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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.62 - 77votes)

Yuri Mekuru Hibi

Alt Names: alt ゆりめくる日々
Author: Umitsuki Reona
Artist: Umitsuki Reona
Genres: Comedy ComedySchool Life School LifeShoujo Ai Shoujo AiShounen ShounenYuri Yuri
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A chance meeting blossomed to love between two girls.
But it’s quite a peculiar couple: Sayuri is ordinary in every way, while her love interest, Yoriko, is a refined lady who seems to be completely lacking in common sense. Graceful attraction between two very different personalities, a sweet and slightly dazzling love story.

Side Story:

> Yuri Mekuru Oshigoto
( http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/yuri-mekuru-oshigoto-r20337 )
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Is this even still on-going?

I am wondering the same thing.....

Is this even still on-going?

my yuri antenna and my feelings told me if i'm already read this manga a long time ago...but i don't have any memories to ever read it...darn it..time to re-read it again from a beginning...T^T

Oh god I missed this derpy but sweet yuri comedy.


Or is it sweet, but derpy?

Deep, but swerty?


Yes, this manga is still alive!!!


I missed the wtf cute moments.

this is the greatest healing manga of all time


it soothes my heart

Oh god I missed this derpy but sweet yuri comedy.


Or is it sweet, but derpy?

I haven't read this for a long time and I think I missed the update earlier this year. As a result, I only have some vague memories of this series...

Never mind, I'll just read this from the first chapter again. At least it's fun and short.

She brought all those leeks, but the only thing she shoved them into was the rice porridge, huh. 

Never catch a cold? :D


Yeah, no surprise there.

Never catch a cold? :D


Way less yuri (if any) than expected but I dig the comedy. 


I have no clue as to what category this particular carry (or any of the carries in this series for that matter) falls under, but something tells me it also has a negative recovery effect.

Probably also decreases the sanity meter.

This is amazing.  Just . . .  don't read this when you're in a giggly mood.  The people you live with will think you're going crazy.



Because Tsundere, Childhood friend or big-breasted drunk/klutz just wouldn't have worked in this setting...

got a problem with better plot girls lol

Once again, we see that girls vomit sparkles and rainbows, rather than the contents of their last meal. Or maybe that was what became of their last meal? What kind of digestive system...oh whatever.


Great chapter as always. Never fails to make me laugh, what with all the charisma breaks outlined by sparkles and flowers.

This soothes my soul \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/

why are they so scared of guys???

Because Tsundere, Childhood friend or big-breasted drunk/klutz just wouldn't have worked in this setting...

Wow, she's Millia Rage.

This is painful.

It's amazing.

Better than Sakura Trick any day of the week imo.


Damn it's been a while though. Thanks Yuri Project, for bringing me more of the purest form of love.


why are they so scared of guys???


Because it's funny.

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