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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * - - (3.22 - 83votes)


Alt Names: alt 血族王冠
Author: Guang Zai
Artist: Guang Zai
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHorror Horror
Type: Manhua (Chinese)
Status: Ongoing
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Even though this shit has been on the front page for nearly a year now, they still haven't even added a description to it.

And as of now, hasn't updated in over half-a-year, as has all but one of the items they have posted with it.

"The Book of NOD" that settles it. This author is definitely a Vampire the Masquerade player.

Definitely. I just came to read because the title is related to VtM

Even though this shit has been on the front page for nearly a year now, they still haven't even added a description to it.

I can't do it, but you can, so you have to do it while I do nothing while watching and preaching!

The horrible fonts and the poor typesetting style make it worse!

is this dead or what

My name is Inigo Montoya Rey Constantine.
You killed my father are not Shylock
Prepare to die

Lol. Princess Bride
i stopped after a quick glance at the first page

This is pretty bad, the story is completely bland, characters aren't interesting either, dropping it now.



I like this series, straight to the power fantasy and cat fight.

Something tell me, i having a veryyy long flashback from old "Sorcery!"

Why does this series in particular keep redirecting me to CSGO sites?  Is it because it is licensed by batoto?

batoto exclusive hmm?

Ok, the pages are definitely out of order. This is literally licensed trash.

sorry I really tried to enjoy this but its all over place and half the shots of the fights are not understandable or mk sense (imo) nice art style thou

For a chineese self published, this is amazingly well made in terms of art. The story - it feels like i have seen it already for some reason.

I don't know if it's the translator, but a lot of this shit makes no sense... I also hate how panels just randomly change scenes.

Yep, same thing here, might have been interesting but ...

I don't know if it's the translator, but a lot of this shit makes no sense... I also hate how panels just randomly change scenes.

"The Book of NOD" that settles it. This author is definitely a Vampire the Masquerade player.

There's so much hate and arguing over details in story yet no description......I'm going ignore most of these comments and read the story and hope one day someone good at descriptions makes one instead of arguing in the comments.

it's too soon for that, what we have is a vampire hunter, a vampire that walks in the daylight, and a unicorn(probably). And they are just walking around while one of them is yet to share why are they doing that.

There's so much hate and arguing over details in story yet no description......I'm going ignore most of these comments and read the story and hope one day someone good at descriptions makes one instead of arguing in the comments.

Theres not much else to do when theres so little story to talk about. Its still better than the mindless praising some stories get every chapter.

There's so much hate and arguing over details in story yet no description......I'm going ignore most of these comments and read the story and hope one day someone good at descriptions makes one instead of arguing in the comments.
I'm following just because the vampire chick has a nice rack n_n

My name is Inigo Montoya Rey Constantine.

You killed my father are not Shylock

Prepare to die

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