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* * * * - (3.8 - 162votes)

Trump Manga

Alt Names:
Author: Manlyspirit
Artist: Manlyspirit
Genres: Action ActionDoujinshi DoujinshiDrama DramaOneshot OneshotShounen Shounen
Type: Other
Status: Ongoing
Description: A tribute manga to Donald Trump and his victory over Hillary Clinton
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When was this removed?

The moment femisims found this and got treiggered
When was this removed?
Please do not change the Alt title as you like.
Those who make wrong changes will have conquences.
Also removed that chp as I check it isnt the
 accurate (The credit and everything).

I am curious (Note: Not American). The geography in this comment, why is it there? Is there a significant effect from geography to the likelihood of choosing either candidates?

Simple. Regional cultures vary. Even a liberal person from the mid west is much more conservative than a person from the east or west coast. And yes, there are different cultures within the U.S. that are based on region.

I think they were a Trump fan?

I don't understand why people are angry about this, this is quite hilarious if you ask me. I mean it's a gag comic, don't take it too seriously guys XD


I completely agree with you, my friend. However, as I stated earlier, it has been my experience over the past half a century to see that political fanatics on either the far left OR the very far right tend not to have much of a sense of humor when their opinions are being lampooned. Thus the so-called "drama" in this comment section.  I say 'so-called' because personally, I find it to be totally hilarious to see people practically coming to blows over what I see as a very funny parody of politics in general.


But then again, I have been told many times that I have a warped and twisted sense of humor...

I don't understand why people are angry about this, this is quite hilarious if you ask me. I mean it's a gag comic, don't take it too seriously guys XD

Waiting for MAGA Crusaders

The comic is great.
But the saltiness in this comment thread is even greater.

Kids, (And the only one in this comment thread I wouldn't call kid is PervySageChuck because he like me is as ancient as the internet), it's just a manga. It satirizes the hype and the memetic warfare that dominated this election, and it poked fun at the browsers of /pol/ and how they acted during it all while at the same time contributed to the conversation by doing the work of News sites. By no means does it demonize you, the voter, no matter what your political party is. 
One of the most important lessons you will ever learn is how to not only respect someone elses position on an issue, but also that each person comes to a decision based upon a series of nuanced decisions informed by their life experiences and the geography of where they grew up. A person in the mid west has difficulty fitting in in say Los Angeles or Washington D.C. (I tried both) and consequently, an urban hipster will have problems fitting into middle of lake Wobegone Minnesota (Gerrison Keeler fan here). However, your experiences don't invalidate theirs. It's just important to actually TALK to one another and get where they are coming from. That will save the embarrassment of Huffington post and blaming Trumps win on everything but the democrats choosing a terrible way of painting their opponents and the news media cheerleading Hillary (And not only CNN but MSNBC politico The New York Times and other news sites are openly admitting they did wrong and are resolving to change how they approach these things in the future). while also alienating essentially half the voting populace. 

The point is we all have different experiences, but it is wrong to paint people with generalizations and adding isms to everything. Spend 5 minutes talking to someone. Understand where they are coming from and for the love of the Force COMPROMISE. In order for us to move forward, we have to first understand what we both want and then come to a solution that benefits both parties...

That is all. Den Mother has spoken. 
Here's another warhammer meme to close out the night.


I am curious (Note: Not American). The geography in this comment, why is it there? Is there a significant effect from geography to the likelihood of choosing either candidates?

Good read. Had my laughs enjoyed by this work of manga art!

The God-Emperor-Elect will ascend the Cherry Blossom Throne, to defeat his enemies and see them driven before him, to hear the lamentations of their female-identifying-persons.

(No spoilers, just condensing as per the rules.)

i consider myself to be more


Yup. That's exactly why The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and



Even if you dislike Trump you should be


Good Flying Spaghetti Monster, seriously? ...actually,



Amywesty listens to A Prairie Home Companion! Don't trust anyone over 60!

Yeah, but it's gotta be the Original PHC with Garrison the host. That new PHC is just a pretender... ;)

Goddamn, now i regret not seeing it when it's aired live... :D

I was there, I saw it, I felt it. Twas truly a rare sight to behold. XD


Beautiful! I think Trump should hire Manlyspirit to put his presidential memoirs down in manga form!

i consider myself to be more of a Centrist due to my having some beliefs that are far left and some beliefs that are far right in the political spectrum.

With this in mind, it has been my experience over the past half a century to notice that those who identify themselves as political leftists tend to laugh ONLY at humor aimed at their opponents on the right while a much greater percentage of those who identify themselves as primarily being on the right are more than able to laugh at humor aimed at both their opponents AND at themselves.

This makes me more comfortable associating with those on the right as I am a firm believer that unless you can laugh at yourself, you have NO right to laugh at anyone else.

This is further emphasized here by the fact that almost every negative comment about this series has come from those who appear to be on the left of the political spectrum.

To someone like me who abhors censorship of any kind, those who would advocate censorship of humor aimed at either the far left OR the far right (Whichever is their political opponent) are only proving themselves to be prejudiced and intolerant bigots who only approve of poking fun at their opponents and cannot stand having their own viewpoints made fun of

People, you need to develop a sense of humor that is not so narrow that it makes you look like prejudiced bigots who are completely intolerant of other veiwpoints outside of your own.

well said,I myself have was raised in a town primarily occupied by right while lean generally on the left (though I believe its neccesary to practice objectiveness) so my experience with political intolerance stems from interactions from the right but that's not really the point.
I think my problem with this whole thing is this isn't even really making fun of anyone. This manga wasn't clever political commentary about Hilary clintons faults it's just a parody of over the top action anime with Donald trump and Hilary Clinton given their respective roles with dialogue that doesn't that only half represents what either of them were getting at in their debates. This isn't to say this is bad ( I actually really like it) but it baffles me how anyone could get offended by this. I get how polarizing this election is and how much it ment to some people but if your going to get mad at someone making fun of you then this isn't even that. Everyone has a right to express themselves which includes the person who wrote this. If you honestly think this an attack on political beliefs then I think you potentially being a hypocrite is the least of your problems.

I just came here for the comments. You do not disappoint people of the internet.

I'm here every few hours just to check the comments.

I just came here for the comments. You do not disappoint people of the internet.

i consider myself to be more of a Centrist due to my having some beliefs that are far left and some beliefs that are far right in the political spectrum.


With this in mind, it has been my experience over the past half a century to notice that those who identify themselves as political leftists tend to laugh ONLY at humor aimed at their opponents on the right while a much greater percentage of those who identify themselves as primarily being on the right are more than able to laugh at humor aimed at both their opponents AND at themselves.


This makes me more comfortable associating with those on the right as I am a firm believer that unless you can laugh at yourself, you have NO right to laugh at anyone else.


This is further emphasized here by the fact that almost every negative comment about this series has come from those who appear to be on the left of the political spectrum.


To someone like me who abhors censorship of any kind, those who would advocate censorship of humor aimed at either the far left OR the far right (Whichever is their political opponent) are only proving themselves to be prejudiced and intolerant bigots who only approve of poking fun at their opponents and cannot stand having their own viewpoints made fun of


People, you need to develop a sense of humor that is not so narrow that it makes you look like prejudiced bigots who are completely intolerant of other veiwpoints outside of your own.


9001% faithful.
We all remember the demon fight and the actual fistfight before trump released his special wall technique.

Goddamn, now i regret not seeing it when it's aired live... :D

This is great, and the liberal tears are delicious.

I mean, I voted for him, and I still think this is lame!


I didn't vote for him and I still think this is hilarious!

guys, this 8e3-whatever his/her/apache name obviously trolling
no one can be this stupid

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