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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.69 - 105votes)

Gokiburi Buster

Alt Names: alt ゴキブリバスターalt Cockroach Busteralt Destructores de Cucarachas
Author: One
Artist: Murata Yuusuke
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyOneshot Oneshot
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Humans may be considered at the top of the food chain, but when people are in the presence of cockroaches, they cower in fear. Who can they turn to when faced with these insects? The Gokiburi Busters, who have yet to fail to eliminate a threat!
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Roaches are really dumb. Almost every time I've killed one, it was because it ran right under my foot as I walked.
That was before I decided to stop killing insects. Now, whenever I see a roach, I mind my stepping, so I don't accidentally crush one due to its own stupidity.
I fucking hate roaches. The hell's wrong with them? If I saw a gigantic creature walking towards me, I could run in many possible directions, but definitely not towards it.


The damn evil things run at you because they know the fear and dread that most humans have for them. And the few humans who, like you, manage to conquer their fear and crush them underfoot, will become targets for revenge by their 800 billion relatives and children! You will then have to live the rest of your life in fear of their vicious and sadistic reprisal.


I weigh about 200 pounds and many years ago, I stepped on a roach trying to kill it. The blasted creature crawled away with its guts oozing out of its body and I swear that as it was leaving, it turned around and held up a leg as if to give me the finger before it disappeared to report to its brethren about me.



This is like HoiHoi-san on steroids!

Roaches are really dumb. Almost every time I've killed one, it was because it ran right under my foot as I walked.
That was before I decided to stop killing insects. Now, whenever I see a roach, I mind my stepping, so I don't accidentally crush one due to its own stupidity.
I fucking hate roaches. The hell's wrong with them? If I saw a gigantic creature walking towards me, I could run in many possible directions, but definitely not towards it.

And with that, we see four trained professionals got killed by a roach.


Seriously, that kid.

Never underestimate cockroaches, they tend to strike when you least expect it. I still remember the time when I was half asleep and a cockroach fell from the ceiling and landed on my face, I crushed it without a second thought. Little did I know, its brethren was plotting revenge ever since. One time,at night, on the same bed, a cockroach crawled into my ear...

oh my god. I think you might be lucky, because... [story not for the squeamish]


This would be even more hilarious if it turned out that "One Shoe Boy" grew up to become "One Punch Man."

Sadly he's not(Saitama had black hair as a kid, he also went to the same high school as Licenseless Rider) but he could be a young Genos

Never underestimate cockroaches, they tend to strike when you least expect it. I still remember the time when I was half asleep and a cockroach fell from the ceiling and landed on my face, I crushed it without a second thought. Little did I know, its brethren was plotting revenge ever since. One time,at night, on the same bed, a cockroach crawled into my ear...

there's one on my leg right now...

I...I don't even...

I was half asleep when one crawled up my back.... I slapped it, immediately recognized the general shape of whatever it was I just squashed on my back/in my hand. I proceeded to freak out and I threw the cockroach corpse across the room.  I did not sleep.

Now I cant sleep...

Kid too op. Must be Saitama's disciple.

The protagonist kinda looks like Leorio from HunterxHunter and Vash from Trigun.

Never underestimate cockroaches, they tend to strike when you least expect it. I still remember the time when I was half asleep and a cockroach fell from the ceiling and landed on my face, I crushed it without a second thought. Little did I know, its brethren was plotting revenge ever since. One time,at night, on the same bed, a cockroach crawled into my ear...

This would be even more hilarious if it turned out that "One Shoe Boy" grew up to become "One Punch Man."

    • Ada likes this

I was half asleep when one crawled up my back.... I slapped it, immediately recognized the general shape of whatever it was I just squashed on my back/in my hand. I proceeded to freak out and I threw the cockroach corpse across the room.  I did not sleep.

The boy is a HEEEROOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!, this has to continue is one of the best wtf oneshot I've seen omg

I have a nasty scar between my eyes from the time i was attacked by a cockroach when i was 6.

I still remember that day, the fear is undying, like my eternal scar.

That's no child. It must be kami-sama.


is this quote from monster squad?



Because I enjoy this very much

This reminds me of a line from an old horror movie, [on how to kill werewolves], "Silver bullets or fire, that's the only way to get rid of the damn things. They're worse than cock-a-roaches."

Once you experience the feeling of a 2" cockroach scurring across the top of your bare foot, you start to relate to this manga.
Is that girl on the swimsuit the same as the one in one punch man? She appeared near the start of the merman invasion I think.
Such was the beginning of Terra Formars.

U are all fools. Underestimating roaches will be the death of u. All of u.


Its too late for me. I've already read Gokicha and will never be able to swat roaches with the same speed and certainty that I did before. Those of you who haven't read it, save yourselves. 

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