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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 28 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Private

#1851867 Finish the Sentence

Posted by Horn on 31 December 2017 - 02:27 PM

... rub the mixture all over your chest; this will ensure maximum female attraction points.


When I feel tired after a day's work, I like to...

#1809163 Dreams!

Posted by Horn on 31 July 2017 - 10:55 AM

I dreamt that I'd been playing some kind of online game; nothing advanced, just an old-school highscore kind of thing, maybe a bullet hell game or something. And I'd gotten a really good score, and I'd qualified to enter some kind of semifinals in this particular game in a contest coming up shortly. And I was really looking forward to it, because not only were several of us high scorers going to compete in the game with a webcam feed each to one main screen (think Twitch or something, I suppose), but at the same time, we were going to compete in an all-you-can-eat contest. So, we were to compete in this game, while eating as many chicken nuggets (provided by the contest sponsors) as we could, all broadcast on the internet.


Admit it, the idea is awesome.


And I dreamt that I overslept, and missed the whole startup.


Some friends had tried to wake me up, but couldn't, and once I finally got in gear, I saw the whole thing had started some time ago without me. And I was absolutely furious with myself for letting this happen.


Moral of the dream: Always remain punctual. I guess.

#1808115 Random thoughts/SHOUT SOMETHING RANDOM!!!

Posted by Horn on 28 July 2017 - 09:59 PM


If you check the video at the part with the Street Fighter example song, I'm the one who transcribed the MIDI he's using.

I know, no one else cares, and it's not gonna lead anyone back to me or anything anyway; it just makes me so stupidly happy whenever I completely by chance happen upon something out on the internet that I made, and that someone else is making use of.

#1805692 Random thoughts/SHOUT SOMETHING RANDOM!!!

Posted by Horn on 21 July 2017 - 09:54 PM


I would be relatively fine with this.

#1804589 Honesty

Posted by Horn on 17 July 2017 - 09:41 PM

There are quite a few. Terms tied to third wave feminism in particular; someone using the terms "mansplaining" or the like are sure to earn my instant ignorance, or someone referring to themselves by their pronouns rather than their gender (for example as "she/her" rather than "female"). I'm very particular against these new tumblr-type fads that are starting to spread across the internet.

What's your favorite animal?

#1804553 TRUTH or DARE !

Posted by Horn on 17 July 2017 - 08:33 PM

That I didn't quit this shit-ass job sooner.

But oh well. It'll all be fine in the end.

Trusch or Dgnare?

#1802187 Random thoughts/SHOUT SOMETHING RANDOM!!!

Posted by Horn on 10 July 2017 - 03:00 PM

When I was young avocados made me puke. I'm not just saying that, they literally did. The creamy consistency was just so weird and off for something supposed to be what I considered a veggie. Nowadays I love 'em. Guacamole is one of the tastiest things.

Seeing wh1t you said in another post I'd say this is good news ?

For sure. I got a job interview tomorrow, and I've got a good feeling about it. And even if not, I'll likely quit my job this week anyway. I'll find something else. Just anything else.

#1802164 Random thoughts/SHOUT SOMETHING RANDOM!!!

Posted by Horn on 10 July 2017 - 10:45 AM

This is most likely my last week at this job, woo hoo

#1801256 Random thoughts/SHOUT SOMETHING RANDOM!!!

Posted by Horn on 05 July 2017 - 07:05 AM

Fidgeting with

#1801165 Random thoughts/SHOUT SOMETHING RANDOM!!!

Posted by Horn on 04 July 2017 - 08:43 PM

Also, on trend - 1 Cor. 10:13. It's my current shoulder.

#1799555 Different art styles

Posted by Horn on 26 June 2017 - 08:29 PM

So I got a picture here, along with a story. You don't really need to read the story; it's weirdly sappy, possibly to the point of being stupid. I just kinda wanted to write it down.



TL;DR No more of this guy ever again

#1796172 TRUTH or DARE !

Posted by Horn on 04 June 2017 - 09:35 AM

I'd say the United Kingdom. It's a pretty chill place to go to if you've got an itch to travel and don't have anything else specific in mind (Unless you live there. But I don't. Suck it, englandians. ;o), and you wanna be relatively sure that you can communicate with people there without learning some dumb travel phrases. I remember the one summer I had no plans, and a friend living some distance away messaged me asking me if I wanted to go there, and I was all "sure", and we went a week later, just like that. Pubs, parks, stores with all kinds of funny junk, and just a generally cool atmosphere with generally cool people.

Truss or There?

#1795951 Honesty

Posted by Horn on 02 June 2017 - 07:41 PM

Had you asked me some years ago, I would've given anything to be able to change my past. That's mainly because I've never been particularly good at dealing with my own mistakes, and I have a certain obsessive compulsive disorder that makes it very difficult for me to get over things and move on. Nowadays, I'm a lot better at accepting what has happened, so my current self is actually fine with at least most things that happened. They've all been experiences, and they've all shaped the me that is here today, and if I changed anything, it could very well rupture the image of me that is now. So, I'm good the way I am. (At least, that's what I feel when I'm in my right mind, hah.)

Would you take a bullet for someone?

#1795918 Manga - Anime Guardians Targeting Manga and Anime Sites

Posted by Horn on 02 June 2017 - 02:45 PM

This looks kind of old. It says the article is dated from two years ago, and the comments from three (however that works). I don't think there's any danger of this currently.

#1795759 [Trump thread]The worst day in Western history since Adolf Hitler

Posted by Horn on 31 May 2017 - 08:39 PM


I apologize. Honestly. I just had to get that out of me. Please delete this post if it's improper.