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Member Since 21 Oct 2011
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#30925 Watermark and scanlation

Posted by ©®åƒ†¥µåGGø† on 02 December 2011 - 05:52 AM

I've got an easy solution to this problem. While I appreciate the scans..... Hello, this is me. I am interrupting you here to point out that saying "I've got an easy solution" does not a solution make. Woohoo! You try to justify watermarking by saying with some hullabaloo about "respecting the author's work" or something along those line. I can read Japanese just fine so your "I can read Japanese and you can't" holds no power over me.

Page one

The outrage! You hold no power over me!

The dilemma:

--> or X?

Page two

The outrage!!!

I mean, that graffiti I saw under the bridge the other day of giant boobs and a vagina and "call this whore for a good time xxx-xxx-xxx" could just be complimenting the services of a rather good hooker. I mean, it's not derogatory to women at all right? I guess everyone has their own standards.

Excuse me, but I am not just good. I'm the best :o. With regards to this so called "graffiti", if anything, I think it actually enhances the "bridge". It's more like an awesome mural on the side of a building. But this sort of reminds me of that one time when I was studying and I saw Pol Pot eating rice. But hey, it's not like studying means you. Eat rice, right?

I'd prefer not to see the destruction of this author's work with what is essentially a feeble attempt at a smear campaign billboard. Maybe someone else will come along who will truly appreciate the work of art LSL truly is.

I know, right? We all care so much about the work of the author that we get all melodramatic when a minuscule green blotch appears on a page. I mean, to think we have to wait for an unadulterated version. And to think, they dare replace the original text with all those ugly block letters!!! What is so artistic about the letter "O"? How dare they? How. Dare. They! Prozess should totally appreciate those characters for what they really are. The english alphabet? Ha! Who does he think he is?!? The mangaka didn't intend for that!


I don't buy it for a second. If you want a truer feel of the manga, then you can buy the series for the art, read the translation, and ignore the watermarks. It's not like every volume has a watermark on it. This is just a thinly veiled way of saying that drawing a mustache on a picture of a postcard of the mona lisa is defacing a great work of art. You'll have to excuse me for saying this, but sounds kinda like an overly exaggerated sob story. :rolleyes:

What the hell is still with the ridiculous watermarks?! So fucking retarded!
How hard is it to think of a solution to it?! Boom, done. I just figured it out
by just ACTUALLY thinking about it for two seconds and the answer is
a decades old proven concept that has been around for ever.

You make absolutely no sense whatsoever... Are you my long lost siamese twin perchance http://www.batoto.ne...ll/page__st__21? :huh:

A decades old concept by definition would not have been around forever unless... perhaps you are arguing the age of the universe is just a matter of decades? Hope not, but if you are, the internet has something for you too! http://www.dinosauradventureland.com/

Watermarking every page seems kinda extreme and not a good way to get readers to switch from MangaFox, as not everyone will read the blogs.

Generating talk is a start. One watermarked page people can handle. To readers, watermarking a bunch of pages is like painting a golden poo on the Mona Lisa (apparently). I mean, who wouldn't talk about that? An unmotivated person will not move, and as such they must be moved.

I'm somewhat hardheaded, and my initial reaction to the watermark on every page was to try another manga reader other than Batoto (mostly because if you scream at me to do something, I'm obstinate & will do the other just to spite at times). Then I gave up & came to Batoto - only to see the same watermark.

Getting you here is half the battle. Some people rage then stay. Others just rage. Regardless, it is easier to move one standing than one sitting down.

Then I actually scanned through the blogs & saw that it looked like Mangafox wasn't being very nice, and with this, I will most likely start trying to use Batoto and other sites.

What motivated you to do this?

That said, I think that maybe you should go about the watermarking a little differently- doing it in such a way that it interferes with the entire page on every page will probably have the opposite affect you are wanting & have all of us hard'heads digging in the rear feet just to be obstinate. Maybe instead of doing every page you can do something like every 5th page or put the water marks in places that don't interfere with the reading quite so much & then explain why in and added on sheet or in one of the blank panels the manga has. Just a though :)

With due respect, I disagree. Being halfhearted about it would have the very same negative effects, and less people would wind up coming here. I'm against an explanation because (again) this would mean that they don't have to come here. Besides there are a number of other scanlations that already provide rants and explanations so it isn't as if the problem isn't not not not not being tackled from that angle.

Oh, I have to tell you too?
It's just beyond you, that's all.

Awesome! It's like the tardis had a tooth fairy with a curling iron. We have a very clear verdict, no? Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I don't have a browser.

#20405 Watermark and scanlation

Posted by ©®åƒ†¥µåGGø† on 01 November 2011 - 02:52 AM

What they're doing is trying to get people to convert from sites like MF to batoto in order to support them, but there's no incentive for people to switch as even batoto has watermarks.

Invalid. Just a reminder, it is the escalator that puts in the watermarks and not batoto. There is far more incentive for people to switch than just watermarks. The scanlation community is slowly being strangled, meanwhile sites like MF reap in huge profits without even lifting a finger. Raws cost money... learning another language costs money... maintaining a site that nobody visits because they're too busy hanging out on aggregates costs money. Sites like MF are sucking away the funds necessary to cover these kinds of costs away from those who actually need it to continue doing what they're doing. Lots of times, the credits page will be taken out, so the scanlation group winds up not being mentioned at all. Batoto will offer the manga how the scanlators meant for it to be shown, and if that even means watermarks then so be it.

The ones that do try to support them are getting punished as they have to read watermarked releases too. The way the scanlators are doing it is a lose-lose situation for both them and the readers.

I'm not sure that viewing watermarked releases as a punishment is a particularly healthy mindset, though it does seem common. People need to remember that they aren't actually entitled to any releases at all. I do agree that it isn't particularly advantageous to the scanlator or the reader (at least at first glance, but it certainly has generated some buzz as johnkard rightly pointed out), but this is only a response to the aggressive and unfair policies of sites such as mangafox. You also have to remember that it was already a lose-lose situation to begin with... The readers lose as well because many scanlation groups find themselves dropping projects or just barely scraping by due to a lack of funds. These watermarks are a way of combatting that, by generating buzz, and drawing people to a site that actually helps subsidize scanlation groups and their projects through ad share (provided, it isn't much, but it is something) and will give them credit where credit is due. If you want to keep reading manga online, but you don't want to visit a bunch of different sites for individual scanlation groups (and nobody blames you), then you should use a site like batoto. Yes, some of the features on this site are not perfect, but there is constant improvement and you will generally see chapters pop up here before anywhere else except the site of the scanlator. So don't choose batoto to read your manga watermark free. Choose batoto to continue reading your manga.