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Member Since 27 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 12 2019 01:54 AM

#1661471 Impromptu poetry!

Posted by Maia on 09 November 2015 - 10:19 AM

Let's Put a Pin In It!


Said I to the Little Thread

'Be ye ever bountiful?'

Said the Little Thread to I

'That I be, bountiful and bonny'

A smile mine lips did form

'Let be ye standing atop yon hill'

E're after thou did stand

Laughing with PIN in hand

#1652559 "THE BAR"

Posted by Maia on 25 October 2015 - 07:37 AM

Yeah sure, why not? *Waves her hand dismissively; grinning.* You and your experiments.

#1641720 Forum Theme Usage

Posted by Maia on 27 September 2015 - 07:31 PM

Okay, you're right, the button does not exist on your page. You might want to bring that issue up to the administrators. You can contact them via the link for Site support in my signature.

  • Nyu likes this

#1641714 Sanctuary [OOC]

Posted by Maia on 27 September 2015 - 07:22 PM

No, its understandable. If you can't think of anything then don't force it out and make a mess of your character and his actions. That just wouldn't do at all. So don't worry about it, DR can post, then I can toss up another post and then we get you in for a post.

#1641193 Sanctuary [OOC]

Posted by Maia on 26 September 2015 - 08:45 AM

Sounds like a good plan to me. I'm down with that. >^.^<

#1641110 Dear Regulars of Batoto! Introduce yourself to Newbies :-)

Posted by Maia on 25 September 2015 - 07:35 PM



For the record, young potatoes, this introduction thread is for older members of the site to introduce themselves to you, not the other way around. >^.^<


On that note.....


I guess its been long enough since I've introduced myself to all of the new members.


Hello dear noobies!!!

I am Maia, The Resident Neko of Batoto.

I am one of the guardians of the forums and have been for almost two years now.

I've been here on Batoto since Febuary 26th, 2012....long time.... wow.... *Sits in stunned silence.* I can honestly say that this is the longest time I've been a member of something.




Welcome Welcome Welcome!!!!


I hope your time here with us is nothing short of lovely, just as it has been for me all these years! >^.^<

#1641078 Sanctuary [OOC]

Posted by Maia on 25 September 2015 - 04:10 PM

So once I make the transition post of the missing days, you'll give us an update?


If so, then what happens to Mrs. Perkins and the abominable story arc we have got going for Maia, X and Me?

I second this question! :P

#1640755 Sanctuary [OOC]

Posted by Maia on 24 September 2015 - 08:36 AM

I am, of course, still in the game. I've still got a lot more I want to do with Ashe, and co-writing for Ty. Besides, Ashe still has someone hunting her. Actually am kinda interested to see where the Winston and Ashe scenario plays out to.


I've noticed that, as I've been writing for her, Ashe is a far darker character than I originally anticipated, but I'm very much enjoying the way her backround and rising hidden darkness, obviously which Winston could "sense", are devolping. Not sure how much of this Xander, Ty or Gorilla will catch onto in the coming future, but I'm very excited to see how all of this is going to play out. *Would be bouncing in her chair with glee but the mother and the roommate are asleep, lol.*

#1640426 Sanctuary [OOC]

Posted by Maia on 22 September 2015 - 07:35 PM

Well, there is the fact that I do love reading your posts and updates, but I also know that people's lives tend to get rather busy, I'm a prime example -.- , so keeping things moving at a fast pace is a rather difficult task, lol. >^.~< <3

#1640207 Sanctuary [OOC]

Posted by Maia on 21 September 2015 - 07:59 PM

Take your time Naifu, don't stress yourself over it. >^.^< I'm not going anywhere for a while, so its not like you need to make a mad dash to get an update posted. <3

#1639510 Sanctuary [OOC]

Posted by Maia on 19 September 2015 - 09:02 PM

Lol, alright, next day off I will check it out. Actually quite busy today, lol.

#1639231 Sanctuary [OOC]

Posted by Maia on 18 September 2015 - 07:20 PM

I'm always down for continuing with this RP. Its one of, if not THE, my top faveorite RPs. I have a bit of time during my days now, so I'll be able to post a bit more often as well, so expect more from me if this continues for sure from here on. >^.^<

#1636877 Sanctuary [OOC]

Posted by Maia on 10 September 2015 - 10:09 PM

Alright my little Sanctuary Spuds, I hath postedeth mine long post!

#1636873 Sanctuary [RP]

Posted by Maia on 10 September 2015 - 10:05 PM

|CARTER, Ashelyn


In the demolished bookstore


Was it just her imagination or could she actually feel each individual change as it occurred to her body? She couldn’t tell anymore; so many sensations were bombarding her at the moment that she couldn’t make heads or tails of anything. The only thing she was absolutely sure of was Ty’s eyes, lost in a sea of reddish-brown fur, still focused completely on her, in some ways keeping her anchored to reality….if that even existed anymore. She had a vague awareness of the confrontation in the front of the bookstore; the heavy thud of endless books hitting a massive body with deadly accuracy-she had to give the monkey man props for good aim-, the shifting of clothing as Xander moved in for swift and brutal attacks, but still it was like it was happening in some sort of pocket dimension it was that distant to her.  


Still, somewhere in the back of her mind the idea of what she could possibly become was rather thrilling; and it would give her a fantastic edge, adding to the strength of their little rag-tag group. They all had their quirks but, so far, through either skill or sheer dumb luck they were managing. At least that was her final thought was before another wave of pain swept over her body as yet more changes began to take place. She could feel her skin rise up; a steady itch spreading quickly over her as small silver and black hairs began to push their way to the surface. Okay, that’s just weird, she mused, though she had the feeling that wouldn’t be the last time she was going to be thinking that for a long while.


She looked down at Ty again and a grin of total understanding slowly spread across her aching lips. She probably would have smiled at her a bit more had it not been for the terrible pain in her jaw as it began to shift and crack into a new shape to accommodate the fairly large teeth beginning to push their way through her gums. All the while the fur continued to grow, spreading across her skin like a silvery silk sheet with small black rosettes splashed in random patterns along her face and body, and still getting longer.


And that’s when the biggest change began to take place….


One Year Ago...


“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Carter,” the middle aged man whimpered in fear. “I had no part in whatever mission you’re talking about! I would never want anything to happen to anyone!”


She sat cross legged on the counter across from him, her icy rage filled eyes locked on his tear and  blood stained face, hardly hearing his words. She had found the information that she had needed; the phone calls that linked Ronald Gerome Nubarr to the deaths of her family. For months she had been doing research into Mr. Nubarr’s background, and now here she sat in his dingy kitchen, a pile of broken dishes on the floor where she had swept them from the counter. The man was in a sorry state, to be sure, so it was no shock that he would jump at the chance to get some money, even from terrorists. The man’s greed had caused the deaths of five outstanding soldiers; her brothers.


“You know exactly what I’m talking about. I’ve done my homework, Nubarr,” her voice dripped acid as she responded, her head tilted to the side. “You made several out of country calls, surprisingly to the same country that my team and I were in, during the time of our mission.” She hopped off the counter and leaned down in front of him, her hands planted on his bound wrists, her face mere inches from his. “Very few people knew what we were there for. You may not have been part of the mission, but somehow or another you managed to figure out what we were doing. Congratulations, Ronald, I give you props for that.” She leaned back from him a moment before her clenched fist connected with the right side of his jaw.


Ronald’s head whipped to the side, a small jet of spittle and blood flying past his split lips. He was wracked with pain, trying his hardest to convince this obviously grief stricken woman that he had nothing to do with the loss of her team. He had heard about it but he was quite certain he had not been involved with it. Yes, he had made calls and deals in that country, had his own guilt to deal with, but her team was not a part of it in the slightest. “I’m not lying, lady! I have friends in that country, that’s why I made those calls! You really didn’t do your homework, did you?” That question brought about another blow to his jaw and this time he could have sworn a tooth went flying with the blood and spit.


“Let me make things quite clear, sir,” Ashe ground out between clenched teeth. “I don’t much appreciate being lied to. It really grates on my nerves, to be quite honest with you, as I’m pretty sure you’ve noticed by now. So, how about you just make it easy on yourself and admit it? I might even be nice enough to grant you a swift and honorable execution.” Even to herself she sounded like a monster, but she couldn’t stop, didn’t want to stop. Cage and the others wouldn’t have like it, she knew, but the pain was just too much and the anger had risen and taken hold, spreading through her like a deadly black poison so that all she could see and feel was hatred. And this man, bound to one of his own kitchen chairs, was the source of the poison…


Back in the Bookstore


A small hiss of pain escaped her lips as her spine twisted and stretched, sending her crashing to a heap on the dusty floor. She could feel her bones shifting and snapping as they reformed, her body twitching along the ground as it changed. Her fingertips ached as pressure built up and she clawed helplessly at the floor for any kind of relief from the pain, tore at the clothing rubbing painfully against her shifting skin and fur. Those, too, joined Xander’s jacket strewn across the room, though a bit shredded due to the razor sharp claws now bursting from her fingers. Her body was completely covered in shaggy silver and black fur, her size decreasing drastically, her spine elongating to form what appeared to be a tail….


A Really Really Long Freaking Time Ago


The gun lay in pieces along the table, tears swimming in her eyes with sheer frustration. She had been trying to learn to put it back together for two weeks now without much luck. Her father had torn it apart before she had gotten home from school and laid it out on the kitchen table for her to reassemble. He gave no time frame in which she must complete it, but the rule was that she could not ask for help. She had to learn on her own. Ashelyn blinked her eyes rapidly to erase the tears from her eyes as she heard her father’s truck pull up the long drive, not wanting him to know of her emotional turmoil. The loud rumble died down as the engine was cut; the door slammed and left her in a tense silence as she stared down at the weapon, waiting for the moment the door opened.


She glanced up at the door as it swung open and he stepped through the frame and paused for a moment as he surveyed her progress. There was a slight nod to his head as he quietly closed the door and tossed his keys onto the counter before grabbing a chair and spinning it around. “Alright, kiddo, talk to me,” he said gently as he plopped down next to her.


“I can’t figure it out, daddy, and I’ve been trying so hard,” she said with a watery voice, glancing back down in hopes that he wouldn’t see the tears swimming in her eyes again.


“Well, Ashey, that’s because you’re trying too hard and letting your frustration get the better of you,” he stated with a small chuckle.  “I know you’ve watched me pull the guns apart and put them back together, so I know you know how they work, you just aren’t allowing yourself to see it. You’re putting pressure on yourself because you think I’m judging you. I’m not. This isn’t a test, and it never was.”


She glanced up at him with confusion in her large ice blue eyes. “I don’t understand,” she said with a small sniffle.


He let out a loud laugh, plopped his large hand on her head and ruffled her blonde hair. “Ashey, sweetheart, your birthday was two weeks ago. This gun is your present.”


If it had been possible she was sure her eyes had grown to be as big as saucers as she glanced down at the disassembled gun in stunned wonder. It was only then that she noticed the etching on the barrel of the weapon, her name artfully crafted onto the black metal, branding it as hers alone. She had no words; could only run a small hand gently over the pieces as she looked up at him again.


“You’re eleven now, kiddo, its time you had one of your own. I was hoping that you would pick up on it much faster than you did, but you’ve been training so much with me that you obviously figured it was a test, am I correct?” He grinned at her slight nod and folded his arms along the back of the chair. “Well, it’s good that you keep things like that in mind but, my little hellcat, you let yourself be blinded by frustration. You can’t let strong emotions like that rule your common sense. It keeps you from seeing the full picture of the things going on around you, and what it is that you need to see. Does this make sense?”


“It does, and I know it.” She let out another sniffle and started to focus on the pieces, her hands, from memory, picking out the correct parts in order as she began to finally reassemble the handgun. After several minutes a silver and black Beretta Px4 Storm type F full size .40 S&W pistol sat on the table in front of her. She smiled with sheer delight at her father and jumped up to throw her arms around his shoulders.


“Don’t let them get the best of you, okay Ashey?” He said as he lovingly returned his daughter’s embrace.


“I promise, Daddy,” she said with a smile as she leaned back from him. “So when do I get to shoot my new gun?”


Her excitement was infectious and he found himself grinning back at her. “Well, as soon as you’ve changed out of your pajamas and get your gear we might get heading out to the range.” She was up and out of the chair before he could even finish the sentence and his loud laughter followed her up the stairs to her bedroom.


Nope, Just the Bookstore


The pain was almost unbearable at this point, her mouth opened on a silent scream of agony; her vocal chords changed so much from that of a human’s that no sound could be heard save for the passing of air through the lungs. Even that was difficult, though, as her internal organs began to move and reshape to fit her rapidly emerging feline body. All the while her eyes pleaded to Ty for it to end; for any kind of release from the torture of shape changing. Another thought that ran through her mind in between maddening session after session of pain was if they would ever be able to change back into their human forms again or if they were now forever stuck in these new forms. As the battle raged on in the front of the bookstore the changes were nearly complete in the back; the human just a mere thread from vanishing from sight.

#1636691 "THE BAR"

Posted by Maia on 09 September 2015 - 06:28 PM


Actually, dear, I don't much drink anymore. *Picks up the cup of coffee.* I'm the Owner of The Bar. *Winks at DreyDrey*



If you only encounter one nest of alcoholics on your journey, consider yourself fortunate.  Most folks riding a motorcycle around a continent would end up spending a lot more time in bars. :)

Thank you for the wonderful cup of coffee. >^.^<