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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.2 - 10votes)

Grandma Mameng

Alt Names: alt Lola Mameng
Author: Kong
Artist: Kong
Genres: Comedy Comedy
Type: Other
Status: Complete
Description: A battle between a helpless-looking (but badass) grandma and two millenials.
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Knew it would be a badass grandma after seeing the title 'Tis might get guuud

As a member of the elderly part of the population, I found this to be absolutely hilarious!
And since my own sister is a grandmother, I can attest to the fierce nature of grannies!!!
~Pervy's sister walks up and says, "WHO are you calling FIERCE, you worthless idiot!?"  *Whack!* Ol' Pervy suddenly feels the need to enter a state of unconsciousness.~

You sir, are by far one of the most relatable people here & a inspiration to us all.



As a member of the elderly part of the population, I found this to be absolutely hilarious!


And since my own sister is a grandmother, I can attest to the fierce nature of grannies!!!


~Pervy's sister walks up and says, "WHO are you calling FIERCE, you worthless idiot!?"  *Whack!* Ol' Pervy suddenly feels the need to enter a state of unconsciousness.~

Whoever draw this Sh*t, I suggest you find a different story to draw because the story is stupid, nonsensical and downright offensive (I enjoy being a comfort women?!) 


And please don't generalize that only pinoys can relate to the joke because they don't. It's not funny.


Of all the things on this website to get mad about this is your line in the sand? lol rape, incest, lollis, massive amounts of misogyny in every other manga.  Is this literally the first you've ever looked at?

Whoever draw this Sh*t, I suggest you find a different story to draw because the story is stupid, nonsensical and downright offensive (I enjoy being a comfort women?!) 


And please don't generalize that only pinoys can relate to the joke because they don't. It's not funny.


Why the anger? its not that bad, why do you need to be super offended?

Whoever draw this Sh*t, I suggest you find a different story to draw because the story is stupid, nonsensical and downright offensive (I enjoy being a comfort women?!) 


And please don't generalize that only pinoys can relate to the joke because they don't. It's not funny.


That's Hotdog Prince cane, isn't it?

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