sh!t happens as one would say... and in real life it would probably be the same (well u gotta give credit to author he actually made everyone mad about such wimpy guy winning lol)  thought must say now I DESIRE that this guy have most painful death, one could imagine.

Dropped. This shitty character would die first in real life. This is just bad writing.

Well, here's my 50 cents on this whole conundrom.


that's about all i could think of atm.


I completely agree with you. Just because he was bullied, if you can even call it that depending on how you interpret it, does not give him free reign to act like he has so far. Agreed, the situation at hand does sort of give him some reason to lose his marbles, but that does not make it any less wrong.


He done fucked up, and we (most of us) hoped he would pay the consequences physically, but it seems the author has gone for more mental trauma.

I have a bit of a rant to give here, since not many people frequent the Chapter Discussions. 


I really enjoy this Manhua, and would love if more people dropped by the forums to discuss.

Well, here's my 50 cents on this whole conundrom.


that's about all i could think of atm.

I have a bit of a rant to give here, since not many people frequent the Chapter Discussions. 


I really enjoy this Manhua, and would love if more people dropped by the forums to discuss.



I must admit that this is a well thought out point of view and I myself had forgotten about the bullying history in earlier chapters. 


Now, if only Youngsoo had NOT been drawn by the author to be so ugly and horrid looking, I might be able to have a bit more sympathy for this character.


But unfortunately,  I am a product of my upbringing and a little weasely-looking guy who frowns all the time is not going to inspire much of a sense of compassion in me for him, no matter how horrible his life had been up to now.


I wonder if this is the author's way to fuck with either our natural or our learned prejudices in how we react to what otherwise should have been a character worthy of our pity.


Interesting to think about, isn't it?

I have a bit of a rant to give here, since not many people frequent the Chapter Discussions. 


I really enjoy this Manhua, and would love if more people dropped by the forums to discuss.

Isn't that Full Metal Jacket?

It is.

Soyoung. I want to see him detained and sent to North Korea for 'rehab'.

I want it so badly...

It's a common occurrence in wartime. Read about "fragging" in the Vietnam War.



Agreed. For folks out there:






You never know until you've been there...



Why do you think that I am perfectly happy to be in my second childhood?

If you saw Jarhead 

Isn't that Full Metal Jacket?

The reaction of people here is hilarious.


The bad guy killed a good guy. It happens. People are acting like they're debating the strategic decisions made during the Cold War.

Knew that was gonna happen.

Just as how "Region"kept the pervert villian teacher alive through out the entire story while making him fuck up everything he touched I knew there was no way they would kill the creepy kid so soon.

My god, someone needs to kill him, he's crazy as fuck.

If you saw Jarhead and remember the beginning of the movie, the fat guy later goes nuts because of the intense harrassment he had to deal with and goes nuts in the end committing suicide while killing the instructor. This problem is similar in terms of stress the studious guy deals with. He had some serious bullying issues from the other guy.


From this intense bullying, it would make sense he has very, very serious tensions against him which later comes out from what you saw. If you dealt with the same stress, you could understand how he felt. Also think about what the guy did before he died. He threw a rock at the other guy, it just made the glasses guy feel even more annoyed and then... You know what happens.

I just noticed Gwon Il-Ha has author's name in backwards.

It's a common occurrence in wartime. Read about "fragging" in the Vietnam War.


The reaction of people here is hilarious.


The bad guy killed a good guy. It happens. People are acting like they're debating the strategic decisions made during the Cold War.


Agreed. For folks out there:






You never know until you've been there...

Outstanding, thanks a lot SCS!!


Haaahhh.......... oh well, these things go that way sometimes.


So, I guess if it wasn't obvious up till now, everybody should know why this is one of the 19+/age restricted titles on Naver now, right?  :D

The reaction of people here is hilarious.


The bad guy killed a good guy. It happens. People are acting like they're debating the strategic decisions made during the Cold War.

So attacking an unstable, armed classmate is the smart thing to do?


No, that's just stupid. And guess what?




Well, as this new chapter shows, "You pays your money and you takes your chances!"


You have to admit that this is more like real life where the bad guys win more often than not.


And mostly because bad people have NO regard for the rules and laws that constrain law-abiding citizens.


Passing a law, such as a gun control law, and expecting criminals to obey it is simply stupid thinking.

When they are going to kill that f**ktard? I can't believe that someone like him exists in school :P

My god, someone needs to kill him, he's crazy as fuck.

hell yeaaaaaaaaaaa, next chapter is already up

..............fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk nvm, cliffhangers op

Psh creepy dude won with creep power!

*just a prediction*

So, let's say the good guy wins. Then what? He killed or grievously wounded a comrade in arms, and unless he hides the corpse (like how a certain someone would do), he gets punished.

He acted without thinking, there was no plan at all. He had his trust, as fragile as it might be, but he dun goofed and threw a fucking rock to his face.

Please don't use the word "comrade". The glass guy doesn't deserved it and you're using a 3rd point of view to judge him there. 

-He has been threat before

-the attack plan flail, everyone wound/dead

-a gun point to his head and being threat a 2nd time.

His action isn't right or wrong. It just happen.

hell yeaaaaaaaaaaa, next chapter is already up

..............fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk nvm, cliffhangers op

Oh ho, a double release, very cool, thanks a lot Supreme Cream Scanlations!!!

No, it was definitely the right decision. Someone like glasses guy will shoot you in the back soon or later, or get you into even deeper shit than he already has. It was inevitable. Chances are he might have been planning the same thing anyways. The good guy made the right choice to end that cycle immediately. If the good guy does dies, then that really is a shame, but completely possible.


A necessary and smart plan doesn't mean it will always work, and the good don't always win. Unfortunate but true.

So, let's say the good guy wins. Then what? He killed or grievously wounded a comrade in arms, and unless he hides the corpse (like how a certain someone would do), he gets punished.

He acted without thinking, there was no plan at all. He had his trust, as fragile as it might be, but he dun goofed and threw a fucking rock to his face.

So attacking an unstable, armed classmate is the smart thing to do?


No, that's just stupid. And guess what?




No, it was definitely the right decision. Someone like glasses guy will shoot you in the back soon or later, or get you into even deeper shit than he already has. It was inevitable. Chances are he might have been planning the same thing anyways. The good guy made the right choice to end that cycle immediately. If the good guy does dies, then that really is a shame, but completely possible.


A necessary and smart plan doesn't mean it will always work, and the good don't always win. Unfortunate but true.

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