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* * * * - (4.42 - 12votes)

Young, Alive, In Love

Alt Names:
Author: Nishijima Daisuke
Artist: Nishijima Daisuke
Genres: Romance RomanceSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The setting is the end of the world and Japan is contaminated with nuclear radiation. This is a story of hope and true love during uncertain times.
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I don't actually have a strong stance on the subject of nuclear power, but, a couple of devil's advocate points...


Really, the majority of the criticism for the event should be focused on the poor handling of the situation by both the Japanese government and the owner of the nuclear power plant, rather than on the entire concept of using nuclear electricity


I'm not sure those points are mutually exclusive. Some of us are pretty sure that, since humans are involved, eventual mismanagement is inevitable.




How safe it is to work in is hardly the issue.  And as to how safe it is, period, we simply don't know.  


As a general rule, if a group stand to lose billions if we make them stop doing X, it is unwise to trust their accounts of how safe or beneficial X is.  



I agree about the difficulty of finding reliable sources these days.


However, I think you paint the cost-effectiveness issue with slightly too broad a brush.


The day there's so much Nuclear plant in Japan we are in deep shit.

When did they became Boyfriend and Girlfriend...exactly?

I think she's just calling him her boyfriend just because everyone else calls them a couple.

When did they became Boyfriend and Girlfriend...exactly?

Lovin' the artstyle.

oh no, the cooling tower blew up. now the city will be covered in water vapor!! oh the humanity!!!!

Why hello there, Sherlock.

Just got bored by the walls of text lol

I like the manga, but...


Three pages of recruiting in front, and two in back? Come on, guys.

Prologue set up. Screwed up story start.


I think the real question here is... did the radiation make her throw up? 


Why hello there, Sherlock.

How safe it is to work in is hardly the issue.  And as to how safe it is, period, we simply don't know.  


As a general rule, if a group stand to lose billions if we make them stop doing X, it is unwise to trust their accounts of how safe or beneficial X is.  



I think the real question here is... did the radiation make her throw up? 

Well, nowadays we are going forward with newer and better plant designs, most incidents either can no longer happen, or are at worst a case like 

Unfortunately, the common perception is that nuclear power is dangerous, even though it is actually one of the safest industries to work in

How safe it is to work in is hardly the issue.  And as to how safe it is, period, we simply don't know.  


As a general rule, if a group stand to lose billions if we make them stop doing X, it is unwise to trust their accounts of how safe or beneficial X is.  


I take your points to a degree. But a lot of them could be summed up by "When there is a profit motive involved", which is, like, all the time.

So for instance, utilities around the world including many in the US have consistently made strenuous efforts to keep ancient plants running for decades after their "this was supposed to be closed now according to the design specs" date. Why? Because shutting it down and building a new one would cost gigabucks, so they push them as long as they can even as the cracks multiply and the innards corrode and they start to leak and so on.  This is not a weird anomaly, it's how the industry operates.  Bad stuff happening at old plants is going to get more and more common as the plants, well, get old.

Well, nowadays we are going forward with newer and better plant designs, most incidents either can no longer happen, or are at worst a case like Three Miles Island, where safety measures do what they're supposed to, and the real story should have been "well engineered powerplant functions as designed during accident, crisis averted". Consider that less than five hundred nuclear power reactors around the world produce fully 13% of the planet's electricity, with essentially absolute reliability, the lowest cost-per-kilowatt of any power source, and near-perfect safety.


Unfortunately, the common perception is that nuclear power is dangerous, even though it is actually one of the safest industries to work in. And when an accident occurs at a nuclear power plant, it is guaranteed to be front-page news, no matter its real impact.


Naturally, nuclear technologies are not a magic silver bullet and have their disadvantages, but a faulty assessment of their dangers benefits nobody.

This is what happens:

-when you keep a 70s era nuclear power plant around for twenty years after it stopped being up to date.

I take your points to a degree. But a lot of them could be summed up by "When there is a profit motive involved", which is, like, all the time.

So for instance, utilities around the world including many in the US have consistently made strenuous efforts to keep ancient plants running for decades after their "this was supposed to be closed now according to the design specs" date. Why? Because shutting it down and building a new one would cost gigabucks, so they push them as long as they can even as the cracks multiply and the innards corrode and they start to leak and so on.  This is not a weird anomaly, it's how the industry operates.  Bad stuff happening at old plants is going to get more and more common as the plants, well, get old.

That is strange. This is also one of his later works. The other ones here on Batoto were published earlier than Young, Alive, In Love, which according to Mangaupdates is from 2012.


Hmm this is weird. Is it just me, or the art style seems a little bit different from the usual Nishijima Daisuke? This one feels more.. crude, while the others works shows consistency even in his doodle style.

Hmm this is weird. Is it just me, or the art style seems a little bit different from the usual Nishijima Daisuke? This one feels more.. crude, while the others works shows consistency even in his doodle style.

Dark comedy, go

Hey, if anyone has a right to write an anti-nuclear message or three, it's the Japanese. For reasons old and new.
Most people elsewhere aren't aware of just how bad the whole Fukushima thing was and continues to be. Radioactive crud never stopped leaking into the Pacific.

This is what happens:

-when you keep a 70s era nuclear power plant around for twenty years after it stopped being up to date.

-and you put it in a geologically unstable areas without making sure they can withstand the conditions they could experience there.

-and you don't take care of it.

-and the entire project was corrupt (hello Yakuzas).

I could list more reasons but you get the point.

Events of the magnitude of Fukushima and Chernobyl are exceedingly rare, and Fukushima is the worst since Chernobyl, even though no one was killed by radiation released in the accident (although five people died at the plant from other causes (tsunami and stress)). In fact, the radiation levels in the exclusion zone around Fukushima Daiichi 25 days after the incident at that power plant are no more than one tenth of the radiation levels in the exclusion zone around Chernobyl 25 years after that disaster, yet Fukushima was rated a level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale. Really, the majority of the criticism for the event should be focused on the poor handling of the situation by both the Japanese government and the owner of the nuclear power plant, rather than on the entire concept of using nuclear electricity

And while nuclear fallout is no picnic, neither are things like massive oil spills, and I still see plenty of people jumping all over drilling for oil, BP or no BP.

Not a likeable MC. I do hope he gets some deserved character growth.

And let's hope it will not become an (ignorant) anti-nuclear message.

But so far, I will follow out of curiosity.

Hey, if anyone has a right to write an anti-nuclear message or three, it's the Japanese.  For reasons old and new.  

Most people elsewhere aren't aware of just how bad the whole Fukushima thing was and continues to be.  Radioactive crud never stopped leaking into the Pacific.

Not a likeable MC. I do hope he gets some deserved character growth.

And let's hope it will not become an (ignorant) anti-nuclear message.

But so far, I will follow out of curiosity.


A very minimalist art style. I like it.

Interesting but ew.

I like it!!!

More Nishijima is always a plus.

Interesting but ew.

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