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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.55 - 259votes)


Alt Names: alt 化けてりやalt Baketeriaalt Бакетерия
Author: Yoshiyuki Takahashi
Artist: Yoshiyuki Takahashi
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiHarem HaremHorror HorrorRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Every good thing in Naoya Kamitani's life comes with a catch: He managed to get into a prestigious university... missing the fine print that he'll be sacrificed to appease dark beings. When he arrives at the school, he immediately runs into a man with all the answers... who never tells him the whole truth. A rather pretty girl wants him all to herself... as her dinner. He gains the favor of the richest, most influential girl in school... and she's a total sadist. He even finds out he has a daughter... who sets fire to everything when she gets excited. Will Naoya come out on top? It's a long road ahead of him...
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Topic Ichi or Ryou? New Window Wanderer
  • 4 Replies


I almost want to rage and pretend the chapter didn't exist because I thought got axed and forced to end in such horrible way..


Thank goodness its just an end of arc/flashback. Although I still don't get what its all about.

Meh, don't blame the group. If something's wrong with it, chances are it's my fault...


grr, I almost think this manga get sudden axe or something ...

thank God, it's just an end for certain arc story ...

(should be named like "1/2" and "2/2" or "end arc" or something perhaps ?)


DAT "final chapter" :o


I just thought.. lol

I bet I'm not the only one shocked by that "final chapter" ....

Thanks for the update ^_________^

Awesome chapter, really enjoying the story so far; thank goodness that wasn't the last chapter. Hope this manga lasts for a while, but a lot of the story is already unravelling.

Good grief, that chapter title nearly gave me a scare there...  @_@

No... whoever decided to tack that 'final chapter' on was (according to the post at Japanzai's website) trying to indicate the end of the 'History' flashback. 


*edit* ah.  They've changed the titles on 19 and 20.  At least it makes more sense.  Whether it's necessary or not...

Is that really the last chapter?


The ends says "To be continued"...

Eh, wasn't there a questionnaire in Austria, "What colour is cow?" - Some of the kids did answer purple...

That's because Milka chocolate (pretty much the biggest chocolate brand in Germany and Austria) has a purple cow as mascot.


And if I remember correctly...


A dishearteningly large percentage of them drew the chicken incorrectly (Some of them drew chickens with four legs).

I think it was six legs, because chicken legs were sold in packs of six.

the title...



this is awesome!!

Eh, wasn't there a questionnaire in Austria, "What colour is cow?" - Some of the kids did answer purple...

Nah, it's just more a matter of them being so insulated from the world outside of cities that they hadn't even seen a chicken before.


Of course, this also reflects badly on their literacy, since it means that they'd never even read books about chickens or farms.

why? they just never seen a chicken ... it's not some conspiracy or is it?


I think they already see it ...

if not ... the wrong part not only the legs ...

they just don't pay attention or detail out of it ...

or lack of knowledge about common matter ?

This....is sad. I could cry Q_Q

why? they just never seen a chicken ... it's not some conspiracy or is it?

Ch.19 Pg. 19 bottom left

Dat Face.....

@PervySageChuck:  You may be closer to the truth than you might think.  Some years back, an educational initiative in Japan tested some students who lived in Japan's cities by asking them to draw a chicken.  A dishearteningly large percentage of them drew the chicken incorrectly (Some of them drew chickens with four legs).


Who knows?  Japanese sex ed for kids might involve disabusing them of the notion that women don't have nipples. D:

This....is sad. I could cry Q_Q

@PervySageChuck:  You may be closer to the truth than you might think.  Some years back, an educational initiative in Japan tested some students who lived in Japan's cities by asking them to draw a chicken.  A dishearteningly large percentage of them drew the chicken incorrectly (Some of them drew chickens with four legs).


Who knows?  Japanese sex ed for kids might involve disabusing them of the notion that women don't have nipples. D:

Sorry about that rant, folks!


I was a deprived child who was bottle fed as an infant because my mother's breast milk had insufficient nutrients in it.  Thus resulting in my eternal fascination with breasts, tits, gazongas, fun bags, boobs, etc.


It's just part of my psychological desire to catch up with all of that breastfeeding that I missed out on as a baby!!!

I know that the Japanese probably think differently from me on this, but I personally believe that when it comes to ecchi scenes, the real factor that determines whether a manga series should be labeled as shounen or seinen should be whether or not the author draws nipples on bare breasts or not!!!


I am beginning to wonder if the Japanese actually believe that young boys aren't aware that women's breasts have nipples!!!  Wonderful, beautiful, delicious NIPPLES!!!

Chapter 19 loads fine, just checked on both servers. Clear you cache.

well yeah. now it works. Has nothing to do with the cache (in my case at least). I think we all just got to it before it finished settling in. I refreshed my page and it was there. so I got to it early.

Chapter 19 loads fine, just checked on both servers. Clear you cache.

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