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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.53 - 85votes)


Alt Names: alt Advanced Notice Criminalalt 予告犯alt 预告犯alt Previously Noted Crimesalt Prophecy
Author: Tsutsui Tetsuya
Artist: Tsutsui Tetsuya
Genres: Mystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The anti-cybercrime section of Tokyo is on the edge. A man wearing a newspaper mask posts videos online predicting the worst crimes: rapes, assaults, fires...

The twist? The day after, his prophecies have been completed on the front of the TV news. Who is he? How does he proceed? What are his motivations, his ambitions?

It's the start of a race against time which leads the inspectors to an empty seat in a cybercafe in the outskirts of Tokyo... But while the investigation is blocked, the popular support grows around this mysterious figure. Dropouts, employees tyrannized by their hierarchy, web users accustomed to chat and forums discussions: more and more are finding themselves included in his fight!
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Fallout reference on page 24 of chapter 7.
love the cover for chapter 7 , 4 guys on a night in the town , paper bags on their heads , shoveling people , ah memories last forever
@Mellowhype - That's strange, that's where I found out about this one, and people had good things to say.

I lol'd
i head that 4chan didnt like this then it must be bad coz true anoneymous know their shit lol
@Lowlightt NCIS... realistic?! Oh boy, you just made my day! What's next, CSI is an accurate portrayal of forensic techs? XD!! Seriously, get out of here, you have zero credibility. Name dropping technologies or science techniques to sound smart is exactly what series should stray away from. Stories, at their hearts, have characters in them. If you want a good story, you don't pseudo-babblelike CSI, NCIS and all these trashy detective shows, you flesh out the characters and focus on the overall plot, the motivations, etc...

Anyway, back to the manga. It turns out to be much better than I initially thought. Their motive is quite unlike most of the anti-heros you read in mangas that do this and their victims are people in society who look down on the down-and-out. The way they're fleshing out the characters and the way Yokokuhan portrays police work is excellent so far. Yeah, the way they explain fairly simple stuff so readers can understand is a bit weird but everything else is bang on. I hope they continue to flesh out the anti-hero squad. It's looking great so far.
I can't believe I've put off reading this for this long.
I've been missing out!
This is Awesome

Nobita: fear of women, obsessed with computer dating games, hikkikomori after high school. Sounds legit.

This is Nobita in the future without Doraemon lol
@marcelo: It's still an improvement over two chapters ago, when the backstory was "java programmer gets trolled, goes on a crusade". There ought to be a few flashbacks left.
By the way, thank you, Sakugara, for introducing me to this author's works. I just finished reading Duds Hunt and am now about to start reading Manhole and then Reset. Truly excellent stuff!!
Another intriguing chapter well proofread by my protege and favorite maid cosplayer, Anatakado!! I still love that picture she originally posted at Death Toll!! AH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!

Gosh!~ Everything created by the author is in Hot section! O.O And his art feels so realistic
So basically the paperboy team is that work team and the mistreatment of their friend from the Philipines united them against the society. cool story bro
Huh, not bad. Explaining high-school maths to an immigrant makes loads more sense than explaining youtube to a cyber investigator and the worker's personalities were perfectly fitting. Even the protagonist's thoughts were just the kind you'd expect from anyone in his situation. Seems the author could do pretty well if he kept things on a more personal scale. If this was just the story of a smart kid going through lower class drama and going rogue, I'd like it a lot, but he just had to start with all that nonsense right off the bat.
Intriguing stuff..
Well, this god damn good.
I hope we will see more of this.
Thank you Sakugara.
Expel the nonbeliever
Good approach if we're talking about soft sci-fi, but if the author actually draws focus to the technicalities, it's kind of a problem when they're fucked. If you discard all the technical details in Yokokuhan, there's barely anything left of the conflict but two extremists on a power trip.
One thing that I have learned from my 50+ years experience in reading science fiction is to be able to suspend my disbelief of incorrect technical details and enjoy a good story line!

So thanks again, Queen Lay-Lay, my master of whips, chains, and shiny black leather, for keeping this series going!!
Marvellous counterargument, man.
przykladzik: 1, Lowlightt: 0
Lowlightt you suck as well.
wow.. random, unnecessary sex scene much? I just bursted into laughter hahaha

No people gave this manga a chance then saw that its approach was horrible.

The police chick is unlikeable, the MC is unlikeable, both are extremes that are completely unrelatable to.

The subject matter is only half researched and the author comes off sounding like a Fox News report.

When a show handles subject matter its important to handle it realistically.

NCIS for instance handles crime scene analysis relatively realistically. But when it delves into the computer science side it goes way off the deep end of "WTF did they just say?" But that's ok because the focus of NCIS is Criminal Investigations.

This story is specifically about computer science and the internet community as a whole. For it to fail so completely on even some of the most basic things is.... well you get the picture.

Manga is bad because it sucks not because it doesn't have the boobies.
I love anti-heroes more than heroes as characters..

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