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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.54 - 222votes)


Alt Names: alt おくさん Oh! My Sweet Honey!!alt Oku-san
Author: Ooi Masakazu
Artist: Ooi Masakazu
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: About a housewife that has moved into a new town trying to adjust to her fairly new married life with certain quirks and encounters with neighbours along the way.
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Topic [SPOILERS] Current Chapter Discussion New Window svines85
  • 4 Replies


,_,;;  Japan's definition of "overweight" for women is bizarre... In one of the early chapters, she gets measured at the gym and her waist was 61cm, which is only 24in... while her chest was 107cm / 42in.
Um.. yes, please? XD

japanese tend to have a lower bmi than the west. I would link a vid for proof but I don't know the video title so I can't show

Fuck yeah yuri!

Why are people in manga always hospitalized so long? I had a freaking six hour open heart surgery and I was only in the hospital for 4 days.


Clearly you've never heard of the dreaded Japanese cold.

She's so adorably jealous.

The wild Thiccus Waifus is very protective of its mate.



I beg to differ...





(Seriously, does anybody expect this senile old pervert to react in any other way!?)


I'm sure if Miss Superior just asks, ol' hubs will be willing to share. So long as he gets in on that action!

Found her husband's true face xD


,_,;;  Japan's definition of "overweight" for women is bizarre... In one of the early chapters, she gets measured at the gym and her waist was 61cm, which is only 24in... while her chest was 107cm / 42in.




Um.. yes, please? XD

>page 25

>you don't have to be shy, Ryouko is your wife


Excuse me, it's Kyouko isn't it?

When you see those boobies swaying. You'll see more than one Kyouko. Get it? xD

>page 25

>you don't have to be shy, Ryouko is your wife


Excuse me, it's Kyouko isn't it?

she is a woman of mystery who goes by many names, including james bond and lupin III

>page 25

>you don't have to be shy, Ryouko is your wife


Excuse me, it's Kyouko isn't it?

OMG he married twins.

>page 25

>you don't have to be shy, Ryouko is your wife


Excuse me, it's Kyouko isn't it?

Page 7 of the latest chapter... husband confirmed huge (especially for a Japanese guy).

How else do you think he managed to hook such thicc-ness that wants to ride him all day? He is hentai protagonist hung.

Why are people in manga always hospitalized so long? I had a freaking six hour open heart surgery and I was only in the hospital for 4 days.

Page 7 of the latest chapter... husband confirmed huge (especially for a Japanese guy).


The artist seriously overcompensating, just look at Ashibata-san, I'm not trying to tell him what to do but it's seriously disturbing sometimes.

well they had a lot of fun with "water" today.

I love Okusan's devotion to Daa. 

Page 7 of the latest chapter... husband confirmed huge (especially for a Japanese guy).


Hmm. Gains weight and can't lose any? She's pregnant.

Darling is a man who takes decisive action.

There are 2 reasons. We can't do it fast and the change of the art later.

We're fan and do what we like so I don't hate that, but it is true that we can't do it fast is a part of the reason. The latter is the change of art.

Shame. I mean no disrespect to Squiggles, but I'm really having difficulties enjoying their contributions here on the site. Personally I much rather wait for better (imo) quality. I very much understand the frustration of not being able to produce as fast as you'd want, though. Same with the art. I can be pretty picky, so that's also a very understandable reason for your losing interest. I am curious though, have we seen the change yet? I can't seem to really see it, am I dumb or what?

It sucks, but I'm thankful for you providing some reasoning for your decision, and major thanks for the work you did!

noooooo, why?

There are 2 reasons. We can't do it fast and the change of the art later.



I would guess because the series got sniped. Enjoy your awkward, literal translations.

We're fan and do what we like so I don't hate that, but it is true that we can't do it fast is a part of the reason. The latter is the change of art.

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