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* * * * * (4.67 - 33votes)

Where Do Babies Come From?

Alt Names:
Author: Ichihara Hikari
Artist: Ichihara Hikari
Genres: Comedy ComedyOneshot OneshotSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A one shot about the intricacies of forming human life.
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Author's Twitter.


Probably has a Pixiv as well. 



Judging by his twitter, it looks like he managed to publish a comic recently... I wonder if any group will be willing enough to pick it up...

Actualy its good or weird, how can he know sex but didn't know where baby came from?

Just saw this at E Hentai Galleries days ago...



Oh well... damnit titles... stop fooling me!!!

It's really hard to tell if he really believes her or just making sport of her.

that's what makes this so good :D

He knows about sex but doesn't know where babies come from?

What the heck man....

Author's Twitter.


Probably has a Pixiv as well. 

Well this made me remember, when I was still a brat and mother was pregnant with my sister, I asked my dad why mommy's belly was big. Dad answer there's baby inside mommy's belly. I asked why there's baby inside mommy's belly, and dad says mommy eats babies at night, and tonight I'll be next. I cried and got terrified at my mom for a while.

Dad u shiet.

all the kids in my daughter's class would be shocked to see someone older than them who doesn't know.

You see when a mommy and a daddy loves each other very much they do this special hug and....my mind wandered off

[Well, if you have a rubber on, then you can say, "We're not actually having sex, you know?"]







Bill Clinton's influence is EVERYWHERE!!!

This is good material to teach kids

This guy's still got it.


I would really be OK with a 4-koma or short manga about this stuff, it's hilarious.

They always told me in Catholic elementary that God was always watching us... I just never expected this.

God, the ultimate voyeur, and the best protection.

Aaaand another one for my list of "weird-yet-genius oneshots"

I. Huh?

lol sounds like an actual silly conversation some teenagers would have

This has changed my way of life.

What the actual fuck?

That question.
That title.


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