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Nanka Kanojo ni Inumimi to Shippo Ga Haetan Daga Ore wa Dousurebaii?

Alt Names: alt なんか彼女に犬耳としっぽが生えたんだがおれはどうすればいい?alt Somehow My Girlfriend Grew Dog Ears and a Tail, But What Should I Do?
Author: Bonchiri
Artist: Bonchiri
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: One day a guy's childhood friend randomly grows dog ears and a tail, but what can he do?
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This isn't even funny anymore. 

1. Authors don't like it. Publishing companies have power over authors. Either way, no authors want their works to be scanlated freely. 

2.  To say that authors are disrespected when their work is troll scanlated is a moot point already. 

3. Scanlating is wrong either way. So don't say crap like troll scanlating disrespect an author's work. They don't want it to be scanlated, correctly or not correctly. 



1) Authors rarely see much if any of the profit from English-language sales. American or Japanese publishers haven't pushed to get Batoto shut down the way they did Onemanga's crowd because Batoto, by policy, doesn't kill the sales of their (few) cash cows in America. Perhaps most importantly, scanlation is the reason that many series ever become popular at all in America, where they don't advertise or market things at all. In other words, we (scanlators and aggregator websites) often function as free advertising simply by being popular and having all those series names assembled in one place.

2) The disrespect thing is a non sequitur of an argument. I see little point in having it.

3) Wrong? Yes. Harmful? Not in any statistically significant way to anyone, as far as Batoto-hosted series are concerned.

>Chapter 1

>Chapter 2

>Chapter 3

>Chapter 9000

>Chapter 10000


Well that escalated quickly.

Ch.100000: part ♆ (Y) ? que ´pendejada es esa? D:

... I don't even care anymore~

What the hell is up with this shit! I nearly broke my neck reading chapter 9000!


What the hell is up with this shit! I nearly broke my neck reading chapter 9000!

That's a good point, why hasn't anyone deleted the chapters?

Because chapter 9000 is honestly the most brilliant thing I have ever read on a manga translation site.

so wait, is it just the latest that's trolling, or are all his scanlations for this work a troll?

Aug 01 2013 09:21 AM

Whats up with sensualaoi... trolling manga?

Changeing from worst typeset to englisch to spanish and back... in a chapter.


I would love to read this, to bad no decent group picked it up.

Must've miss the other 8992 chapters, got to find the raws somewhere. ^_^ V

1). Publishing companies might not like it, but you don't know if authors do or not.

2). This manga can be read freely on the internet, thus making this a moot point.

3). There's no reason to not to scanlate something to the best of your ability. Trolling is fine, but like everything it gets old.


1. Authors don't like it. Publishing companies have power over authors. Either way, no authors want their works to be scanlated freely. 

2.  To say that authors are disrespected when their work is troll scanlated is a moot point already. 

3. Scanlating is wrong either way. So don't say crap like troll scanlating disrespect an author's work. They don't want it to be scanlated, correctly or not correctly. 

Finally, the long awaited chapter 3. Now I can read it properly.

For certain definitions of "properly"

Finally, the long awaited chapter 3. Now I can read it properly.

soo, no mod will delete this troll/nosense chaps?

That's a good point, why hasn't anyone deleted the chapters?

soo, no mod will delete this troll/nosense chaps?

You do realize that authors don't want their works to be scanlated, correctly or not.

So you think troll scanlating = shitting on an author's work?


1). Publishing companies might not like it, but you don't know if authors do or not.

2). This manga can be read freely on the internet, thus making this a moot point.

3). There's no reason to not to scanlate something to the best of your ability. Trolling is fine, but like everything it gets old.

I feel like I have just witnessed someone's magnum opus.

@Theoderich - there are differences between translating something and intentionally shitting all over an artist's original work.

Would you appreciate if everyone did it the same way? Everything that needs to be translated or subtitled, be it comics, books, movies, whatever. "Oh well, we can't translate it 100% accurately anyway, so let's just fuck it all over however we like and then accuse the consumers of being snobs if they don't like it."

"It's for free" is also a really poor excuse. Here, eat this plate of poop I made for you. No, I'm not a chef, but I made it for you for free, so stop complaining about it.

It was a little funny at first, but it's gotten tedious now. If they want to keep doing these troll scans, they could at least keep it to their own webpage instead of hosting it here, where people are actually expecting to find properly scanlated series. It really doesn't matter how much the story sucks. It gives them no right to continuously treat it like this.


You do realize that authors don't want their works to be scanlated, correctly or not.

So you think troll scanlating = shitting on an author's work?

@Theoderich - there are differences between translating something and intentionally shitting all over an artist's original work.

Would you appreciate if everyone did it the same way? Everything that needs to be translated or subtitled, be it comics, books, movies, whatever. "Oh well, we can't translate it 100% accurately anyway, so let's just fuck it all over however we like and then accuse the consumers of being snobs if they don't like it."

"It's for free" is also a really poor excuse. Here, eat this plate of poop I made for you. No, I'm not a chef, but I made it for you for free, so stop complaining about it.

It was a little funny at first, but it's gotten tedious now. If they want to keep doing these troll scans, they could at least keep it to their own webpage instead of hosting it here, where people are actually expecting to find properly scanlated series. It really doesn't matter how much the story sucks. It gives them no right to continuously treat it like this.

i dont know about u guys but i really do feel like this sensualoi scans doesn't need to be here. Its funny for the first few times but destroying such a good manga all the way to the end is not a joke.

Well the thing is...the story sucks... Did you actually read any of the chapters presented here?
Where is there a story? Even Lucky Star got more story than this, it's just about some random guys living with his sister and having a girlfriend who's got dogears for some reason...

This is where the translators come in to make this "crap" more enjoyable and you talk about destroying...

Btw each scanlator-group is actually destroying the original work, the edit it heavily with photoshop(sometimes even some parts need to be redrawn because they want to translate freakin sound effekts nobody could care less about...).

And keep in mind that translations are never 100% accurate, they are mostly influenced by what the translators seemed fit for a translated line...

So in fact sensual aoi trolls in an artsy way with what scanlators do 24/7: destroy the orginal and rebuild it in another way (that they personally decide and like).

If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for not being able to read the original, otherwise you'll always get a destroyed/reworked/"translated" version of the original, may it be or be not to your tastes!

I think I'll just put up the link to the raws:
This is the first chapter, you can just scroll down the comic and then hit "次のエピソード" to go to the next chapter

Get cleaned manga you're drunk

welcome back sensualaoi


most of the hatters are faggots so dont mind it and go on =3 / 

can admin remove sensualoi scans please?

somehow just seeing their name now is pissing me off


their translation is like an insult to all other group who actually tried to do their best giving us a free translation


do you believe all these other groups really care?

you leechers just don't want to admit this guy is messing with you


if you want a free translation learn japanese scanlation isn't of the most legal business either you know

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