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* * * * * (4.65 - 40votes)

Boku Dake ga Inai Machi Re

Alt Names: alt 僕だけがいない街Realt 『僕だけがいない街』外伝(仮)alt Boku dake ga Inai Machi Gaiden
Author: Sanbe Kei
Artist: Sanbe Kei
Genres: Drama DramaSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Spin-off from Boku dake ga inai machi. It tells the story of what happened while Satoru was in a coma.
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Not going to lie, but that ass on the first page of Chapter 5 was in my mind for the whole chapter.


Annnnnnd roll credits!
Ohoho looks like it wasnt a coincidence after all.
She saw him and approached him with avoiding snow as an excuse!
Happy end winwin for me.

But I still want more chapter. Need more winwin haha
Annnnnnd roll credits!
Ohoho looks like it wasnt a coincidence after all.
She saw him and approached him with avoiding snow as an excuse!
Happy end winwin for me.

Not going to lie, but that ass on the first page of Chapter 5 was in my mind for the whole chapter.

Airi best girl ~

"i think people would be less pissed if Satoru got an actual happy end with Airi atleast" a lot more people would ragequit than you realize

It's weird how many people got pissed at Satoru not getting together with Kayo. It was never supposed to be from the start, he was actually 29! The story isn't about romantic feelings, but about love for your own life and that of others. The author pairing up Kayo and Hiromi felt really symbolical to me, as they were both dead in the first timeline. Their child is a life Satoru created from nothing, isn't that amazing?

while i agree with u 100% i think people would be less pissed if Satoru got an actual happy end with Airi atleast, it was ambigious at best, left upto our imagination to how it would development between them again but he could've easily drawn sth extra, maybe in this series he can? who knows

Boku dake ga inai machi recap for those who forgot. After Satoru managed to prevent sensei to murder everything in sight, saving lots of children and most importantly managing to quell his feelings of regret for not preventing Kayo's heartbreaking death that caused his trauma that gave birth to his powers, the average reader's post coma reaction was "wut? WUT?? No GF? NTR TRIGGERED. Wait. Hiromi isn't a girl? Shit ending". The purpose of this spinoff is to troll those poor souls even harder so it's 5/5 for me.

It's weird how many people got pissed at Satoru not getting together with Kayo. It was never supposed to be from the start, he was actually 29! The story isn't about romantic feelings, but about love for your own life and that of others. The author pairing up Kayo and Hiromi felt really symbolical to me, as they were both dead in the first timeline. Their child is a life Satoru created from nothing, isn't that amazing?

Seriously, stop cutting onions.

It still didn't say why his mother prepared an extra meal that day though
Good. Best mom get her own chapter.
Tears are flowing down my eyes too..
But not of happiness...
She watched him grow so much in such a short time, then had that taken away from her because of the accident.
She couldnt watch him grow anymore.
Maybe physically, as he laid in bed all day for the next decade or so.
So sad.. these tears..



This chapter threw me off a bit. Not that it's bad or anything, but rather, I feel it gave me no new information, unlike the other chapters so far have? Because at least to me, his Mom's standing in everything was made very clear in the original story already. So this felt like a recap, just straight up from her point of view (

)... I was hoping this wouldn't have any of that, since the chapter count is small.


Regardless, thank you for the scanlations. <3

Basically, the story of how Satoru was cucked by Kenya. Or alternatively, how Satoru was cucked by Kayo. Either way, Satoru got the short end of the stick.

You have to be in a relationship to be cucked.

Aww his mom.. :(

Kenya is a very intriguing character. I really like how worked out and well developed his character is. It's nice to see his thought processes for once. They sound very mature in a way, though.

Basically, the story of how Satoru was cucked by Kenya. Or alternatively, how Satoru was cucked by Kayo. Either way, Satoru got the short end of the stick.


Kayo married Hiromi -- not Kenya. Can't believe I still see people getting it wrong, especially when Kenya and Hiromi are nothing alike.


I expected chapter 2 to be Kenya's chapter and turns out it was. The title page says chapter 2 is only the first half, so next chapter will be the second half of Kenya's story. No complaints as I like Kenya as a character and enjoy his POV.

Basically, the story of how Satoru was cucked by Kenya. Or alternatively, how Satoru was cucked by Kayo. Either way, Satoru got the short end of the stick.

Hopefully we'll see more about her in this series

I doubt it. Since they never met in this timeline until he wakes up

We probably should get chapter names, at least based off the character being featured in the chapter...

I can see this expanding quite a bit

Good idea, I did it with the spanish version.

We probably should get chapter names, at least based off the character being featured in the chapter...

I can see this expanding quite a bit

Well IMO Satoru had a happy ending, he got together with his co-worker in the other timeline


But they aren't dating @_@


You have to read between the sheets, er, I mean, between the lines.  They were obviously having a torrid love affair involving S&M, B&D, Cross-dressing in clown make-up, smearing each other with peanut butter and honey, Golden Showers...   OUCH!!!




~Pervy's sister once again has had to rein in her idiot brother's disgusting imagination with the aid of her trusty baseball bat.~

Well IMO Satoru had a happy ending, he got together with his co-worker in the other timeline

But they aren't dating @_@

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