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Member Since 17 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2023 03:35 PM

#1793194 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 12 May 2017 - 02:52 PM

Frisk (Day 2): Acid World

Dar (Day 3): First Encounter
The forest was alive with life and magic today: butterflies sparkled through the air on glittering wings, leaving behind glowing trails while multicolored plants sang and danced almost as if alive all around Dar. Spending a second night in Akta's temple had opened her eyes to the hidden magic flowing through the world, and once again she was seeing old things with new eyes. Ahead of her was a winding path filled with familiar beasts and old dangers. Beyond those she saw the massive trees where the giant spiders made their homes. But to get to there, she first had to deal with her familiar foes: the horned rabbits.

OOC: There's no way for Dar to get around the small horned rabbit colony, so instead she'll have to go through them. The colony is split into three groups of 3-, 5- and 4 horned rabbits. The layout is yours to describe and imagine.

Edit: Dar won't rank-up until she kills her first giant spider. And I'll give her one spell when she does. You can pick the spell, or I can pick it for you. The loot will be determined once the encounter is over. Since I'm speeding things along, the horned rabbits will have less health and do less damage.

Dar: 7 HP, 4 DMG
Horned Rabbits: 1 HP, 1 DMG

Rend (Day 2): Second Encounter
Sylise was once a thriving human settlement, before the goblins attacked and destroyed it. Their main export was the spider silk gathered from the giant spiders living deeper in the heavily forested woodland. And while the humans were now gone, Rend and her minions still needed to show the proper respect to the village's newest residents: the Brownies.

Brownies are a subspecies of trolls, shaped like adult goblins but with a disproportionately large head with an even bigger mouth lined with razor-sharp teeth. Brownies are carnivorous and are not afraid to attack larger creatures, such as humans and ranked-up goblins. Like all trolls, the bite of a brownie carries diseases. Unlike trolls, brownies are resistant to all manners of poison. Brownies attempt to lure their prey in by acting innocent and harmless, holding their hands together and folding their large ears downward while keeping their mouths closed and emitting soft, cute noises.

Such was the case when Rend and her team entered the old settlement and began searching the destroyed buildings for embereyes. They were not too far into their search when they heard what sounded like a child crying. Moving over to investigate, they found a lone brownie and tried to kill it quickly. But instead of dying to their surprise attack, the creature threw it's head back, revealing it's huge maw with two rows of seemingly endless teeth and letting loose a howl that was soon echoed by many others. The brownie then turned and bit off the head of one of Rend's minions, killing it instantly.

OOC: You can pick which goblin just died.

Rend: 6 HP, 4 DMG
Brownie: 4/8 HP, 3 DMG

Rend's Loot (from the Fae Lights):
- 6x Small Venom Sacs
- 5x Globs of Glittering Goop
- 10x Black Cohoshes
- 50 Gold Pieces

#1793187 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 12 May 2017 - 12:50 PM

Herro everyone~! Since there's so few of us, I'm going to speed up some things: specifically the rank-ups and jobs. So when Frisk and Rend get to Day 3, I'll rank them up and give them their jobs. Dar will get hers after her next kill. I'm also going to speed up the story, so expect some twists. As far as the rank-ups go, Rend will become a Kitsune and Dar will become a Warlock (orc mage). Frisk will have to choose between Orc, Hobgoblin, Fae, Vampire, Ghoul or Elemental Lord.

#1792820 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 08 May 2017 - 02:04 PM

I'll update every Friday!


~slips back into a coma~

#1792408 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 03 May 2017 - 09:33 PM

Frisk: Day 2
Once King was gone, Baphoof stepped forward to take charge of the interrogation and torture. He was a short goblin with a bald head and long, greying hair around his ears, with bind, milky white eyes. What really stood out about him though, was the fact that his lips had been split-in-two a few years ago by a rival's axe. Now 'Baphoof' was the only sound he could make whenever he tried to say his own name. When Baphoof asked Frisk to explain himself, the older goblin quickly realized that Frisk was just too stupid to be guilty.



"Very well," Baphoof declared loudly, so all present could hear his words and understand their meaning. "Clearly, you are a fool and thus too stupid to convict of the crimes you have been accused! That said, we still have to kill you -- before your foolery can spread and infect us all with your madness. Kill him!!" But just then...

"Enough! I am a god now, and will not be treated this way any longer!!" It was No-name. With King gone, he had suddenly lost his cowardice and found his courage, deciding in his great wisdow that now was the perfect time to make his grand escape. "Taste my power you cretins, and I shall taste your fear!"

That was when the red jewel stuck firmly in the middle of No-name's chest became a blinding beacon of red light. Covering their eyes, the goblins then all reached for their weapons to strike down the traitor -- but it was already too late. Once the light had dimmed and then faded completely from their eyes, they all saw that No-name was now gone. In his place however, was a wondrous, new world that none of them had ever seen before. No-name hadn't blinded them and then ran off, he had sent them to somewhere else.

Explore this new area. Whatever acid-trip adventure you come up with will be just fine.

Dar: Day 3
"Before I can teach you anything," Akta said to Dar, basically repeating what she had said to Rend the day before. "We must first nurture the spark sleeping within you by immersing you in magic. Your first task will be to bring me 10x black cohosh roots and 5x embereyes seeds."

"The black cohosh is about twice your size with a long, smooth stem. The leaves are large and sharp, usually arranged in sets of three around the stem. The flowers are white and have no petals. They also have a distinctly sweet, fetid smell that attracts flies, gnats, and beetles. You only need the roots, but I won't scold you if you decide to bring the rest of the plant. They can be found almost anywhere in the forest."

"Embereyes on the other hand, only grow where fire has scorched the earth. To the west, deep within the forest, you will find an abandoned, human village. We destroyed it many years ago and set fire to the remains. You should find them growing there. Embereyes have a circular arrangement of large, thick, fleshy, red leaves. Not only that, but they glow and radiate warmth. Be careful, when in the heart of the forest, or else you will end up as a spider's dinner. Giant spider dwell within the heart of the forest. If you get caught in their webs, you will never escape."

"Your second task will be to bring me back a log capable of producing a wand. Only a minority of trees can produce wand quality wood, and it takes years of experience to tell which ones have this gift. Luckily for you however, I know where such a tree is. Head down the mountain, keeping the waterfall on your left, until you reach the sea. There you will find a large stone that I have blessed. You will know the stone by the circle in it's belly. Touch the stone and the magic inside will lead you to the second- and third stones. Touch all three and the garden will be revealed to you. Speak to Mocharr and she will give you an axe to harvest the wood -- do not kill the tree. Just bring me back a branch."

Black Cohosh



Rend: Day 2
Rend's loot:
- 6x Complete Horned Rabbit Pelts (= 18x Rawhide Leather Pieces)
- 3x Horned Rabbit Skulls + 3x Horned Rabbit Horns + 5x Horned Rabbit Spines + 20x Horned Rabbit Leg Bones (= 31x Medium Animal Bones (Bone)
- 10x Tiny Fangs
- 3x Bone Chips
- 4x Tiny Claws
- 25x Slabs of Horned Rabbit Meat

Battle Outcome:
- One of Rend's minions was gravely injured by the fey lights.

#1791673 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by Malevolent Reverie on 26 April 2017 - 05:10 PM

Then the old faithful is back! We must march forward to victory! xP


On other note, GoT is turning out to be great. Tyrion is a masterful character & Dinklage does it full justice.

#1789415 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 05 April 2017 - 02:18 AM

The post is fine, I'll have an update for you two tomorrow.

#1789402 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 04 April 2017 - 10:39 PM

I'll read it now and let you know.

#1789393 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 04 April 2017 - 09:09 PM

I wasn't going to write her an intro. The scene was already in motion. You just had to jump in.

#1787973 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 24 March 2017 - 02:55 PM

@UM: But he did get to play a game! Now it's time to put away the toy and get ready for bed. This isn't a battle Frisk can win, so either he escapes in a convincing manner, or he'll have to sacrifice a limb to stay alive. =O

@MR: I figured it was something like that. xD


I also see that you and DR have the same taste in heroes. d^^

#1787984 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by Malevolent Reverie on 24 March 2017 - 06:41 PM

@UM: But he did get to play a game! Now it's time to put away the toy and get ready for bed. This isn't a battle Frisk can win, so either he escapes in a convincing manner, or he'll have to sacrifice a limb to stay alive. =O

@MR: I figured it was something like that. xD


I also see that you and DR have the same taste in heroes. d^^

What can I say, I was the apprentice to a man of weird tastes. It was always fun to root for the misunderstood.

#1789125 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 02 April 2017 - 08:40 PM

X is BACK! Yay~! Welcome back, X! =D


~~MMOs is Love. MMOs is Life.~~

#1786491 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 13 March 2017 - 11:39 AM

Day 3 should also unlock most of the jobs for everyone.

Looking at the numbers again, it's actually Day 4. You guys won't unlock your new jobs until the END of Day 3. =/

Doesn't matter, the idea stays the same. You wake up, have your job, and Fluffy sends you to your new instructor:
Warrior/Brawler = King
Archer/Ranger = New NPC
Chemist = Akta
Merchant = Salagheed

#1786435 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 12 March 2017 - 09:23 PM

"Good," Akta replied, closing her eyes slowly while her 'hair' danced above her head. "But before I can teach you any spells," she continued after awhile as she slowly opened her eyes again. "We must first nurture the spark sleeping deep within you until it is a roaring inferno. The quickest way to do this, is to simply immerse your self in unfettered magic. Your first task will be an easy one: bring me 10x black cohosh roots and 5x embereyes seeds."

"The black cohosh is about twice your size with a long, smooth stem. The leaves are large and sharp, usually arranged in sets of three around the stem. The flowers are white and have no petals. They also have a distinctly sweet, fetid smell that attracts flies, gnats, and beetles. You only need the roots, but I won't scold you if you decide to bring the rest of the plant. They can be found almost anywhere in the forest."

"Embereyes on the other hand, only grow where fire has scorched the earth. To the west, deep within the forest, you will find an abandoned, human village. We destroyed it many years ago and set fire to the remains. You should find them growing there. Embereyes have a circular arrangement of large, thick, fleshy, red leaves. Not only that, but they glow and radiate warmth. Be careful, when in the heart of the forest, or else you will end up as a spider's dinner. Giant spider dwell within the heart of the forest. If you get caught in their webs, you will never escape."

"Your second task will be to bring me back a log capable of producing a wand. Only a minority of trees can produce wand quality wood, and it takes years of experience to tell which ones have this gift. Luckily for you however, I know where such a tree is. Head down the mountain, keeping the waterfall on your left, until you reach the sea. There you will find a large stone that I have blessed. You will know the stone by the circle in it's belly. Touch the stone and the magic inside will lead you to the second- and third stones. Touch all three and the garden will be revealed to you. If the magic rejects you, then don't bother returning to me. Speak to Mocharr the blacksmith when you're ready. She will give you an axe to harvest the wood -- do not kill the tree, or I will kill you. Just bring me back a branch."


Mocharr and Dar arrived at Akta's temple just as the sun was setting, plunging the cave into darkness once more. Quickly setting Dar down once they were inside, Mocharr quietly sneaked over to where Akta was meditating and planted a loud, wet kiss on her cheek. Akta responded by 'attacking' Mocharr with her tentacles, which only made Mocharr giggle and laugh.

Once the couple had stopped teasing each other, Mocharr ushered Dar over and introduced Dar to Akta, explaining that Dar wanted to learn from them both and needed a place to stay. Instead of introducing herself, Akta instead walked over to inspect Dar's previous wounds as well as begin bandaging the news one.

"You were here last night," Akta stated. "And now you're injured again. You'll have to get stronger if you want to survive in this world. So what exactly is it that you were hoping to learn from me?"

Frisk and No-name made their way up the winding staircase as it wiggled beneath their feet like a dancing snake. No-name threw his arms up in protest, trying to keep his balance, but the wind howled and raged all around them, making his task difficult.

"You. Shall. Not. Pass," the wind seemed to whisper in their ears, but Frisk and No-name held strong and persevered.

Finally at the top of the staircase, No-name reached into his pouch and almost as if by magic, produced a large key. The magic key fit into the golden lock that sat in the middle of the wooden door that sat high above the rest of the village. Through the lock, Frisk could see the light of a warm fireplace.

Putting the key into the lock, No-name asked Frisk if he was ready before slowly unlocking the door. Quickly and quietly, he ushered Frisk inside before locking the door behind them. Frisk didn't know it yet but they had just snuck inside King's bedroom -- the last place a goblin wanted to be unless King had personally invited you to be there.

King's bedroom was decorated with all sorts of weapons and armors. Most she had commissioned from Mocharr, the rest were trophies from her various kills. Amongst the weapons and armor were also claws and fangs from creatures Frisk hadn't even seen yet. In the far corner of the room was King's bed. Sitting on her bed was a frightened-looking human. This was the brewmaster Frisk and No-name had come to see.

No-name turned to Frisk and explained simply that in order for them to get more of the sweet, sweet beer that they wanted to drink, they would have to kill the human. His blood was the secret ingredient in the drink, so they needed it before they could continue with their quest. Since he and Frisk had become such good friends, No-name offered Frisk his dagger so he could have the honor -- after all, they were friends now.

"Cut him open and take his heart," No-name said. "With it, we can make at least four mugs of the special drink we both like so much. Four! Two for me, and two for you! With that many, we can play an all-new game."

Vexx helped Brix find Mocharr's shop as she covertly questioned him about his adventures. Fluffy was also busy trying to discover Brix's secret as he sent a group of scouts to go deep into the forest to find the terrormite mound. Whatever secrets there were, he would have them for himself. Unaware of the situation, Brix was just happy to spend time with Vexx. It was only just yesterday when Vexx looked like she couldn't care less about Brix. And now here she was, very interested in him and his adventures. Just thinking about it made Brix blush.

Once they had arrived at Mocharr's shop, Brix showed Mocharr what he was willing to sell and she gave him his reward for not dying -- some armor and weapons. Tired now, having not slept for most of the night, Brix decided to go out and find a hole to sleep in. Vexx however, had a different idea...

Stuff Brix Sold:

#1786056 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by Unbelievably Majestic on 11 March 2017 - 01:15 PM



The road was as long as the walk was hard. Very. But Frisk would not be deterred. Step after grueling step he marched beside his new drinking friend, and finally, eventually, they burst out into the harsh light of day. Frisk had done it. He had made it out of the tavern. One small victory for a young goblin, but a giant leap for all goblin-kind. He felt sure people would be talking of this day for all time. The time that Frisk and his new friend had faced the door courageously and stepped outside. The door of courage they would call it. Frisk was mightily proud of himself as he stood there swaying slightly in the doorway. And then he realized his mission was not yet complete.


The friendly older goblin led him around the side of the bar, towards the back of the building. Carefully, so as not to incur any drunken wrath, Frisk and the older goblin wove their way through the minefield of the poor lost souls who had failed in the very same mission Frisk was now attempting. This was risky. Instinctively Frisk knew that if he fell now he wouldn't get back up. He would join these poor fellows in their restless slumber, waiting to snap out at anyone who disturbed them too much. This was the time for stealth.


The task to be quiet proved to be an even trickier task than expected. Still, Frisk was drunk and confident in his abilities. He was also being much louder than he thought as they clambered drunkenly over the rattling bone fence. Luckily those poor fallen souls were also drunk. The few that brought themselves to peer angrily at Frisk lost their will to murder him when they saw how much effort that fence looked like it would take to climb.


Having made it through the tavern door of courage, past the field of lost souls, and over the fence of the fallen, Frisk felt confident in his future, proud of his achievements, and eager to continue on his journey. Until he turned around and saw... them... The Stairs of Neverendingstairiness. With a grimace and a nod at the older goblin, Frisk and his new friend began to tackle the new challenge before them. They walked ever onwards and ever upwards. To where, Frisk didn't know, but he knew one thing in his gut. One thing that was true. The adventure must continue.


Captain Jacket


#1786053 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by The Illuminati on 11 March 2017 - 12:18 PM

I'll post an update tomorrow and try to sync Brix back up with Dar (with his next post). That way they can get back to hunting.


Once we reach Day 3, we'll all be adult goblins. Day 3 should also unlock most of the jobs for everyone. And introduce a new animal to hunt.