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* * * * - (4.35 - 52votes)

The Steam Dragon Express

Alt Names:
Author: Reon Merryweather
Artist: Joakim Waller
Genres: Adventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyShounen Shounen
Type: Other
Status: Ongoing
Description: James C. Wingfield is accidentally, during an archeological excavation in Turkey, sent to another world, filled with dragons, magic, and talking fish.

He meets a young girl by the name Victoria, who is bored with her every day life of magic and fantasy, and wishes to see James world of scientific wonders.

James and Victoria travels on a flying train by the name 'The Steam Dragon Express', searching for a way to get home to James world.

Note : Read from Left to Right
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Yo, everyone who is in chapter three and four can go to http://tapastic.com/series/The-Steam-Dragon-Express and pls support the artist and author there thx ;D

Hey you, yeah you. Thank you. :)

Yo, everyone who is in chapter three and four can go to http://tapastic.com/series/The-Steam-Dragon-Express and pls support the artist and author there thx ;D

Nov 19 2014 11:33 AM

Yes, yes it is.

is this a reupload?

I feel like the protagonist is a little bit ( very )contrived. Why is he from Harvard and a genius again? How does it help the story? For that matter, why is a genius touching random objects??


I can believe the fantasy world, who cares, fantasy worlds don't NEED to make sense, that's why it's not Sci-Fi (imo, although a train without magic is kinda strange anyway)... but he accepts the situation way too readily. It feels like the plot is being pushed that way (which it is, tbh..).


Maybe because of a little fact like Magic being nonexistent on Earth? In all of human history, we've yet to succeed in creating a person that can shoot fireballs out of his ass through magic sadly. Therefore, he is not to blame for being unaware that such a sword were magical. I would've done the same thing as he did too, going ooh cool swordie! wha! And if magic were commonplace, he would've brought along some kind of detector. :P

I feel like the protagonist is a little bit ( very )contrived. Why is he from Harvard and a genius again? How does it help the story? For that matter, why is a genius touching random objects??


I can believe the fantasy world, who cares, fantasy worlds don't NEED to make sense, that's why it's not Sci-Fi (imo, although a train without magic is kinda strange anyway)... but he accepts the situation way too readily. It feels like the plot is being pushed that way (which it is, tbh..).

hes not a genius - he worked his ass off studying to get to that point. and yea, as the other dude said its to build a backstory. with the background info, him being hyper-logical isnt as odd as it would be without that background.

as to him touching random shit. Archeology isnt something in which there is much danger from the objects you are handling. the first thing he touched was a glowing gemstone buried under a bunch of rocks - he wasnt going to damage it more than had already been done by picking it up.

as to the sword, it had the same glow as the gemstone, so as he stated he was banking on it also doing something, though he'd have no reason to expect it to transport him to a different world.

as to safety concerns - people usually dont go to the trouble of making a trap, and then making the trigger reaaaally obvious and glowing.

I feel like the protagonist is a little bit ( very )contrived. Why is he from Harvard and a genius again? How does it help the story? For that matter, why is a genius touching random objects??


I can believe the fantasy world, who cares, fantasy worlds don't NEED to make sense, that's why it's not Sci-Fi (imo, although a train without magic is kinda strange anyway)... but he accepts the situation way too readily. It feels like the plot is being pushed that way (which it is, tbh..).

It's to define the character, so the mc have a backstory and to make easy for us to understand why he's so logical.

He has a cool head and is intelligent. The manga makes sense because of that.

Cool !! It's very rare to see "Other" type.

I feel like the protagonist is a little bit ( very )contrived. Why is he from Harvard and a genius again? How does it help the story? For that matter, why is a genius touching random objects??


I can believe the fantasy world, who cares, fantasy worlds don't NEED to make sense, that's why it's not Sci-Fi (imo, although a train without magic is kinda strange anyway)... but he accepts the situation way too readily. It feels like the plot is being pushed that way (which it is, tbh..).

What happened to the second chapter?

I thought this had more chapters? And it seems one was only just added back in? Did I miss some sort of purging while I wasn't looking?

James and Victoria! <3 Knowledge is power but can also be death. Anyways, it felt like I needed to be under the influence of some kind of drug as to what happened in the recent chapter. I guess I need to read more chapters to get used to the fast-paced fantasy.

Well those wizards in the balloon should have paid attention during the first lesson in the College of Winterhold.

They would have done better to have been Master Level in Enchanting, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Illusion, and Alteration before even bothering with that group of nobodies!

What? The Nerevarine and Sheogorath both said it, so it can't be wrong right?

Well those wizards in the balloon should have paid attention during the first lesson in the College of Winterhold.

Followed. Potential.

I totally didn't expect this to be a real series when I saw the poster for it in Magnolia Online.

Please make him meet a Queen, please make this a harem a series, PLEASE MAKE HIM AWESOME.

Not questioning your liking for him but..... Why do you want something to become harem? We have enough of those already. He can be awesome without a harem. Rejecting girls the instant they fall for you and forcing them to chase after others is also part of the quota for being awesome. XD But that's just me saying cause I feel we don't have enough shounen/seinen series where an MC actively turns down girls without being a douche or indecisive lunk about it. Whenever a harem MC does it, I freaking celebrate. Still, this series is young. It has potential.

Finally a new chapter~

Please make him meet a Queen, please make this a harem a series, PLEASE MAKE HIM AWESOME.


This is definitely my favorite kind of story, but damn if I am not dying for more now...


Reeooon plss

soooo???? you cant leave me hanging like this after reading that!! please translate more! pretty please? i beg you!

Note : Read from left to Right

... Well sheeit, no wonder I'm so confused...

Oh I wondered why there was another release of Crimson game, There we go a new serie from this author.


Edit: A weird chick and a nerd...


I'm in !

It's rare to see such names on the artist's and author's section... Haven't read the thing yet but here's to a good story.


You should read this (not saying it's a super credible source but it does give a bit of insight into how dig sites work) http://www.cracked.com/article_20795_6-things-movies-dont-show-you-about-being-archeologist.html


"Yes, we're careful. Yes, we're slow and exacting. Yes, we have tiny brushes and giant hats. But don't be fooled: When we arrive at a dig, we're there to fuck shit up, scientifically. Archaeology is fundamentally destructive. We destroy most of what we work on, because that's the only way to catalog and study it."


That cracked me up XD

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