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Member Since 05 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 31 2017 07:29 AM

#1411107 Tragedy

Posted by REAMS on 26 November 2014 - 08:10 PM


Hoshi no Samidare

Hikaru no Go

Satou Kashi no Dangan wa Uchinukenai

Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan


Shinsekai Yori is amazing btw :D

#1410529 Tragedy

Posted by Will of NGE on 25 November 2014 - 07:16 PM

Damn, your example beat my recommendation xD I wanted to say Code Geass.


Ok, here are some. These are all anime.

Darker Than Black - There's plenty of death to go around, and none of it feels cheap.

Death Note - Both anime and manga are worth it, highly recommended for very good reasons. Also deaths you'll care about.

Shiki - Hmmm... where do I start... again, like Death Note, both manga and anime are worth it, but anime much more because you know... animated... and voiced... my god the screams... The cast is huge, one of the largest, but you'll care about each and every one of them, and then you'll hurt...

Wolf's Rain - It's set in a shit world nearing its end, what do you think how it will end?

Berserk - The Golden Age Arc - So much wrong... such amaizing characters... it's a must.

Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust - Probably something you won't hear about often, but it's really damn good, and the artstyle just reinforces it.


I am a huge fan of tragegy and simply revel in it when done right.

These do it right. It's not cheap, it's not fake, it is plot relevant, it has meanin, it is not something that just happens as a token death.

#610066 Magic Soda Machine

Posted by Khrazy_one on 31 March 2013 - 02:09 PM

gets: turtle


inserts: Shinsekai Yori

#606131 Magic Soda Machine

Posted by You on 28 March 2013 - 09:02 AM

Gets: Me

Inserts: Eraser

#603453 Magic Soda Machine

Posted by pizhhh on 25 March 2013 - 10:34 AM

gets: jailed for hitting students.


inserts: personal digital asistant