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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

PItiful Boar

PItiful Boar

Member Since 12 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 04:11 PM

In Topic: Count to 100 before the Staff and Company post

Yesterday, 04:11 PM

144 I had a bunch of dreams last night but I'll share a creepy one

It was one where I went back to my old workplace and i saw all the old comrades i remembered, they were good. the work environment was not. And it was...

a mixed feeling of nostalgia and downright panic... i remember that we had to setup up our own exchange server and it was like a scene out of the movie brazil where you had computer connector cables going everywhere and one of the hard drive (it was a HP server for all things) was connected via cable to another external hard drive some 500 feet away


The other dream was so narly i couldnt even... it felt like i was sleeping and waking up numerous times throughout the night

In Topic: Count to 100 before the Staff and Company post

24 April 2024 - 10:25 PM

But then, i realized that i still can rely on youtube as useful sources of information

And in fact I posted a lot of work training videos up on youtube 

My plan is now just exercise some self restraint

In another news I was able to control myself and not over-eat... I ordered 2 footer subways last night ... I used to gobble up both at the same time, but last night I only ate half of one, and two 6" today, leaving one 6" for tomorrow


i feel like a champ

In Topic: Count to 100 before the Staff and Company post

24 April 2024 - 05:19 PM

142 im at 173 im trying to lose maybe 10 lbs or so. In particular the deadly visceral fat or belly fat. Trying to starve meself 


I slept at 11 PM last night like a good bye but I woke up at 5 something, and then i had to watch some pr0n / fap to fall back to sleep. This is not its suppose to be. Part of me is still grozy. 

Last night I attempted to put in a url blacklist on my firewall to block youtube.com coz I really don't want to surf videos any more. I don't want to become the things I so despised when I was a kid

In Topic: Count to 100 before the Staff and Company post

23 April 2024 - 04:19 PM

140 be brave and embrace the unknown 



In Topic: Count to 100 before the Staff and Company post

23 April 2024 - 03:06 PM

139 OK whatever I need to do , I just need to go and do it