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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (3.94 - 17votes)

Aiko no Maa-chan

Alt Names: alt Aiko’s Maa-chanalt あいこのまーちゃん
Author: Yamamoto Arisa
Artist: Yamamoto Arisa
Genres: Comedy ComedySchool Life School LifeSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story follows Aiko and her very close friend Maa-chan. With the help of Maa-chan, Aiko starts walking the path toward adulthood.
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I recommend this to anyone who wants to learn about Japan.

Oh my Lawd! I don't even...

Periods are suddenly moe now!

Maa-chan...? aaah I get it: cunty!

i look the url 10 times and realize i'm not surfing gurochan



OMG this is hilarious in sooo many levels...

what the.... can't continue... this is too much..

My IQ lowered after reading this.

I freaking love it.

By the time I reached page 12 I was so full of fuck that last bit of sanity force closed the tab with this freaky thing. We need a new tag in genre section: "WTF"




I learn a lot because of this manga, thanks Seiai mmm...


I guess it's really hard to be a woman eh, I need to be more careful when they have period then mmm...

And I thought the U.S.'s sex education was bad.

According to my Japanese friends, yeah, it's worse. I'm pretty sure that's why the author is on a crusade to get this published.


Of course, with planned parenthood being shut-down, there's little hope for us now.

Holy mother of puss- It's back!!

This manga will answer all your questions! ...Especially those you didn't have. 

you remember Migi, he's back, in form of a ... 

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ok now, what the actual fuck?

I was laughing while being disturbed at the same time. Now I'm just "What."


I'm done.

Can't get past the first chapter without spilling my drink laughing.

And I thought the U.S.'s sex education was bad.

Sometimes I wonder what kind of thing will I talk about if my penis can talk to me mmm...

Penis: i'm going to report you.

You: why?

Penis: because you beat me.


something like this?

Sometimes I wonder what kind of thing will I talk about if my penis can talk to me mmm...

Welp, I thought the first chapter was weird enough.

Uhh... Alright! Sure! Why not! I need a sec to collect my brain from off the floor after this manga Scanners'd it, but okay! Maa-chan! I get it! That's clever(?!)

Look, um... Just read it, I guess. It's definitely about "climbing the stairs to adulthood", regardless of anything else, so just... Try and take it in stride.

Somehow what I just read did not register in my mind :0'

Reading the description dropped my IQ a few points.

There is no picture nor words exist that can sum up my reaction after reading this.


I mean what exactly is this.

We need a TMI tag...

Whelp. It's definitely not the weirdest thing I've read or seen but.. damn is it up there.

Way to go, you. Way to go.

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