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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.24 - 37votes)


Alt Names: alt のぞえもん
Author: Fujisaki Hikari
Artist: Fujisaki Hikari
Genres: [no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: ===========BATOTO STAFF NOTICE=====
This comic is not appropriate for Batoto due to Lolicon content. Do not upload.

======BATOTO NOTICE END==========
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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Shows we can't have good things nowadays, this was cancelled for being too explicit -_-

Aww yeaaaa, another loli joins the fray.

So I take it he's going to wind up with both Asuka and his future 'daughters'... or maybe just the daughters, lol!


While Shidaya, Shibukawa and Shibutani are legit surnames but Shibuya is actually the most common ones, as such, we should instead see furigana for reading other than "Shibuya". And Shibue has a different second kanji, while Shibudani isn't a proper word. However, we are talking about a Seinen manga here, they don't include furigana unless certain kanji has a different reading from the original, which is why I pointed this "mistake" out. But whatever the answer may be, I already stated that it doesn't matter anymore (since this series is probably cancelled)
I'm up for debate if anyone can prove me wrong though, no offense. :)
P.S: I've no idea why you gave that link though lol.


I picked Shibutani because Shibutani Asuka kinda rhymth with Nibutani Shinka

Also Nibutani's kanji's common reading isn't Nibutani, so while it maybe logical to stick to common reading for unknown name, but I'd say screw it if it's a manga/anime's character name. The link I provided is to prove that.

can you give source where it says the 渋谷 in her name is Shibuya ?

this manga doesn't have furigana nor character info page, and 渋谷 can be read as Shidaya, Shibue, Shibukawa, Shibudani as well, they're all legit surnames

unless the reading is given, kanji can even be read as english


While Shidaya, Shibukawa and Shibutani are legit surnames but Shibuya is actually the most common ones, as such, we should instead see furigana for reading other than "Shibuya". And Shibue has a different second kanji, while Shibudani isn't a proper word. However, we are talking about a Seinen manga here, they don't include furigana unless certain kanji has a different reading from the original, which is why I pointed this "mistake" out. But whatever the answer may be, I already stated that it doesn't matter anymore (since this series is probably cancelled)
I'm up for debate if anyone can prove me wrong though, no offense. :)
P.S: I've no idea why you gave that link though lol.

While I agreed that Doraemon is a cultural treasure but this isn't intended for younger audiences, and saying "random guy (or girl)" is an understatement since writing and drawing Manga is no easy tasks. Even though the freedom of expression has relaxed over the years since the early 90's but publishers are generally still very strict about their released contents. Thus you see a lot of innovative ideas to bypass censorship law (etc tentacles for the male genital), however, Nozoemon has crossed the line...


Personally, I feel that Fujisaki Hikari has the talent but she (Hikari is used for females only, unless it is Hikaru) committed the grave mistake by including young child in a sexual way, otherwise a very funny story, in my humble opinion. No offense. :)


Edit: The childhood friend of the male protagonist is named Shibuya and not Shibutani, guess it doesn't matter anymore, just saying.

can you give source where it says the 渋谷 in her name is Shibuya ?

this manga doesn't have furigana nor character info page, and 渋谷 can be read as Shidaya, Shibue, Shibukawa, Shibudani as well, they're all legit surnames

unless the reading is given, kanji can even be read as english


This manga is riot. XD

I can understand why this got axed i guess. Doraemon is like a cultural treasure in japan , and now some random guy(or girl) is trying to make a semi porn parody out of it.

While I agreed that Doraemon is a cultural treasure but this isn't intended for younger audiences, and saying "random guy (or girl)" is an understatement since writing and drawing Manga is no easy tasks. Even though the freedom of expression has relaxed over the years since the early 90's but publishers are generally still very strict about their released contents. Thus you see a lot of innovative ideas to bypass censorship law (etc tentacles for the male genital), however, Nozoemon has crossed the line...


Personally, I feel that Fujisaki Hikari has the talent but she (Hikari is used for females only, unless it is Hikaru) committed the grave mistake by including young child in a sexual way, otherwise a very funny story, in my humble opinion. No offense. :)


Edit: The childhood friend of the male protagonist is named Shibuya and not Shibutani, guess it doesn't matter anymore, just saying.

I feel Yuria 100 Shiki development.


Why is this even allowed? It's child pornography at its finest.

Except it isn't it is a drawing. That's like saying why is killing someone in a videogame allowed? It's murder at its finest.

i 'm surprised at how this kind of manga was able to get serialized in first place with copyright and child pornography......

1. Parody and references are not copyrighted. That's why you can see JoJo, Hokuto no Ken and so on parodied/lampshaded/referenced in so many series.


2. Pictures are not child pornography.


However, that doesn't mean that you can't be sued for doing parodies or lewd content of this nature. And unfortunately mangaka who are just starting or aren't well known don't have much money or backing of publishers, so when someone complains they have to comply.


My pedo sense saw a loli anal ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



My pedo sense saw a loli anal ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Since this was cancelled any chance another magazine will pick it up?

Maybe, like Aiko no Maa-chan





Good heavens,look at the time! I'm almost late to butcher my childhood memories, again!

lol after reading this i suddenly remember how i would imagine how i would use doraemon's gadget and there was definitely a phase where i think of using it for pervy stuff, tbh like nobita sometimes.

Loli content has been a part of japanese media for an eternity, stop holding it up against your non-japanese moral standards.

Daily reminder. 'sides, if you people don't like lolis, just don't even bother opening and reading only to bash it.

Loli content has been a part of japanese media for an eternity, stop holding it up against your non-japanese moral standards.

What did I just read...? Better yet, why did I read *all* of it? X_x I feel like the FBI is camping outside my house.


Oh, and Elin Thighs...

Why is this even allowed? It's child pornography at its finest.

-_-. I don't consider this CP. It's a drawing. It doesn't abuse, or take advantage of real people. I admit its close to adult content but I can't all anything anime drawn as cp because its fiction and not real.  


Batoto just needs to have a separate webpage to host the seinen/mature titles and restricted to those who are 18 or above. That way people can stop bitching about stuff and stop allowing moral social justice warriors to rage about. It's drawings.....anime...I think people get offended of too many things. 


I'm only mad because other series which were a mature comedy, or a good romance but it was smut. The two series were Aiki, Momoiro Sango and a few others got taken down from batoto, so I was pretty mad. I admit nozoemon is extreme for the all ages reader site, but at least give us an alternate section for the mature stuff!!

i 'm surprised at how this kind of manga was able to get serialized in first place with copyright and child pornography......

Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Moralfags I choose you...!

i 'm surprised at how this kind of manga was able to get serialized in first place with copyright and child pornography......

Guess I'll ride this one out til it dies.

Why is this even allowed? It's child pornography at its finest.

Well, in any case, this series gets...



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