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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.53 - 157votes)

Omamori Himari

Alt Names: alt おまもりひまりalt Protective Charm Himari
Author: Matra Milan
Artist: Matra Milan
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHarem HaremRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Sixteen-year-old orphan Yuuto Amakawa has terrible cat allergies. So when he finds himself suddenly face to face with a beautiful girl who makes those allergies act up one morning, he’s left wondering about her identity. And when she saves Yuuto and his friends from a demon spirit with a very real, very sharp sword, she reveals herself as a sworn protector of the Amakawa family and a demon spirit to boot! Poor Yuuto, now that he’s living with an otherworldy samurai catgirl, his runny nose is the least of his worries!
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Topic Latest Chapter Discussion New Window greensoulreaper
  • 9 Replies


its the circle of life. everyone get's eaten!
Man protect cat
Fox eat man
Cat eat fox
Why do I feel like Jeff Goldblume?
Brutal. How rare.
Well.. it seems that the series will last ...
I hope this wont end anytime soon...
I hope this wont end anytime soon...
I don't think this is necessarily the end of the harem. Just because one of them is gone doesn't mean the others aren't going to make themselves available to the MC/force themselves on him, whichever it is. But I think it's likely he ends up with Himari anyways, as she's the one he's had the most action with.
Yuuto looked pretty badass when he caught that sword in his hand.
Great, now the harem route is pretty much over with...I can already tell that Yuuto is going to end up with Himari, and Himari only.

Oh~ if you were only alive Kuesu, then the all mighty harem route would have been accomplished. :(
A friend of mine translated that page
bestially with cat is on the way ?
hmm, about Kuesu ... need the translation for better detail ...
Finally, Yuuto's balls dropped.
And we see that Kuesu removed the cat allergy as well. I'm looking forward to the future ecchi scenes with Himari... :)
Fuck dat pussy good, Yuuto!
Oh, dear me...
I have a feeling she still has her powers
@raluis .... Maybe..

I doubt it. She looks perfectly normal.
mystical harem and uber power which comes late ...
yeah, pretty much alike ...
Yuuto reminds me of Tsukune from Rosario to Vampire...
Sudden. The change is too sudden.

Sankarea version from Kuesu ?!?
I hope we can see some Bankai in the next chapter ...
It took him this long and one major death to bring him into this?
Man I'm starting to see why some people hate MCs like this.

And now, after more than 60 chapters, the guy who always tries his best to encourage everyone to get along tells the most powerful enemy in the series that she's made the last mistake of her life.

Shit and fan on intercept vectors...
He finally became a man! If kueso would have lived tho, he would totally cuff her! lol

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