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Naruto Akiden (Reboot Doujinshi)

Alt Names: alt Naruto Autumn Legend
Author: Link2Time
Artist: Link2Time
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDoujinshi DoujinshiDrama DramaShounen Shounen
Type: Other
Status: Ongoing
Description: Naruto Akiden (NARUTO 秋伝, Naruto Autumn Legend) is a doujinshi (self published narrative) rebooting the iconic original series. The entire Naruto-verse has been deconstructed and rebuilt to feature all new stories, personalities, mechanics, history, and abilities. Almost everything is altered in some way to give the reader a fresh, yet familiar, feeling.
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4, The rights to manga are owned by the author and not the publisher; this is a stark contract to the US where Marvel and DC contractually own the characters/comics rather than the creators.  This makes it hard for a single person to find every illegal profiteer of their works.

Man, you'd be surprised at how long Akamatsu Ken fought to get it that way.

Viz Media is likely requesting that Patreon be shut down as you read this comment. Many other Patreons featuring Japanese copyrighted IP--Mario fan-games, to name one--have all been nuked, and I would be surprised if this one is left to stand, especially if it starts to receive large funding.


As for copyright in the West: Viz Media control the western copyright, and they will take this down. Have a look on Google for all the take-down requests they've issued for translated manga: they don't let this stuff slide.

Copyright and fan work for japanese properties isn't treated same way as it is in the west. They even have entire markets for selling doujinshi that are huge and have been on for years. It's not like he's making you pay to read this. It will always be free to read.


Authors and publishers let comiket go on because it is in their best interest. 

1. The fan doujinshis provide an outlet for fans to create stories which will garner interest by other fans that can lead to more sales of the source material while only selling a small amount of prints. 

2. This is a tradition that if interrupted, could lead to a backlash by fans.

3. Many authors started out doing the same thing, making doujinshi for comiket and some still do even after making it big.

4, The rights to manga are owned by the author and not the publisher; this is a stark contract to the US where Marvel and DC contractually own the characters/comics rather than the creators.  This makes it hard for a single person to find every illegal profiteer of their works.

5. Japan is not the same as the West.  Japan is a lot more loyal and buys printed books more per capita than the west so publishers are not hurt by fan fiction comics while the West has taken the approach of barring a lot of fan fiction so its hard to tell if they would be impacted by it.

6. It is illegal to profit off doujinshis; the only difference between comiket and this guy, comiket doesn't earn a profit, they are only recouping expenses via sales of a small distribution while this guy is making it his career.


In summation: this guy is a thieving scrub.

Here's the author's FAQ for the series if you have any questions:



"Professionally made"? With lazy ass sketches as the final product? Heck even amateur doujinshi artists put a lot more effort than this.

And I found out that this is an independent doujinshi made by some guy in patreon without license to the original naruto but claiming of "rebooting" the series and making money out of it. What.the.fuck.


This doujinshi is his full time job, he used pencil for the first chapter due to time constraints and limited financial support. These are not "lazy ass sketches". Starting from chapter 2 the author has been able to obtain inking supplies.


Copyright and fan work for japanese properties isn't treated same way as it is in the west. They even have entire markets for selling doujinshi that are huge and have been on for years. It's not like he's making you pay to read this. It will always be free to read.

Maybe this will have a better ending than Naruto.
Edit: Nevermind. The author of this said Sasuke was a good character. Hahahahaha. No.

Man, here I was thinking that I was going to follow this.

it's trash.

"Professionally made"? With lazy ass sketches as the final product? Heck even amateur doujinshi artists put a lot more effort than this.

And I found out that this is an independent doujinshi made by some guy in patreon without license to the original naruto but claiming of "rebooting" the series and making money out of it. What.the.fuck.

As long as Hinata wins again...

Maybe this will have a better ending than Naruto.


Edit: Nevermind. The author of this said Sasuke was a good character. Hahahahaha. No.

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