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Member Since 22 Oct 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2018 12:07 AM

#1857258 Batoto will be closing permanently

Posted by dannkiaz on 17 January 2018 - 11:05 AM

I legitimately don't know what to do. I have been using batoto for just under 7 years now. I didn't even made an account immediately either so I've been using this site even before Nov 2011. I remember back when this site was almost all about Tower of God and it was the big thing that everyone was reading. Since then I've seen a lot of changes to the site. Noticing my favorite series getting DMCAd made me sad, but i was proud that i was using a site that respected the publishers wishes. The fact that scantalators got the proper treatment they deserved made it OK when i was a week behind the latest chapter compared to my friends. The entire issue with being advertiser friendly and removing stuff like Nana to Kaoru was a rough situation but ultimately i felt that if it was best for the site and would help it grow than good. At one point i would try sending links to manga to friends only to have them say they couldn't read without an account. I have no idea when that happened, I've just been signed in for years and years that i haven't noticed. I regretted not using the forums more. I'm just not a a very communicative guy, and i've only used to inform about double uploads and such. You could probably count the number of comments I've made in one hand. All i can remember is reading this one chapter of Terrarium in a drawer and being so blown away that i had to comment. Once for the sake of it, I made a topic on god damn Shield Hero cause that premise still seems way to unrealistic to me. Not to long ago the whole community was in awe of rello, being praised for his impossible pace. I'm glad Helck ended before batoto. How Tomo's comments got shut down for all the meme. One of the best things I've noticed lately is the improvement of the Highest Rated Series, being a good way to find hidden gems. I say lately but a few years ago, i felt that list was completely static, dominated by Tower of God and i Think Noblesse. It seems weird now that you had Naver stuff on here. It's also one of my biggest issues right now. MyAnimeLIst doesn't have either of those series. Even though i've dropped both i still want a record of them somewhere. Sure i exported my follows list but it just is not the same. That reminded me of another regret. I wish i had followed more dropped series. I only started wanting to keep track of the shit series in the past 2 years, with 5 years of dropping manga gone into the either. I dont want to stop typing. I feel like i still have so much i can say about batoto, both the good and the bad. But this already feels like a cluster fuck of half balked nonsense. I regret not putting myself out there, trying to be a recognizable name like Purple Library Guy. I regret all those manga i didn't follow and might be lost forever in the giant sea of manga. I regret that batoto didnt have a better way of sorting out follows, but god damn it, it was the best i had. It was the best that any manga fan had. Ever since i started using this i felt this was the best place to read manga. Even here, today, years later i tried things mangafox withe there shit scans, all of the rip off sites like mangahere, and even though i like mangasee for letting me scroll down instead of page by page, it still didn't beat batoto. Look's like i actually have to go bother learning madokami. I really love batoto. Even with the server issues, even with DMCA, even with the mature content, this place has been with me for years. And now i'm being greeted with a yellow banner saying it's about to be auctioned off. I hope the dream of this site lives on. I hope that all the community members find a new place to read. I hope something actually happens with all the archived data. Of course i hope that Grumpy feels better. I really waited as long as possible. I just don't know what to say, and at the same time i have so much. I just finished reading Tsubasa to Hotaru, thanks to the Highest Rated List of course. I was just struck with the realization that this was going to be the last thing ill ever read on here. I suppose i could read more, find some one shots i have on my plan to read, but that felt artificial. I'm going to miss batoto. That's the TLDR of the thing. I don't want to come back after posting this. I want to move on. So this is it. 2265 days and 1167 follows later. Good Bye batoto. I am definitely going to be carrying this weight.