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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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* * * * - (4.36 - 233votes)

Haru to Natsu

Alt Names: alt ハルとナツalt Between Haru and Natsu, I Am...alt Haru & Natsualt Haru and Natsualt Spring and Summeralt 春夏
Author: Takeda Sun
Artist: Takeda Sun
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Makoto meets a sweet, shy girl named Haruna helping out at the school's athletics festival. He confesses his feelings for her the next time he sees her, and she bluntly rejects him, only to call him later and ask him out herself! The source of all these mixed signals is Haruna's "evil" twin sister, Natsumi. Natsumi is the opposite of Haruna, she's a forward, crude girl bent on taking whatever she can from her twin sister. Makoto is stuck in between Haruna and Natsumi, as they viciously fight over who will win him in the end.
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This boy is hopeless -_-

Fewer girls, protag's an insensitive beta douche.  Kenta > Makoto.  I'd say To Love-Ru is hotter than this too.

there's nothing hotter than TLR, have you ever seen boobs giggle in a manga?

ya blew it

So this is a way hotter version of Sis x Sis? 

Fewer girls, protag's an insensitive beta douche.  Kenta > Makoto.  I'd say To Love-Ru is hotter than this too.

Making a girl wear revealing cloths just to show it to other ppl, "beta" is written all over his face.

10 chapters left

So this is a way hotter version of Sis x Sis? 


How to draw a trap:


1. Draw a trap.


2. Say it's a girl.

I... feel like you got that backwards...


In manga, neither of those keep somebody from being a guy.

How to draw a trap:


1. Draw a trap.


2. Say it's a girl.

Oh, YEAH!!!



What a guy, from being a loser who shows his girlfriend a date sim to force her to do an erotic photo book.
But more importantly "Wan Pan Man"?

Uchi-sama shall give you a hint from an English cover. When. " The lonliest heroooo!

Now let the sister try it on and play the role...

What a guy, from being a loser who shows his girlfriend a date sim to force her to do an erotic photo book.


But more importantly "Wan Pan Man"?



And here I thought she was a guy until I saw the skirt...and boobs... >_>

In manga, neither of those keep somebody from being a guy.

And here I thought she was a guy until I saw the skirt...and boobs... >_>

which manga?

Nozoki ana maybe or nozomi x kimio


Ch 19 somehow remind me with certain peeping manga ...


which manga?

why is chapter 16 and 17 a repeat of chapter 15 and 14 :(( pls fix it

For those who don't know, Touma (the fat guy) is a recurring character, he first appeared in chapter 9, and then made another appearance in chapter 13. The scary glasses girl is a new one.

Who the fuck are these characters!?

read chapter 8 (glasses girl is new character).


remember Haruna and Natsumi school is different

Umh this doenst look like a regular chapter isnt this a special or something?

It's been awhile since I read this manga, and yes it's still very ecchi mmm...


Thanks angry fox scans for scanlating this manga mmm...


And as always, Glasses Girl is the best girl mmm...~!

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