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* * * * - (4.24 - 597votes)

Masamune-kun no Revenge

Alt Names: alt 政宗くんのリベンジalt 政宗君的复仇alt انتقام ماساموني
Author: Takeoka Hazuki
Artist: Tiv
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaHarem HaremRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Makabe Masamune has changed himself greatly for a single reason: he wants revenge. Contrary to his past, he has worked hard to become good-looking in order to carry out this goal. Faster than anticipated, he even meets the target of his revenge the first day after transferring in — Adagaki Aki. He wastes no time beginning his plan, but revenge doesn't come easily.
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Honestly, Yoshino is the only person who see Masamune for who he is. Aki only sees Masamune as the chubby kid she liked as a kid and is trying her best to bring him back to that time, while not realizing that Masamune made himself change because of his experiences in the past. Neko on the other hand only sees the current Masamune and doesn't understand the extent of his emotional trauma. As a result, she brushes it off or acknowledges it. Yoshino, however, sees both the traumatized fat kid that Masamune was and the confident person he ended up being. Likewise, Masamune is the only one to know Yoshino real personality of being an extremely competent manipulator. This is something that not even Aki knows, despite living with Yoshino from basically birth. Their whole personality dynamic complements each other with Masamune being outwardly confident but a shivering mess inside, while Yoshino acts like a mess, but secretly has control of the entire situation.

Uh wasn't Neko the first who met with Masamune (IIRC even before Aki), was fat like Masamune, loved past Masamune, changed because of her love to Masamune, became slim in the present and knew that "he" is Masamune even after he changed, loves the present Masamune too? Could be wrong though. This is just another example of the mangaka creating side characters far better than the main heroine.



It's not really an "opinion" when a pretty ridiculous plot device was used. The problem here was the means not the end. So yes the author destroyed the series.

Honestly, Yoshino is the only person who see Masamune for who he is. Aki only sees Masamune as the chubby kid she liked as a kid and is trying her best to bring him back to that time, while not realizing that Masamune made himself change because of his experiences in the past. Neko on the other hand only sees the current Masamune and doesn't understand the extent of his emotional trauma. As a result, she brushes it off or acknowledges it. Yoshino, however, sees both the traumatized fat kid that Masamune was and the confident person he ended up being. Likewise, Masamune is the only one to know Yoshino real personality of being an extremely competent manipulator. This is something that not even Aki knows, despite living with Yoshino from basically birth. Their whole personality dynamic complements each other with Masamune being outwardly confident but a shivering mess inside, while Yoshino acts like a mess, but secretly has control of the entire situation.

Reminds me a bit of Nisekoi where 



Or Love Hina where


If maid wins I will be pleasantly surprised.


Confused at first, but I think this is kind of great.


A harem end is also acceptable at this point.

As much as I would love a subversion of "First Girl/Cover Girl wins", I doubt they'll be going that way(again, I'd love to be proven wrong).

As people have noted, Yoshino is the source of his trauma which is significant from a plot standpoint. But from an emotional standpoint, he's had more time and development with Aki and both are dealing with their childhood memories.

Reminds me a bit of Nisekoi where 


Of course, he could just end up alone.

why would Yoshino be Ami?

Because both have similar position? as someone who are on the equal standing and can walk together with the mcs while sharing the each other's burden.
Someone who can share everything with their partner [Ami's facade, Yoshino's past-wrongdoing and her facade]

And while the ignorant Yoshino fans are getting high off the false hope these recent events have brought, they fail to realize that beneath this fleeting OppaiMaster hype, the truest final route is steadily ascending to the surface, ready to make it's entrance..


Paving it's way past the distractions of the Neko route, through the inevitable train-wreck of an Aki route, beyond the desolate wastelands that is the Yoshino route. Eventually becoming the final frontier, the last beacon of hope for MC's youthful romance.


The actual bestgirl route that's been clearly in sight since the beginning..


I'm getting Tora Dora vibes here, except it's Ami that's winning.

why would Yoshino be Ami?


Welcome! You Heretics have finally seen the light! Yoshino is the way! Yoshino is the future! Yoshino for ALL!



^Me when I saw the part where the feelz

if he choose Yoshino, it will only bring more chaos to Aki, which I like, buuuut at least the potential for the drama could be great (but I don't have much faith in the author :/ )

loved the video, it made me laugh a lot more than what I expected hahaha 

Chooo Chooo!! Best girl coming through!!

Aaaaand the author just killed the series...


I'm a Neko fan, but I'll be glad as long as we get a decent ending that doesn't feel like the author hammered a square peg into a round hole. Imo, it's becoming more believable... which is just fine all by itself.

Aaaaand the author just killed the series...

I'm getting Tora Dora vibes here, except it's Ami that's winning.

Hoooly fuck, it's actually happening.

God is real

It is gonna end with him alone though. Like us ^^.

His name is Masamune.Yoshino has lots of mune.


It's their destiny.

So many Yoshino fans here .


It's good to see fellow brothers .

He Rejected Neko, Somewhat I feel bit sad

You do realise that the trend is that the story will turn tradgic if neko becomes the one

Say what you will but however much you want to point out her flaws, to bring up past or future events, you must concede that in this chapter, at this very minute and second, Yoshino is best girl.

Oh look, suddenly for no reason I can't touch Aki and Fujinomiya, but I somehow can touch Master, so she must be the right person for me! Wow what a great plot! Such convenience! 


Why again ppl love Yoshino when she is the actual bitch in this story?


IMO I think this is similar to the situation like Toradora where a guy and a girl where either one or both loves someone else then helps each other to get their crushes to love them, but only to end up with them falling in love with each other instead.  The only difference here is that Yoshino is helping Masamune for his "revenge" for Aki, but the similarities is Yoshino falling in love with him  and arguably Masamune feeling comfortable with Yoshino instead of Aki and Neko atm. I saw direct parallels to Toradora specifically in Ch.38 p27 when Yoshino cried after pushing Masamune away to confess to Aki, similar to when Taiga cried as she pushed away Ryuuji to confess to Minori.


Now, here's where it could be different than the trope like Toradora, where maybe Masamune's hives doesnt indicate his feelings for a girl so it doesnt necessarily mean that he doesnt love Aki and Neko, but instead Yoshino. Since this could mean that his hives indicates his overall guilt in getting in a relationship with Aki based on a misunderstanding and a lie, and also being unable to answer Neko's sincere feelings for him as he was hell bent on getting that revenge, but only to end up unable to get rid of it. So this means that the only way for him to get rid of the hives is to either exact his revenge on the true target, whom is Yoshino and to come clean with everything to Aki.  After all, as you've mentioned, he was fine with touching both Aki and Neko before, but now he is suddenly getting the hives. So this couldnt possibly mean that the hives are an indicator to his true emotions, but instead simply associated with his guilt.


Still I am a fan of Yoshino though I admit, but so am I with Neko and Aki. However, I am an even bigger fan of true harem ends, where the guy actually has the balls to go through with it rather than sissy out and choose one of the girls or go with an open end. True harem ends are still quite rare though, especially where the guy actually aims for it like Ken Sugisaki rather than the guy simply getting caught up into it like Rito.

I'm a simple man. I choose cuter girl & bigger boob.

Author: I could just end this with a proper ending and move on to other works. Nah, let's NTR.

YES, THANKS! I'm sorry but the only one and true justice is Her.

Why again ppl love Yoshino when she is the actual bitch in this story?


That's why she's likeable!


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