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* * * * - (4.05 - 22votes)

Inochi Mijikashi, Koi seyo Furyou Shounen!

Alt Names: alt 命みじかし、恋せよ不良少年!alt Inochi Mijikashi, Koise yo Furyou Shounen!alt Inochi Mijikashi, Koiseyo Furyou Shounen!alt Life Is Short, Delinquent Youngster, Love!
Author: Nijino Yuka
Artist: Nijino Yuka
Genres: Romance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: If you don't date her, you'll die! That the prediction made to that delinquent boy. but what will be his destiny...?
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Axe is strong with this one.

I'm guessing "where is your place" is probably a way of saying "what are your circumstances", i.e. "what were your reasons for saying that in the first place".

In any case, that was some Saw-level logic going on with that curse. "You were wasting your youth, so the universe will try to kill you until you can sufficiently bond with others. What's that? All of these near-death experiences are driving you further into isolation, and are actively making other people distance themselves from you out of fear? Moreover, isn't a random premature death for literally no reason the biggest waste of youth imaginable? That sounds like the kind of thing a youth-waster would say! Here comes another truck!"

Last two chapters have been translated recently by Shoujo Sense, which can be found on their site :)

Anyone know what happened to this? Did it get dropped? Cause i can't even find any raws.

it has total of 7 chapters+oneshot

Anyone know what happened to this? Did it get dropped? Cause i can't even find any raws.

I love the story!!!!! So MUCH!!!!!!!!

Well, I do think the translator, while their Japanese may be good, must be a bit shaky in their English usage.  I suspect it looks worse to some of us because the translation also feels outside of certain, I dunno, conventions that have grown up in manga translation.  Like, right at the beginning we get something translated as "little rascal" which I suspect we normally see as "delinquent".  From a literal perspective it may not be wrong, but it feels weird to a long time manga reader and in terms of English usage it probably doesn't convey what's being got at as well as "delinquent" does (there's a reason it got to be the conventional manga translation).

I like the art, but the manga is soooo cheesy XD


Still following though..

Ty for the update!

. . . I have seen way worse translations, this one is perfectly fine, you can read it so stop complaining.
If your that angry about it why dont you try translating!

I didn't think the proofreading was bad enough to merit all of these comments, since you get the gist of it. Somehow, I get the feeling that this was translated into English right from French (or some other language, maybe Turkish), or by a French speaker because I caught some phrases that would sound normal in French but odd in English just from the first chapter.

I read the first three chapters and I strongly believe the the translation was worth at least twice what I paid!  Oh, we're getting it for free?  Then, stop complaining!

Then you must enjoy getting ripped off...


I agree with the whiners whining about something they're getting for free part, but I wouldn't pay squat for this translation. It's just bad and the proofreader must have been blind when they went over this.

I wonder how they met... Kind of fast paced btw

I read the first three chapters and I strongly believe the the translation was worth at least twice what I paid!  Oh, we're getting it for free?  Then, stop complaining!

I hate to sound rude, and disrespect the amount of effort that the scanlators put into their work, but i couldn't read this. The broken English really just makes this impossible to tolerate. When its just a few errors its fine, but this is like they just put it into google translate and copy pasted the words without over reading them. Again, sorry for the rudeness, but this work is sloppy.



it's a one volume story?
everything is happening so fast

One of the few Shoujo I like. And this story is nothing like your average Shoujo manga. (Except for the art, but that can't be helped)


Thanks Chibi Manga!

There really aren't too many spelling or grammar errors. You make it sound like it was all written like "I scared. My life dangerous. She is their." I caught only a handful of mistakes, and they were all pretty minor.

Uhhh, I hate to sound demanding, and I don't aim to offend, but... the proofreader needs to up their game. I stopped reading this about ten pages in because I couldn't get past the broken English. Sorry. :/

Everything else looked good. Otherwise a high quality release.

Yay! Male protagonist in a shoujo manga! :D

OK.. Wait, what??!... <3

Pretty funny, waiting for more!

Chibi Manga always has a good varieties of Shoujo mangas! And it's updated by one of my favorite contributor KidCongo! Thank you so much!!

excellent! i want more!

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