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Unbelievably Majestic

Unbelievably Majestic

Member Since 30 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 08 2018 02:52 PM

#1793680 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 15 May 2017 - 09:08 PM

Fae = Winged Elf

Vampires = Goblin-sized Vampire

Ghoul = Goblin-sized Zombie

Elemental Lord = Ben Grimm from the Fantastic Four.

#1793194 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 12 May 2017 - 02:52 PM

Frisk (Day 2): Acid World

Dar (Day 3): First Encounter
The forest was alive with life and magic today: butterflies sparkled through the air on glittering wings, leaving behind glowing trails while multicolored plants sang and danced almost as if alive all around Dar. Spending a second night in Akta's temple had opened her eyes to the hidden magic flowing through the world, and once again she was seeing old things with new eyes. Ahead of her was a winding path filled with familiar beasts and old dangers. Beyond those she saw the massive trees where the giant spiders made their homes. But to get to there, she first had to deal with her familiar foes: the horned rabbits.

OOC: There's no way for Dar to get around the small horned rabbit colony, so instead she'll have to go through them. The colony is split into three groups of 3-, 5- and 4 horned rabbits. The layout is yours to describe and imagine.

Edit: Dar won't rank-up until she kills her first giant spider. And I'll give her one spell when she does. You can pick the spell, or I can pick it for you. The loot will be determined once the encounter is over. Since I'm speeding things along, the horned rabbits will have less health and do less damage.

Dar: 7 HP, 4 DMG
Horned Rabbits: 1 HP, 1 DMG

Rend (Day 2): Second Encounter
Sylise was once a thriving human settlement, before the goblins attacked and destroyed it. Their main export was the spider silk gathered from the giant spiders living deeper in the heavily forested woodland. And while the humans were now gone, Rend and her minions still needed to show the proper respect to the village's newest residents: the Brownies.

Brownies are a subspecies of trolls, shaped like adult goblins but with a disproportionately large head with an even bigger mouth lined with razor-sharp teeth. Brownies are carnivorous and are not afraid to attack larger creatures, such as humans and ranked-up goblins. Like all trolls, the bite of a brownie carries diseases. Unlike trolls, brownies are resistant to all manners of poison. Brownies attempt to lure their prey in by acting innocent and harmless, holding their hands together and folding their large ears downward while keeping their mouths closed and emitting soft, cute noises.

Such was the case when Rend and her team entered the old settlement and began searching the destroyed buildings for embereyes. They were not too far into their search when they heard what sounded like a child crying. Moving over to investigate, they found a lone brownie and tried to kill it quickly. But instead of dying to their surprise attack, the creature threw it's head back, revealing it's huge maw with two rows of seemingly endless teeth and letting loose a howl that was soon echoed by many others. The brownie then turned and bit off the head of one of Rend's minions, killing it instantly.

OOC: You can pick which goblin just died.

Rend: 6 HP, 4 DMG
Brownie: 4/8 HP, 3 DMG

Rend's Loot (from the Fae Lights):
- 6x Small Venom Sacs
- 5x Globs of Glittering Goop
- 10x Black Cohoshes
- 50 Gold Pieces

#1793187 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 12 May 2017 - 12:50 PM

Herro everyone~! Since there's so few of us, I'm going to speed up some things: specifically the rank-ups and jobs. So when Frisk and Rend get to Day 3, I'll rank them up and give them their jobs. Dar will get hers after her next kill. I'm also going to speed up the story, so expect some twists. As far as the rank-ups go, Rend will become a Kitsune and Dar will become a Warlock (orc mage). Frisk will have to choose between Orc, Hobgoblin, Fae, Vampire, Ghoul or Elemental Lord.

#1791765 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 27 April 2017 - 03:25 PM

Rend: Day 2
The mystical forest where Fluffy's goblin clan have made their home is a wooded region populated largely by wild monsters and borders on the city of Atlos in the north. Human bandits also make their home in the forbidden forest, regularly attacking travelers in the area. The great forest is also home and the heart of power for the High Elves, beings who have increasingly withdraw from advancing mortal civilization. In recent years, human settlers have come to dark woods from the west and founded villages and missions dedicated to the worship of their gods throughout the forests, further straining relations between the humans and elves...

It was midday by the time Rend and her team of Expendables made their way to the spot Akta had described to Rend earlier that day. Along they way, they easily dispatched many of the horned rabbits that had come across their path. Where they were now, the trees were several times taller than any of they had ever seen before, with golden rays of light reflecting off large, red leaves. This was were the Fae Lights lived. From a distance, they looked like floating orbs of glowing light but up close however, they were mostly jagged teeth and savage claws. Climbing up a small, grassy knoll, Rend and her crew found a group of three fae lights. They currently hovering and dancing in the still air, making a sound like music that they frequently used to lure foolish humans to their deaths. Just behind them were some of the black cohosh that Rend needed.

Just broad stokes of what you can expect. Feel free to either take your time and kill the horned rabbits (counts as your first encounter), or jump forward and fight the fae lights (second encounter). The fae lights are either blue or white in color and give off a faint, humming sound -- almost like children laughing.


Frisk: Day 2
Picking himself swiftly up out of the rubble, No-name looked around and saw the little goblin screaming and causing a ruckus. Throwing himself forward, he caught Frisk by his ankle and quickly raised him high over his head, as if to swallow him like a tiny fish. "No more running for you!" No-name said hungrily and angrily, as drool seeped from his open maw like a river of putrescence. As if in reply, King greeted No-name by sticking her thumb into his left eye, gouging out the organ from his black skull.

"Didn't I tell you not to show your ugly face here again?" she asked calmly. "Now you're even bigger and even uglier. And even less wanted... what happened to my fence, did you break it with your ugly? And what's that smell. Smells like... human blood. Did you touch my human?"

Not waiting for a reply, King knocked No-name to the ground and then chopped off his left hand with her greataxe before heading up the stairs towards her room. The other warriors of her guild quickly started kicking and punching No-name with reckless abandon and glee, despite the majority of them still being goblins and thus much smaller than him. No-name was already caught however, so a swift death was the best he could hope for now. When King returned, she ordered her warriors to take Frisk and No-name back to her bar while she took her human pet to see Akta. He was still alive and so there was a small chance to save him. Back at the bar, Frisk was questioned about his involvement and relation to No-name...

And so begins the trial of Frisk.

Dar: Day 3
After a peaceful and restful evening, Dar and Mocharr, Akta and a few of her apprentices had an interesting breakfast filled with conversation, cooked meat, vegetables and fruit, and some minerals with magical properties. After breakfast, Dar thought about her options and what she should do next. Now that she was three days old, she was officially an adult now and ready to make her mark on the world. Compared to Mocharr, Dar's head only reached as high as Mocharr's shoulders, which meant she was very tall for a goblin -- or perhaps that Mocharr was short for an orc? These were all very good things to think about...

OOC: Mocharr's Options
- Speak to Mocharr, Akta or some of Akta's apprentices.
===>> If Dar wants to speak to Rend, you'll need to ask X.

- Explore the village and speak to some of the other NPCs.

- Head off into the forest to hunt.


#1791766 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 27 April 2017 - 03:32 PM

I'm glad you guys liked the idea behind the decision but your writer's block tells me that we shouldn't continue with the human story line. I'm also going to bench Brix, and instead use that energy to work on some of my own stories that I've been trying to write for years now but never got around to.

#1791747 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 27 April 2017 - 12:51 PM

Then the old faithful is back! We must march forward to victory! xP


On other note, GoT is turning out to be great. Tyrion is a masterful character & Dinklage does it full justice.


Indeed, Dinlage has played Tyrion perfectly, a truly wonderful job. He has practically carried the show from the beginning as the show took its sweet time building up Jon lol.


I'll post an update tomorrow for the gobs. How about we drop the human pov?


Nuuuuuuuuu, I really liked the human PoV. = O


There just wasn't much to go in the opening human updates and such, so I can understand not being able to think of things to say. Like with the latest one, I'm not sure what to post for Morrigan. I think if something happens, like some action or simply drama filled scenes, I think it'll make it easier to come up with something. I really do think the human element makes things quite interesting.

#1789063 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 02 April 2017 - 04:47 PM

On The Road to Red Creek
"Aww, isn't that sweet!" Commander Collin gushed as he looked over his shoulder at Anne-Marie and Shay, who were busy chatting away. Isabela didn't share his opinion however, and was just about to turn her horse around and drag Anne-Marie to the front of the caravan by her ear when the commander suddenly stopped her. "Hey now, there's no harm in a bit of casual banter, is there."

"Commander," Isabela replied with a sigh and a frown. "Your lack of common sense is quite appalling."

"Yes, well... but now that you mention it, my mother used to say the same thing," the commander replied after a thoughtful pause. "She's dead now, gods preserve her."

"Then the gods are truly merciful indeed," Isabela stated flatly.

"H-hey now! There's no need for talk like that."

"Did I hurt your feelings, commander -- all one of them?"

"Well, if we're going to be like that, then allow me to tell you exactly what I think of you and you're...!"

"Mi-lady?! If I may," one of the guardsman barked as they quickly rode up from behind, cutting Collin's retort short. Isabela nodded her head slightly to indicate that the man had her permission to continue speaking to her. With no one to talk to now, Commander Collin was forced to settle for making faces behind his subordinate's back. "My name is Ser Laures, Mi-lady. I served your uncle faithfully many years ago -- before I met my lovely wife. The day I saw my Elibeth, I had little choice but to stay by her side from then on, which meant leaving your uncles employ. But it was worth it, and now we're expecting out first child."


The story, though sappy, still brought a small smile to Isabela's face. Emboldened by this gesture, Ser Laures sat straighter in his saddle as he regaled her with another romantic story. Ser Laures was a large man, almost seven feet in height and heavily muscled, with a balding head and a modest, full beard and green eyes. Commander Collin on the other hand, was a much smaller man with delicate, almost femine features -- a direct result of his elven heritage. The elf-blooded commander had blond hair, hazel eyes, pointed ears and a well-manicured goatee.

"Well, if we're all making nice and introductions and such," another guardsman spoke up as he too broke rank and ordered his horse to ride up on Isabela's left. "If I may, my lady?"

"You may."

"Name's Davos -- just Davos, my lady. I ain't no fancy knight or none such nonsense. Was a career criminal back in Atlos when I was younger, you see. So one day I try to snatch this pretty, little purse off this fancy fop of a noble -- no offense, my lady -- but he didn't like that none too much, and so decides then and there to have his guards take my hand as payment for the offense. But wouldn't you know it, the commander here rides up like a knight in shining armor..."

"Stop, you're making me blush!"

"...and saves my hide by suggesting to the lord that it would be far worse of a punishment if I were to spend the rest of my life fighting monsters in the swamps. And now here I am, a proud member of the Red Creek Militia."

"As well you should be, Davos-just Davos" Isabela added once the tale had ended. "You were a petty criminal before, now you have a chance to make something more of yourself. Or do you regret your situation?"

"Normally? Perhaps. But I've seen what these monsters can do first hand. When I was younger you see, before I moved to the city, they attacked my village deep in the forest, not too far from here. Made me an orphan that day -- and a coward. I was forced to run away as they killed my da and raped my sweet, old mum. And all I did was cry like a newborn babe, I did. That day has haunted me ever since, it has. And now, after all this time, the gods have finally given me a chance at revenge. I may not be a trained soldier like ser knight there, but I'll do my part to see these beasts destroyed." Isabela smiled broadly and seductively, charming most of the men present.

"That's good to hear," she said warmly. "If only more of our kind understood the threat, and the sacrifices needed to halt the goblin's return."

"Aren't you being a bit over-dramatic, my lady?" Collin spoke up. "I mean, the goblins and their allies were destroyed and scattered almost twenty years ago. The only thing that remains of them now are marauding warbands, capable only of attacking isolated farms and stealing mouldy bread and cheese -- no offense, Davos."

"Offense taken, commander."

"You're just like all the others," Isabela replied with yet another frown. "You have to bear witness to their cruelty to understand why it is so important that we stamp out every, last trace of them."

"You're speaking of Wilvale, aren't you?" Davos almost whispered. "What was it like? I've heard stories, but..."

"It was worse -- whatever you've heard, it was far worse."

Anne-Marie was practically lounging against her poor horse's neck as she listened to the fascinating and seductive story of a young man's life gone wrong. It was oh so terribly romantic. Sensing this perhaps, her long time friend and recent fiance, Vicus, decided to finally put an end to her obsession with the prisoners by taking the reins of her horse and leading her away.


"That's quite enough," Vicus said in a stern voice. "I'm not going to sit here and let you cuck me with some street rat, who imagines himself a merchant prince in the rough." Anne-Marie objected but not too loudly, slightly excited by Vicus' sudden jealously.

"I... oh no!" Anne-Marie gasped loudly, pointed somewhere over Vicus' shoulder. Vicus turned immediately with his hand on a hidden, blade.

"Look there!" one of the guardsmen shouted.

"Poor sods," whispered another.

"That just seems so excessive," Commander Collin replied finally.

The corpses of five adventurers were nailed to the branches of a tall, dead tree by their wrists. Around their necks were signs, written in goblish, warning others to stay away. Little remained of the bodies now, with some even missing their legs and most of their torsos. While everyone else stopped to stare, Isabela kept riding along.

"Aren't we going to take them down?" Commander Collin asked with a frown of his own now.

"Why," Isabela asked rhetorically. "They're already dead, and we need to get these supplies back to the village. If you want to stop and dismantle a warning sign this close to goblin territory as the sun is setting, feel free to do so -- alone."

No-name covered the distance between him and Frisk in one leap, smashing down with both fists and crushing the floor boards beneath his hands. Looking between his fists, fingers and splinters, No-name slowly realized that Frisk had already slipped through the front door and slammed it behind him. Enraged, No-name leapt to the door and began beating on the door frame with his massive fists, aiming for the door knob but missing each time as he cracked and splintered the door frame instead. Frustrated, No-name suddenly turned the door knob and watched as it slowly swung away from him. Pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment, No-name leapt down the stairs, landing on the fence below, and immediately regretted his decision as he now lay in a broken heap on the ground. Now No-name was really mad.

#1789196 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 03 April 2017 - 06:09 AM



Yea, I'm back and here's the human I decided to roll out with.

#1787984 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by Malevolent Reverie on 24 March 2017 - 06:41 PM

@UM: But he did get to play a game! Now it's time to put away the toy and get ready for bed. This isn't a battle Frisk can win, so either he escapes in a convincing manner, or he'll have to sacrifice a limb to stay alive. =O

@MR: I figured it was something like that. xD


I also see that you and DR have the same taste in heroes. d^^

What can I say, I was the apprentice to a man of weird tastes. It was always fun to root for the misunderstood.

#1787943 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 24 March 2017 - 04:23 AM

Red Creek
Red Creek is the southernmost province of Atlos City, so named after the legend of the three wives who killed their husband and left his corpse hanging over a river, turning the water blood-red for three days. Red Creek is led by Mayor Wellings and is constantly attacked by bandits and monsters. On rare occasions goblins have manage to reach the village, but most of the time they are held back by the guards stationed at the local garrison.

"Hey, you! You finally awake yet?" Shay heard a woman yell before a sharp, stinging sensation pierced his side. "I want another story!"

"If you somehow let him take that stick from you," a stern voice said ominously. "I'll take you over my knee and disciple you myself. Now leave the prisoner alone, before you end up like his last victim."

"But he said he was innocent," the woman protested. "Said he found him like that, just lying there."

"And you believed him? By the gods... it's a small wonder you're still a virgin."


"ENOUGH!" Isabela Asvianna bellowed as she rode up on her horse. "Everyone and their dead mother can hear you! This is goblin territory, or have you so quickly forgotten your duties? Now shut your mouths and open your eyes!"

"Yes, Mi'lady!"

"Yes, Mi'lady..."

Satisfied that her subordinates had been properly chastised, Isabela rode on, not bothering to make eye-contact with the prisoners as she rode passed their carriage. Whatever their crimes, whether they be innocent or guilty, the fact remained that the prison in Atlos City was overcrowded and miners in Red Creek were in short supply. It was time to put the 'fat' to work for the betterment of the kingdom, and humanity as a whole.

"A bit harsh, wouldn't you say Mi'lady?" The commander of the local guard, Collin, asked quietly once Isabela's horse had caught up to his at the head of the processions.

"They need to learn or else it will be their heads next time. Sadly their brains seem to be stuck firmly in their asses, so they'll be back to gossiping in no time."

"Hey, hey!" Anna-Marie whispered as she rode closer to the prison carriage, once Isabela was out of earshot. "So is it true what they say, did you almost kill a man for a petty trinket? And what's with that one?" She asked, nodding towards Ebb. "What's his story?"



"Yes!" The name-less goblin screamed as Frisk and the human fought for their lives. "Yes yes yes yes!"

Though bigger and stronger, the human was still chained to King's bed by his right ankle, limiting his mobility and ability to fight back against Frisk's deadly assault. It didn't hurt that the dagger No-name had given to Frisk was also poisoned, slowly making the human weaker with every cut.

"Yes!! Good good good good good!! Kill the vile intruder! He does not belong here amongst us. Kill! Kill! Kill!!"

When the deed was finally done, No-name produced a black, ram-horn goblet from his endless pouch of wonders and gathered what he could of the human's blood, before drinking it all. With the ritual complete, No-name ranked up into a Black Troll.

"You've served me well, Little One," No-name said to Frisk. "Now I'll give you your reward -- a swift death! King can never know I tricked you into killing her lover -- and she never will!"


#1787930 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 24 March 2017 - 02:09 AM

@MR: Why is Ebb in prison?




PS: I need to stop being so specific with when I'll post. Life seems to really hate it when I do.

#1787901 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 23 March 2017 - 03:39 PM

Had to set up a new washing machine this morning and lay some new pipes. So after I feed the dogs and make sure the pipes are glued properly (and eat), I'll come back and get started on the update/comment on your CS's!

#1787834 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 22 March 2017 - 10:02 PM


Rise of the Goblin Nation


Chapter Two: The Kingdom of Ebonvale


Atlos City
The Kingdom of Ebonvale is a beautiful, fertile land of rolling green countryside, magnificent cities, wheat fields and blossoming flowers. Her people are viewed as a bit grim by their neighbors but this is perhaps to be expected, given their never-ending war against the treacherous Elves, marauding Goblins, savage Pirates and other, less intelligent threats. Every year the people of Ebonvale shed blood to defend their land from the vicious non-humans that prowl their borders.

Atlos is the largest city in the kingdom of Ebonvale -- best known for it's beautiful architecture, numerous libraries, and bountiful shops. Because it is where many noble families make their home, Atlos City tends to receive the largest number of visitors and has become the cultural heart of Ebonvale. This is where your adventure begins...

It's CS making time again! This time, you'll be making a human:
- Human characters will either start off as a prisoner of Atlos, or as one of it's citizens.
- Human characters can choose between one of three social classes: Nobles, Commoners, or The Homeless.
- Human characters must pick one of the following jobs: Swordsman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief or Acolyte (Priest).

#1787836 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 22 March 2017 - 10:13 PM

Alright! For the next few chapters, we'll be following the story from the perspective of the humans. If your goblin hasn't made it to Day 3 yet, don't worry. This just means that now you'll have more stuff to add to your posts. ^^;


@UM: I'll post an update for Frisk tomorrow.

#1787820 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 22 March 2017 - 08:04 PM

Sorry guys. I had an update but after thinking about it some more, I've decided to do something different. Please bare with me.