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Yoshino is...

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    Potato Spud

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and this is how the manga will continue...


that is blatantly obvious from the start...





    Potato Sprout

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hmm? I thought it was going to be Yoshino vs Makabe instead, because, you know.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Edited by redspadeace, 31 January 2017 - 01:37 PM.



    Potato Spud

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>Best Girl



And considering the recent developments, I wouldn't blame Makabe for wanting nothing to do with her anymore.

Knight K

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>Best Girl



And considering the recent developments, I wouldn't blame Makabe for wanting nothing to do with her anymore.


totally, she's a monster and even when she tried to reverse the damage she always did it while continuing the lies and even in the extras she helped with that dog crap (and probably was the one of the idea).



    Potato Spud

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Of course.


Well, i mostly support the sub-heroine in any romance manga, except when the Main girl is way better than all the others.

Blue Flaming Wings

Blue Flaming Wings

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After this latest chapter I think it will go this route - I think Yoshino may like him, and she was clearly troubled over just calling it quits.

Because I've gotten tired of people trying to hire me to write ...



    Potato Sprout

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It really all depends if Yoshino lets this go or not. Obviously she's having a conflicted heart. 


We're at the phase of our meido realizing her own feelings.


The baller route would be an Aki ending with a Yoshino-mistress on the side but yea don't think its gonna happen.


I do hope for a Yoshino ending though. Sometimes its the underdogs who deserve it the most.



    Potato Sprout

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I feel like Yoshini will get jealous and or selfish and spill the beans to aki once things are going really well



    Potato Spud

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I feel like Yoshini will get jealous and or selfish and spill the beans to aki once things are going really well

Here is how the story will continue from chapter 44:





    Fingerling Potato

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I'm not certain who will confess first. I could see it going either way. Aki saw the Revenge Diary, so that is in play.

As a prediction I guess I'll go with: Yoshino doesn't believe herself worthy of affection after what she did to Aki and Masamune so she's going to try to torpedo her own happiness again by being the one that confesses first. With the thinking that she can tell Aki she was the one that misled Masamune and caused her to believe he abandoned her. This will cause Aki to realize Masamune's whole Revenge Diary was also based on that misunderstanding and isn't relevant to why he asked to go out with her anymore. Aki will then go to talk with Masamune about the diary and how she knows about it and that it doesn't matter anymore, but at the same time Masamune will tell her he's breaking up with her. And not to spite her like the revenge plan was for, but that he's not the same person Aki knew anymore and he'll never be able to be who Aki wants him to be.


And as we've been hinted at a bit up to now, Aki will come to realize she takes Yoshino for granted and she's been selfless to the point of abandoning her own happiness for her the entire time. Tying into the soliloquy from the France arc, being a maid for the Adagaki family, she's destined to continue sacrificing herself for Aki for her entire life. Aki will remember Narino's words about Yoshino only thinking of herself if ordered and will order her to seek her own happiness for once and possibly relieve her of her maid duties. Masamune stays friends with Aki and is someone she can confide in. SS Yoshino wins!


... Let's see how close or off my predictions are :)