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* * * * * (4.52 - 287votes)

Seishun Forget!

Alt Names: alt 青春フォーゲット!alt Seishun For-get!alt Youth For-get!alt Youth Forget!
Author: Mikabe Sesuna
Artist: Mikabe Sesuna
Genres: Comedy ComedyMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: "Live with Sincerity" is Natsuki Taiyou's motto. It's first day of high school and Taiyou was heading to a school and Taiyou meets Hinata during the way there. He fell in love at first sight and suddenly confessed to her. Her answer was yes and she runs away without saying who she was, but it turns that she was his classmate. Taiyou felt a destiny between them. However, on the next day, she doesn't remember who he is. why could it that be...?
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Topic [Discussion] Seishun For-get! Latest/Previous Chapters New Window greensoulreaper
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Topic Chapter 18- I'll Never Give Up! New Window Souldrake
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Topic Chapter Progress Update (6/30) New Window Souldrake
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Topic Chapter 17- This is Where I Make My Stand New Window Souldrake
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Topic Youth Forget! FAQ/Discussions/Spoiler Thread. New Window Souldrake
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Topic [News] Youth Forget ch15 and 16 (Update: 6/9) New Window Souldrake
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How many chps left?
Well, finally a continuation. Thank you cassanova for picking this piece.
da faq with this?
ok, if they made an anime out of this, i would cry.
Actually it's neither shounen or seinen. Comic High marketed itself as shoujo manga aimed male audience previously. Now, it has a tagline "Girlish Comics for Boys and Girls"
Last chapter is epic battle! I didn't like the buildup (from ch. 16 - 19) but it's worth reading just for the last chapter.
The other girl will win and Taiyou married with her. The End
or her...lol

Make sure u hang him also

Hinata will win the final match but forget everything before Taiyou can cure her memory loss

If this happens, I will fly to japan, find where the author lives, wait for days staking out her daily movements, and suckerpunch her in a back alley.
For real??
Aug 13 2012 11:22 AM
Hinata getting cuter and cuter every chapter!
Can't wait for next chapter!
so..... my prediction is : Hinata will win the final match but forget everything before Taiyou can cure her memory loss
Posted Image
@TheRater well i do go on that site once in a while to read... stuff. im not gonna deny it... but theres a pretty nice community there. lol. dfkmshkaldhakjsd :x

*reads the end of the chapter*

WTF IT REALLY IS? .... or is it?!
"Who the F tagged this as Harem???"

and now its suddenly gone!
Who the F tagged this as Harem???
Lots of comments on the fact that it is ending... from experience with the authors works, i dare say it might end within 5 chapters... or go on for next 50, that's how unpredictable Mikabe-sensei is. :P
Man i already like Hinata and Kirishima why can't he end up with both..... make it come true harem tag!
wow rly a petabyte for photos ?
just when it was getting good, BAM cliffhanger. Well author you sure know how to keep me on my toes
Whoops! I just saw the harem tag lol...it doesn't feel like a harem manga though, there seems to be a clear winner - Hinata
I feel sorry for Kirishima...Hinata has her friends and Taiyo's support, but Kirishima is all alone and fighting for Taiyo with all her might too.

Too bad this isn't a harem manga =(
in before Hinata has to be in a certain condition/state and the cure will render ineffective because of later stages etc.

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