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High-School DxD

Alt Names: alt ハイスクールD×Dalt High School DxD
Author: Ishibumi Ichiei
Artist: Mishima Hiroji
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHarem HaremRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Hyoudou Issei is an ordinary yet lecherous highschool student who is killed by his girlfriend, Amano Yuuma, during their first date. Yuma is revealed to be a fallen angel named Reinare who was sent on a mission to eliminate divine weapons. Issei is later reincarnated as a devil by his senpai Rias Gremory; who in return will serve under Rias in fighting against the fallen angels.

adaptation of the light novel series written by Ishibumi Ichiei with illustrations by Miyama-Zero


> High-School DxD: Aashia & Koneko Himitsu no Keiyaku!?
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/high-school-dxd-aashia-koneko-himitsu-no-keiyaku-r3610 )
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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Even though I can concede to point #3, it doesn't change the fact there's absolutely no reason for everyone not to be a "pawn", why not take the role which allows you to be everything? Why limit yourself? The entire system is just an unimaginative,  literal-application rip-off.
As for the the rest of the points are non-sequitur. #1 is a speculation and #2 is an inference.

But....None of that really matters. Those inferences are merely a chunk of many, none of what you wrote changes the bigger-picture, all of these criteria exist to "merit" the plot into its course -- which is fine by itself -- but that's issue I tend to have with these sort of series': the very plot which tries to merit itself on to the stage, is a rotten tomato. As I said, this manga has no idea if it wants to be DBZ or To Love Ru.
The manga plays more like Super Sentai than it plays its tits & ass. It plays like a children's cartoon more than it plays like something a young-adult / teenager would read, yet it still contains content which is "inappropriate for children" in addition to its attempt to feature "oh cruel world so macabre" content which furthers throws any form of focus way off course.

If the LN is like that as well, juvenile with over the top crap that screams DEM at every given opportunity, it merely means I have a better understanding of what makes LNs popular in Japan.
That being said, the only thing one can truly infer from this entire debacle is my argumentative habit, herp.

Because not everyone suits to be a pawn, those who have good amount of demonic force are more effective to be a bishop type. Not all characters are well rounded., The chess piece is quite useful so that the revived know what kind of powers he/she needs to focus on, whether it is agility, strenght, or magical power instead of forcing themself to max all stats. Besides if you just revive someone and give them the same power like everyone else, there are those who have more proficient in one stat are not able to maximize what he/she is good at.

The point of number two is not just an inference, it's what you call "world building", will you state some arguments why you called it that instead of just "herpaderp rotten tomato" or "herpaderp it's not so important"

A good story needs some speculation, that's why the point number one exists.


Yeah, because you are the guy who knows everything like what?? by just reading like 15 chaps??.

1. One of the speculations why God of Bible created Sacred Gears is to give the humans some additional power to combat beings like demons, fallen angels, and other mythological creatures. The exploitation of SG's is something that God did not foresee

2. It's three way war you know. Demon vs Fallen Angels vs Angels, so no, making Angels fall has nothing to do with strenghtening Hell forces (Is there even Hell forces in this series? lol). Besides, falling system is a surefire to deal with traitors and heretics angels.

3. LOL, no that's not how it works. what you stated is only a rule exists in Rating Game. In the real battlefield the pawns could promote anywhere and anytime as long as his/her king allows it.


You want some character progressions and bla bla bla?? Read the freakin LN first.

Even though I can concede to point #3, it doesn't change the fact there's absolutely no reason for everyone not to be a "pawn", why not take the role which allows you to be everything? Why limit yourself? The entire system is just an unimaginative,  literal-application rip-off.
As for the the rest of the points are non-sequitur. #1 is a speculation and #2 is an inference.

But....None of that really matters. Those inferences are merely a chunk of many, none of what you wrote changes the bigger-picture, all of these criteria exist to "merit" the plot into its course -- which is fine by itself -- but that's issue I tend to have with these sort of series': the very plot which tries to merit itself on to the stage, is a rotten tomato. As I said, this manga has no idea if it wants to be DBZ or To Love Ru.
The manga plays more like Super Sentai than it plays its tits & ass. It plays like a children's cartoon more than it plays like something a young-adult / teenager would read, yet it still contains content which is "inappropriate for children" in addition to its attempt to feature "oh cruel world so macabre" content which furthers throws any form of focus way off course.

If the LN is like that as well, juvenile with over the top crap that screams DEM at every given opportunity, it merely means I have a better understanding of what makes LNs popular in Japan.
That being said, the only thing one can truly infer from this entire debacle is my argumentative habit, herp.

The following is an exaggerated angry rant for yer entertainment :
This manga was on my list of "It's apparently popular so let's check it out", and I have to say... There's nothing special or interesting about this story..
It's mediocre at best.

I have no idea how the Light-novel fare, but almost nothing in the plot really makes sense.


There are many other stupid crap, but they're bound within shounen-logic. Which is nothing horrible, but the moment said shounen-genre is at the center of the stage with ridiculously childish deus-ex-machina "Oooh I'm Boosting Up with my extremely marketable gauntlet it's out for 29.99$ buy now kids oohhh!!", the point of the entire story loses its focus. Is this an ecchi manga or a power-fantasy shounen manga? It's like this story has no idea if it wants to be DragonBall Z or To Love-Ru. I don't care for a story to have horribly egregious holes in it, but for the very least : decide on what you're selling! Tits or Saturday-morning-cartoon for children.
Really, is the whole  "oh but battles" crap nobody gives a fuck about, with infinite amount of bullshit deus-ex-machina as if it was copying DBZ, really necessary to instigate a harem? Relationships between characters? the little character and personality this story has is lost within the absurdity of the protagonist's battles.

Instead of having somewhat amusing interactions, we get nigh impossibly uncreative combat-system which takes a board-game way too fucking literally. I almost felt like I was reading excerpts from Yugioh.
I really don't see any merit for this manga to be on the top 10 here on Batoto....It's just your everyday shounen-ecchi stupid manga, which is okay on its own, but its popularity is almost alarming. It makes me wonder how different is the manga from the LN?

Edit: Hah, just as I sent that comment, Batoto's popular-series' got itself updated, with DxD nowhere to be seen. Touche', Batoto.

1. One of the speculations why God of Bible created Sacred Gears is to give the humans some additional power to combat beings like demons, fallen angels, and other mythological creatures. The exploitation of SG's is something that God did not foresee

2. It's three way war you know. Demon vs Fallen Angels vs Angels, so no, making Angels fall has nothing to do with strenghtening Hell forces (Is there even Hell forces in this series? lol). Besides, falling system is a surefire to deal with traitors and heretics angels.

3. LOL, no that's not how it works. what you stated is only a rule exists in Rating Game. In the real battlefield the pawns could promote anywhere and anytime as long as his/her king allows it.


You want some character progressions and bla bla bla?? Read the freakin LN first.

The following is an exaggerated angry rant for yer entertainment :
This manga was on my list of "It's apparently popular so let's check it out", and I have to say... There's nothing special or interesting about this story..
It's mediocre at best.

I have no idea how the Light-novel fare, but almost nothing in the plot really makes sense.


There are many other stupid crap, but they're bound within shounen-logic. Which is nothing horrible, but the moment said shounen-genre is at the center of the stage with ridiculously childish deus-ex-machina "Oooh I'm Boosting Up with my extremely marketable gauntlet it's out for 29.99$ buy now kids oohhh!!", the point of the entire story loses its focus. Is this an ecchi manga or a power-fantasy shounen manga? It's like this story has no idea if it wants to be DragonBall Z or To Love-Ru. I don't care for a story to have horribly egregious holes in it, but for the very least : decide on what you're selling! Tits or Saturday-morning-cartoon for children.
Really, is the whole  "oh but battles" crap nobody gives a fuck about, with infinite amount of bullshit deus-ex-machina as if it was copying DBZ, really necessary to instigate a harem? Relationships between characters? the little character and personality this story has is lost within the absurdity of the protagonist's battles.

Instead of having somewhat amusing interactions, we get nigh impossibly uncreative combat-system which takes a board-game way too fucking literally. I almost felt like I was reading excerpts from Yugioh.
I really don't see any merit for this manga to be on the top 10 here on Batoto....It's just your everyday shounen-ecchi stupid manga, which is okay on its own, but its popularity is almost alarming. It makes me wonder how different is the manga from the LN?

Edit: Hah, just as I sent that comment, Batoto's popular-series' got itself updated, with DxD nowhere to be seen. Touche', Batoto.

Yeah. Tho season 1 was quite a mess.
But starting from Vol. 6 of the LN (which may be covered the next season) the awesomeness starts to explode quite exponentially. 
And at it's currently translated volume (Vol. 17) you'll just laugh at how weak they were in the current anime. Haha

really cuz i thought season 1 of the anime was fucking awesome the only bad thing is that english dub didn't do the OVAs or the specials.

I have never read the LN mostly cuz i don't have the time or care to do so but both the manga and anime are pretty solid and people do say they both follow the LN pretty closely.

Yeah. Tho season 1 was quite a mess.
But starting from Vol. 6 of the LN (which may be covered the next season) the awesomeness starts to explode quite exponentially. 
And at it's currently translated volume (Vol. 17) you'll just laugh at how weak they were in the current anime. Haha

Honestly. I keep meaning to watch the anime. I just can't bring myself to do so. Probably because I've read the entirety of the LN that's been translated so far.

Haven't read the Manga version at all either.

I have never read the LN mostly cuz i don't have the time or care to do so but both the manga and anime are pretty solid and people do say they both follow the LN pretty closely.

Honestly. I keep meaning to watch the anime. I just can't bring myself to do so. Probably because I've read the entirety of the LN that's been translated so far.

Haven't read the Manga version at all either.



How many volumes of the novel did the anime covered?

they are going to be starting at vol 5 I assume

How many volumes of the novel did the anime covered?

And I can totally understand that. You are entitled to your taste. I'm an Art person too and I love chibi. Just please be mindful about your language and tone next time. One can appreciate all modes of the media differently. That's the point of having different modes.



But on topic, if you want a 'very' similar series, with daresay, 'more' ero content than this, and an accurate visual intepretation then


yeah i read that series tho i was a bit disappointed with the ending I know the LN is suppose to be good but i was a bit disappointed with anime a but it had good animation and dubbing but it didn't follow the manga that much kind of like rosario vampire which lets face it the 2nd season of the anime was fapping material essentially.

well see i didn't see the anime first i got into the manga first and didn't know about it having an anime version til about 2 years ago mainly cuz the slow translating of this manga i ended up drifting to many manga. Now i have recently read some of the LN i still think the anime and manga did a better job but thats cuz im more of a visual type of a person. The reason i perfer anime if done well which this one was because when I can put a voice especially when dub it makes it so that when reading either the manga or LN  I can actually put more emotion into those two especially with the LN which really needs it. but to digress I'm an art person so seeing manga or anime is more appealing to me plus im a sucker for any of the girls when they are in their chibi modes.

And I can totally understand that. You are entitled to your taste. I'm an Art person too and I love chibi. Just please be mindful about your language and tone next time. One can appreciate all modes of the media differently. That's the point of having different modes.



But on topic, if you want a 'very' similar series, with daresay, 'more' ero content than this, and an accurate visual intepretation then


Tbh I never had that issue. Ishibumi is excellent at description. And on the topic of Voice Acting, I have little issue. One of the main reasons I watch certain anime is due to voice acting and animation, even if art and story are a shit spectacle. 

Ignoring your rude remarks, let me get one thing clear, I am ALWAYS happy for an anime or manga that outshines the LN(or any original source equivalent).

TL;DR I don't think the LNs are the supreme thing. What I do think is that the unedited, unaltered source is supreme unless an adaptation can prove that its own style rivals or excels the original it was adapted from. And the DxD anime falls short of this.
For a good example of what I am trying to clarify,

well see i didn't see the anime first i got into the manga first and didn't know about it having an anime version til about 2 years ago mainly cuz the slow translating of this manga i ended up drifting to many manga. Now i have recently read some of the LN i still think the anime and manga did a better job but thats cuz im more of a visual type of a person. The reason i perfer anime if done well which this one was because when I can put a voice especially when dub it makes it so that when reading either the manga or LN  I can actually put more emotion into those two especially with the LN which really needs it. but to digress I'm an art person so seeing manga or anime is more appealing to me plus im a sucker for any of the girls when they are in their chibi modes.

While I agree with you on the LN and the anime, I must admit if there's one thing I enjoy that isn't the LN it's the manga. This is because the things I can't vision myself are given images. Now someone may ask "why not watch the anime?" Because with anime I have to listen to someone who's voice may not sound right for the character

Tbh I never had that issue. Ishibumi is excellent at description. And on the topic of Voice Acting, I have little issue. One of the main reasons I watch certain anime is due to voice acting and animation, even if art and story are a shit spectacle. 

nothing worse than the idiots who think the LN are the supreme thing lol. sorry but i like to see something more than just words I still go with this anime/manga > LN, any day of the week. see with the anime/manga we get emotions, voices, movement that the LN misses a lot. but oh the LN has less ecchi when these idiots fail to realize this manga is pretty boob centric as is the manga gives us steady ones and the anime give us bouncy heaven pillows. knowledge is a very evil power about future things.

Ignoring your rude remarks, let me get one thing clear, I am ALWAYS happy for an anime or manga that outshines the LN(or any original source equivalent).

TL;DR I don't think the LNs are the supreme thing. What I do think is that the unedited, unaltered source is supreme unless an adaptation can prove that its own style rivals or excels the original it was adapted from. And the DxD anime falls short of this.
For a good example of what I am trying to clarify,

Does it mean something when this development feels less rushed than the anime even though it spanned relatively few panels? O_o
I felt it took a more decent time in the LNs but then again, the DxD LNs are special in their writing. One of the few series where the anime adaptation barely manages to cover just a couple volumes and even then has to resort to excessive fan service as selling point.
I've said this time and time again, but the LNs are just divine. I would have condemned this series due to the anime, if not for the LNs. And the only issue I have with the LNs is due to the publishing company and not the author, so I can safely say it is one of my favourites.

While I agree with you on the LN and the anime, I must admit if there's one thing I enjoy that isn't the LN it's the manga. This is because the things I can't vision myself are given images. Now someone may ask "why not watch the anime?" Because with anime I have to listen to someone who's voice may not sound right for the character

Does it mean something when this development feels less rushed than the anime even though it spanned relatively few panels? O_o


I felt it took a more decent time in the LNs but then again, the DxD LNs are special in their writing. One of the few series where the anime adaptation barely manages to cover just a couple volumes and even then has to resort to excessive fan service as selling point.


I've said this time and time again, but the LNs are just divine. I would have condemned this series due to the anime, if not for the LNs. And the only issue I have with the LNs is due to the publishing company and not the author, so I can safely say it is one of my favourites.

actually they are not censored at all i have all the official ones that are out so suck on that :P when its more than 4 chapters a year maybe lol. At this point it doesn't matter really cuz its not like i don't know whats gonna happen since I own both seasons of the anime I know what happens next for quite a while depending on their speed.

I have a feeling several of us know more, myself included, as we have actually spent the time to read the LN. If you haven't and boast you "know what happens for quite a while" then you have a ways to go. Currently, the manga is in volume 3 and I'm not sure about the anime, but I doubt it's gotten past volume four since the first season did only volume one and two

Can't you just be grateful that they're translating it?

Official translations of manga like HS DxD are usually censored.

actually they are not censored at all i have all the official ones that are out so suck on that :P when its more than 4 chapters a year maybe lol. At this point it doesn't matter really cuz its not like i don't know whats gonna happen since I own both seasons of the anime I know what happens next for quite a while depending on their speed.

good to see you again old friend.

Please, someone can give me a summary of what happened in the NL ?

well how much of a summary do you want..from the manga to the end of the anime(not counting season 3, since it's not out yet)? Or all the way through LN volumes o-0.....

who is the loli girl on the cover ?

So are there any chapters after this cause I can't find any one who has any chapters beyond this one, both raw or otherwise

yeah but 4 chapters only this year thats kinda of needing a bit of pick up cuz soon the official one will catch up cuz vol 4 is coming out in late feb then in may for vol 5.so it not like you guys have not enough time just saying becareful before it gets to the point that the official is about to or will surpass you in translate chaps.

Can't you just be grateful that they're translating it?

Official translations of manga like HS DxD are usually censored.

So much people arguing and complaining... =.= Can't y'all just enjoy what you're given? (For free, might I add?)


As one video game once put it: "Be patient with your greed..."

yeah but 4 chapters only this year thats kinda of needing a bit of pick up cuz soon the official one will catch up cuz vol 4 is coming out in late feb then in may for vol 5.so it not like you guys have not enough time just saying becareful before it gets to the point that the official is about to or will surpass you in translate chaps.

Way to show appreciation...


Even if it were to lack behind official translation there's still a lot of people who can either not afford or access them. Also from my personal experience the official translation tends to be worse.

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