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* * * * - (4.19 - 147votes)

Tale of Eun Aran

Alt Names: alt 백은아란전
Author: Song Jung-Ook
Artist: Song Eui-Sup
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaFantasy FantasyMartial Arts Martial ArtsSci-fi Sci-fiShounen ShounenSupernatural SupernaturalWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Masters of Murim lives by hiding in plain sight
But mysterious robotic humans have come to hunt them all down.
but then a random plain boy gets caught in middle it and this is his survival story.

Original webcomic: http://www.lezhin.com/comic/aran
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Maybe last new chapter I saw came out on tenth of February IIRC.


this manhawa is confusins as fuck ; the mc seems very op than loses (or may call it a draw) to a godam young kid im srsly confused

i think the only chracters i like in this series are su-jung and the grand master (and he's dead), everyone is either an ass or the most inconsistent character ever.

i mean how many times does Aran needs to be evil?

his first "evil" side feels like a joke, his second one is being dragged for too long. And every character is so flippant when it comes to taking sides.

whats this. i dont even anymore, is he strong? is he weak? is he equally powerful with every secret character boss he fight?


for pete sake its a pc cafe kids with keyboard bullet and mouse mallet, 


you beat tougher elder before, and suddenly you cant beat a hidden elder, and a young kid

He wasn't using his Ki I think during chapter 79, at least not really using it, but from how I see it, he doesn't have the guts to actually use it against people, since it could kill them rather easily, leaving it to his dark side? Strange MC. I don't usually see a strong but weak willed as all heck MC's everyday.

chapter 79: sorry aran rooting against you for this one, hope you get your teeth kicked in. that was a really low blow.

whats this. i dont even anymore, is he strong? is he weak? is he equally powerful with every secret character boss he fight?


for pete sake its a pc cafe kids with keyboard bullet and mouse mallet, 


you beat tougher elder before, and suddenly you cant beat a hidden elder, and a young kid

chapter 79: sorry aran rooting against you for this one, hope you get your teeth kicked in. that was a really low blow.

Aran: "Lure him where? Hey get back here!" 


Mysterious boy: "you've fallen into my trap card!"

Is he actually strong though? Seems weak to me

This has become something else entirely and im loving it so far.

Me too. I mean it's just power showdown :)

This has become something else entirely and im loving it so far.

Honestly, I like this series and the way it's characterized Aran.  I mean, it's not perfect, but I like the fact that on one hand it's let the main character be ridiculously powerful and behave ridiculously...  but on the other hand, it's avoided making him feel like a perfect Mary-Sue wish-fulfillment fantasy like most such series do.


I mean, Aran is, mostly, a horrible person.  He even (and I'm not sure how, but he manages it) he even manages to come off as pretty pathetic at times.  And it's not a matter of him losing some of his power or anything (he still seems to obliterate most people in fights), it's that the comic sort of sometimes takes a step back and says "hey, you know how you fantasized about getting this kind of power out of nowhere?  Well, honestly, the way most people would use it, and their reasons for using it like that, are pretty pathetic, aren't they?"


Like, the old guy in this last chapter isn't taking any of Aran's shit.  He knows Aran wants to beat people up using superpowers, and the comic isn't going to pretend that that's a good or cool thing the way they usually do, but hey, fuck you, he's going to do it anyway.  You want a protagonist with consistent goals?  You want a protagonist with ideals?  Fuck you, you're here to see Aran beat people up and the comic knows it.  What's that?  You wanted him to look cool while beating people up?  You wanted him to accomplish something?  Ha ha ha, it doesn't work that way.  Aran may have superpowers, but he's still an indecisive loser, you can't cure that with a Ki injection.  I think it is actively making fun of us -- it's saying "hey, guess what, you know how you fantasized about things like this?  Well, even if a 500-year-old martial arts master gave you his 500 years of martial arts, you would still suck.  You loser."  It's doing all the stuff that fighting series are supposed to do, but the author has deliberately, aggressively removed everything that could make it cool.


It's like the comic aggressively hates on everything that makes a shonen fighting series work.  It's like a martial arts series written by someone who hates martial arts series and hates you for wanting to enjoy one.  It's the Takeshi's Challenge of fighting comics.  And even if it's objectively terrible, I still think it's awesome that it's doing that.


(No, I don't think it's doing any of this deliberately.  But I still find it amusing and find that I'm enjoying it.  Up until recently I was reading this with the assumption that it would go back on the rails at some point and all the younger kids would join forces and blah blah blah, but it's slowly dawning on me that no, that's not happening, because something about this comic actively hates the genre...  and honestly, this comic's aggressive insistence on going off the rails is much better than the generic thing it would become if it gave us what we wanted.)

Fuck I think I'm liking this aran better and better. Go kill that main family! Advance the plot baby!

i facepalmed at this series already

at this rate, im just waiting for its to end and over miserably or not, i just hate leaving things hanging in mid way


with the exception of cavalier of the abyss (sequel) and fuuka, 

there will always be exception for the two series, 

Aug 06 2015 09:45 AM

Fuck I think I'm liking this aran better and better. Go kill that main family! Advance the plot baby!

is there even any good guy in this series?

this is pretty worthless.  there isn't a character in this story yet who i give a rat's ass about.  nothing but dishonesty and power grubbers.  i thought aran was someone i could enjoy watching develop but he just turns out to be a douche.

Yes, Aran, wildly attack a harmless-looking old man in a martial arts story.  Nothing can possibly go wrong with this plan.

Hi everyone~ I know you've been complaining about the chapters for a while about how Aran is consistently changing his personality. But let me ask all of you this.

If you had a power that had its own will and plans that's consistently trying to take over your body by corrupting your mind and showing you images of what you don't want to see.

What would you of have done in your case? Would you of have controlled it somehow better in your teenage years when hormones are rampaging throughout your body?


I'm sure most of you think Aran's personality shifts are unnecessary but In the scanlators point of view, these personality shifts are required for the story to progress. Remember this is a tale of Aran and how he masters his powers.

There is nothing unreal about what happens to him, in terms of emotions, because there are a lot of unreal things happening outside of that. What people are angry about is a character that leads to a story not being compelling. Watching Aran is cringey, rage inducing. Me, being a simple reader, i don't know what to do with this story, to make it appeal to the entirety of the readers, what i do know, is that i do not like how the story is at this point. I am also sure that there is a way for the story to progress, without the personality ping-pong, but that's for the author to find out/decide . 

Hi everyone~ I know you've been complaining about the chapters for a while about how Aran is consistently changing his personality. But let me ask all of you this.

If you had a power that had its own will and plans that's consistently trying to take over your body by corrupting your mind and showing you images of what you don't want to see.

What would you of have done in your case? Would you of have controlled it somehow better in your teenage years when hormones are rampaging throughout your body?


I'm sure most of you think Aran's personality shifts are unnecessary but In the scanlators point of view, these personality shifts are required for the story to progress. Remember this is a tale of Aran and how he masters his powers.

getting real fucking tired of the personality shifts


this i what, the 3rd, 4th one?


a consistant main character would be nice. each arc he gets a new personality and if i got attached the eun in the first arc i sure as hell am not attached to the 2nd or 3rd coming.

^This Is accurate, and is also the reason I stopped reading this webtoon. I loved his first personality, after he went evil...i just, didn't like how he went/acted about everything......I only came back because I saw that it updated on the front page. I came to the comments to see if he got any better, and I can now see that I'm still not gonna continue reading.



I salute you for your knowledge on this. I have already forgotten 99% of it, and can't even bother to remind it.

"you've been acting different..." 


oh hey, someones finally going to confront aran over his massive shift in personality-


"but i like it"




i feel like im taking crazy pills!


he's gone through so many personality shifts, he's acted like a complete loose cannon, yet everyone keeps trying to use him for their own ends, and yet no one seems to think "this current personality: probably not helping. maybe we should do something about that"



Exactly at the start it made some sense i mean, training to stabilize and use efficiently grand master ki, now i can't make head or tails out of this. What's more i can't even imagine how will this end. The best possible situation is for aran dying alongside the guy who has ki and sides with main family, but there will be probably some kind of stupid plot device which will turn aran from the bad guy to the good guy and everyone will live long and happy.


why on earth they apparantly decided to drop his training after he went on a rampage as a majin is a question for the ages.


like holy shit, he's spending the majority of these recent chapters like 90% majin and no one really seems to find that troubling. the one guy who does is just passively watching and isnt actually concerned about the majin thing itself so much as aran being a raging destructive egotistical sociopathic douchebag. last i remember, majin was supposed to be bad for both branch and main families because its literally when someone turns into a fucking insane, homicidal, rampaging demon.




honestly, i dont like aran past mid season 1, but god damn, i have way more problems with the supporting cast's complete apathy to his issues outside of thinking "we need to kill him" or "lets use him". particularly the latter group because goddamn, you dont "use" something you have no control over. tame the fucking beast beforehand or jump on the 'kill him' train. just...just stop being stupidly optimistic that all this is only going to help you.

For anyone who is still reading this, is Aran still a tool? hows the plot progressing is he still a rampaging?

Ok I decided to read this today when I went looking for a new manga to read.  I thought it started out great but, am I the only person that thinks this manga lost its focus right before the end of season 1?  I keep trying to wrap my head around this story plot but it seems to just change on the authors whim.  I made it to chapter 70 but I don't think I will keep reading after that chapter.

Exactly at the start it made some sense i mean, training to stabilize and use efficiently grand master ki, now i can't make head or tails out of this. What's more i can't even imagine how will this end. The best possible situation is for aran dying alongside the guy who has ki and sides with main family, but there will be probably some kind of stupid plot device which will turn aran from the bad guy to the good guy and everyone will live long and happy.

Ok I decided to read this today when I went looking for a new manga to read.  I thought it started out great but, am I the only person that thinks this manga lost its focus right before the end of season 1?  I keep trying to wrap my head around this story plot but it seems to just change on the authors whim.  I made it to chapter 70 but I don't think I will keep reading after that chapter.

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