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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.75 - 28votes)

Komori Quintet!

Alt Names: alt こもりクインテットalt Komori Quintetto!
Author: Sugii Hikaru
Artist: Tiv
Genres: Comedy ComedyMusic MusicSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In order to follow her dreams and be like her mom, Chika sought out her mom’s high school to join the Folk Music Club. However, when she entered the school, the club that her mother made famous no longer existed. Depressed and at a loss for what to do, Chika eventually meets Tenko who wishes to create a band and believes Chika to be the answer. Chika is excited to be able to play in a rock band but... why are the other members all holding string instruments?

sequel to Sayonara Piano Sonata
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Even though Sugi Hikaru's name was there, I refuse to believe he took part on making the story, he's not suited on making this kind of fluffy SoL. It's more like Tiv borrowed his world and make sequel by consulting the setting to Sugi Hikaru.

Yes indeed, Koyori is a very efective mass destruction weapon....

I'm going to have diabetes if I keep reading this.

lol that power of science.

i can imagine this get animated (*stare at K-ON*)

You mean non-animated?

This is some cute shit. FOLLLOWED!

i can imagine this get animated (*stare at K-ON*)

Volume 1 GET! I just love Tiv's art style, and the story/characters are fun too.


Just me or their practice place is the same as feketerigo practice place?

Here I thought the mothers dislike for rock was because she either A) wanted to be in a rock band but wasn't allowed, or B) Was in one but forced to quit. or C) Held a massive rivalry at school with Chika's mother and was still bitter she was upstaged by the drummer. I was leaning towards C, how wrong I was.

thought so, when I saw feketerigo.

How I imagined page 32 of chapter 5:


Notably in this one, the Chika's mother's band to SPS (Mafuyu and co end up naming their band Feketerigo after the Beatle's Blackbird becomes a recurring theme) => http://cetranslation.blogspot.com/2012/02/piano-v2-chapter-4-feketerigo.html

Same author.

Chika's surname is the same as Chiaki's, who was originally part of Kagurazaka's Folk Music Club and Feketerigo's drummer, so they're probably one and the same

Volume 1 of the manga will be released next week FYI.



There are quite a few potential call outs to other music series.


Notably in this one, the Chika's mother's band to SPS (Mafuyu and co end up naming their band Feketerigo after the Beatle's Blackbird becomes a recurring theme) => http://cetranslation.blogspot.com/2012/02/piano-v2-chapter-4-feketerigo.html

This needs an anime.
Then again, it kinda does resemble K-ON a lot:

Obviously the other part grew instead of Koyori's height.

I wondered how that could sound like

damn, pretty cute <3 I kinda wish they had consulted MC's mother though.

I almost wish she joined that democracy music club... It would have made an awesome story. XD

Another K-ON like manga. Just like Kaidan Tochuu no Big Nose.


But, this time,Tiv do the drawing :batoto_022:

Too cute!  The art is great and that's an interesting story line.  Does that little girl always wear donkey ears?

Donkey-chan is were it's at. Followed~

I meant it in a very loose sense, that I'm sure many would look at it and make the comparison.


It's similar to K-ON! But only because they're part of a music group. I think that it's still early to writte a review of this manga. But I have high hopes for it.

What I like, is the fact that the MC has previous knowledge of music. 


PS: If you like Tiv's art, check out the other series she illustrates: Masamune-kun no Revenge

I like the artwork, good nice classical and homie feeling, I follow this to the end!


Also as a Musician I like how they show the cello as a common instrument, and not as a weird and unique big violin lol

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