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* * * * * (4.63 - 73votes)


Alt Names: alt ミックス
Author: Adachi Mitsuru
Artist: Adachi Mitsuru
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Adachi's second serialization in Gessan Shounen Sunday, follows the story of three siblings, students of Meisei Middle School. Takes place 26 years after Adachi's biggest title, Touch (http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/touch-r1281), and is supposedly a sequel.
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Rough was probably my least favorite Adachi work. I really disliked Hiroki as a character and a rival in both swimming and love. Not to mention the ending was probably Adachi's worst.

I think I can somewhat agree. Rough wasn't terribly good in my opinion as well. But whatever it was still a good read

Rough was probably my least favorite Adachi work. I really disliked Hiroki as a character and a rival in both swimming and love. Not to mention the ending was probably Adachi's worst.

What, that ending was incredible cause it managed to be vague and clear at the same time. Go read Q &A and then we'll talk again.

how can you not mention Rough? that was  my personal second favorite after Cross Game and very good

Rough was probably my least favorite Adachi work. I really disliked Hiroki as a character and a rival in both swimming and love. Not to mention the ending was probably Adachi's worst.

Thanks, Tenko, for all the chapters you've put out lately.  I've really been enjoying them a lot.


Yeah, I really liked Rough, and like Katsu as well.  Adachi Sensei really knows a lot about any sport he includes in a manga.  He hasn't made a real howler about sport in anything I've read to date.

how can you not mention Rough? that was  my personal second favorite after Cross Game and very good

Honestly, I feel as though the first Adachi work you read will most likely be your favorite. All of his works are very similar in the way they present themselves. I read Cross Game first and it's my favorite. I read H2 and Touch afterwards and I didn't like them as much because I felt like it was all done before. But I'm sure if it was Touch or H2 that I read first I'd feel they were the best.

Cross game was the first for me, and funny enough, it was also the first manga I read, I was so eager to find out what happened I finally decided to forsake anime, I found H2 just using the random feature back on Onemanga, and was like Wow? is this like the same manga? They look so similar!

But H2 is definitely my favourite, possibly because of Noda.


Almost 1 month 15 days have passed since i stopped read TOUCH again . H2 13 chapters read and then i left

ADACHI MITSURU makes me emotional and then i can't continue forward . what to do everyone ?


Thank you FirstBlood116 for replying and i have seen people saying ADACHI MITSURU make some characters die in each and every manga but i find it incorrect .


WE all should start Manga Reading club and then discuss it to hearts content . what you all think about this plan ?

The emotion is the best part, enjoy the emotion, its why they are so great, so many tears.

Factually incorrect to say someone important dies in every Adachi Manga, certainly death plays a big role in development of maturity, so he includes it a lot as his manga is about maturing, but there are a few where no one dies.

oh god we're almost caught up :D

Adopted sister? A potential love square between the 4 main characters? This isn't gonna be a Touch x Miyuki is it? Perhaps with a little touch of H2? Ah! So that's why its called "Mix," I see what Adachi did there; the titles of every one of his works have always had a significant meaning to the story if you really think about it. Anyways, why is it that pretty much every single one of his heroines is either the Haruka model or the Hikari model? He must not like long hair girls, which is ironic cuz the heroine of his first published work had long hair.

It's been a bit since I've had time for manga, but when I came back, Adachi was my first stop!  Firstblood116, I totally feel you about H2.  Lots of people like CrossGame better, but I like the more concentration on baseball.  I often say H2 is a baseball manga with strong romance themes, and CrossGame is a romance manga with strong baseball themes. ;)

Honestly, I feel as though the first Adachi work you read will most likely be your favorite. All of his works are very similar in the way they present themselves. I read Cross Game first and it's my favorite. I read H2 and Touch afterwards and I didn't like them as much because I felt like it was all done before. But I'm sure if it was Touch or H2 that I read first I'd feel they were the best.

It's been a bit since I've had time for manga, but when I came back, Adachi was my first stop!  Firstblood116, I totally feel you about H2.  Lots of people like CrossGame better, but I like the more concentration on baseball.  I often say H2 is a baseball manga with strong romance themes, and CrossGame is a romance manga with strong baseball themes. ;)

Another good chapter and father and son paid in MIX is well shown . from Touma to Souchiru to other school father-son pair. I remember that face throwing curve balls again and again in TOUCH . like father like son .


Almost 1 month 15 days have passed since i stopped read TOUCH again . H2 13 chapters read and then i left

ADACHI MITSURU makes me emotional and then i can't continue forward . what to do everyone ?


I really want to read TOUCH the masterpiece and one of the highest selling manga in history and MIX is a superhit too . Maybe people are eagar to know more about TOUCH


Thank you FirstBlood116 for replying and i have seen people saying ADACHI MITSURU make some characters die in each and every manga but i find it incorrect .


NINE is very well read and enjoyable manga and HARUKA CHAN of H2 is same girl in NINE .


WE all should start Manga Reading club and then discuss it to hearts content . what you all think about this plan ?

I think i'm gonna unfollow this for a couple of years.

I just can't stand the waiting every time i finish a new chapter.

Sawai is the name of Tatsuya's boxing club captain, but I doubt if he's related.


thank you guys . what a good chapter .


firstblood you came up with good point without providing much spoiler burucchi even you didn't provide much spoiler thanks .


hope no one talk about TOUCH spoilers here .




1st time when i read TOUCH it made me so emotional that i couldn't complete it and i left reading manga and this

time after 2 years when i started to read manga and again

TOUCH made me real emotional and it is kind of at hold

at chapter 80 but i do have read it till 125 chapters


and i am quite eager to have a discussion with you all

comadrin i wish to have a healthy discussion with you too.

In response to buzze

Sawai is his first name I believe, he seems to be the older brother of the guy who likes Otomi, their surname is Akai, Akai was also the name of one of the main antaganists in Touch, Nitta Akai. Sawai also goes to the school which was previously known as Sumi tech, which is where Nitta went. Then again It might have been Akio not Akai, its been a few months since I read Touch. Either way, Sawai being in Sumi tech seems to line him up for a antaganist role.

That being said, for the person you were responding to, the reason your not seeing the Uesugi is most likely because the main characters are the sons of the generation after Uesugi.

The fathers who were both on the team were the 2nd years when Tatsuya was a 3rd year. So while its possible that a Uesugi could pop up, he or she hasn't yet.

In response to rajin90

Adachi is my favourite author, I've reread almost all his works more than 10 times, and H2 so many times I can often tell you what happens in a chapter if you give me the chapter number and the name of the chapter.

H2 actually crushed me more emotionally than Touch did but it might be because I saw it coming in Touch where as in H2 it was straight out of left field.

I look forward to talking with everyone as well as the story unfolds.

As for everyone talking about Tou dieing and Sou replacing him as pitcher, highly unlikely, as it is Mitsuru has established some elements hes worked with before, being Step sibling relationships, love triangles, since Tou is the basis for both its unlikely he will die.

The point of Tou being the pitcher is simply that they both wanted to be the pitcher, but they wanted more so to win and be the best team, and since Tou won RPS for the first time when it really mattered, Sou seems to deem it as a sign that it was ment to be.

Has anyone noticed if Harada has been introduced yet? I mean the new one. Or Kuroki for that matter?

Who was the guy with glasses in Touch, who liked Yuka? He was made to pitch in the first game of the third year as a handicap?

Sakata or something? He would have been on the fathers teams.

Yes indeed.  Thank you Tenko, for the new chapter.  A fresh Adachi Sensei chapter always makes my day.

Just passing by to say thank you for the new chapter ;)

I wonder if anyone is actually


Sawai is the name of Tatsuya's boxing club captain, but I doubt if he's related.

He will be better than Touma... so I guess he will die in this one... sad day.

Well, Adachi usually doesn't repeat plots. I believe Touma has faster pitching and Souichiro has the best control, but I don't think Souichiro will try to compete against his brother (at least for now).

They want souchirou to be a pitcher as well?

He will be better than Touma... so I guess he will die in this one... sad day.

They want souchirou to be a pitcher as well?

Goddammit... So one brother will be better than the other. He will die before reaching the finals. and the other brother will follow his legacy... I already know the story why cant I stop reading these mangas?

I'm still puzzled on why this series only got so little follow... Is the world really ending?

Thanks Tenko, good chapter.  

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