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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 24 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 01 2020 09:58 PM

#1850493 What's the last song you listened to?

Posted by Antisolar on 22 December 2017 - 08:50 PM


#1833374 Dreams!

Posted by Antisolar on 20 October 2017 - 12:39 PM

I had a tiring dream this night.

Layered one.


First dream : It was at a family gathering or something. My cousin was eating meat. It was not the point of the dream, but I noted that he was eating meat. I immediately realised that it was impossible, because he never eats meat. But he basically ate one kilo right in front of me. I tried to confront him, saying it was not possible, but he didn't seem to find it abnormal.

I didn't know it was a dream but I could tell that "it couldn't be".


Then I "woke up". Seeing it was still night, I went back to sleeping.

In the second dream, I was in the toilet. And under the toilet I was sitting on, there was a large trail of urine tracing a road disappearing under the door.

Also, the toilet wasn't not flushed. The water had this yellow colour, and it was clogged with bunch of clothes. And under the toilet, there was a huge pool full of excrements. With each discovery, I was realising that it was simply not possible. I didn't find it strange that such absurd toilet could exist. Rather, what was impossible was that I was actually using it. And the worse of all it that I tried to clean it. Again, I couldn't tell it was a dream, but I knew somehow that it wasn't reality.


Then I "woke up" again. This time, it was morning. I didn't like having two such dream but it was okay because it was weekend. But really ?

Somehow, I felt it shouldn't be Saturday yet. More like Friday. I went downstairs and my parents weren't around.

I left the house to check on the cars. Mine was there, but it was of a different colour. I could tell right away that something was not right, but I didn't know what.

Thinking I should go to work, I started my car only to realise one of my wheel didn't seem to work, so I drove to the garage. When I left my car, I realised that my wheel was that of a bicycle. I noted it was impossible.

Walking back home, I found my daddy working on my missing wheel. It was more than one meter wide. Again, I could tell that there was something wrong.

Then I asked my mom which day we were, and she said Sunday. One last time, I realised that it was simply impossible.


Then I woke up, for real this time.

Usually, when I dream, lot of impossible stuff can happen, but they always feel normal at that time. They only feel impossible after waking up.

But somehow, this time, whenever I faced something that did not match my knowledge of what reality was, I realised it.


Also after waking up, I felt exhausted. Took me 2-3 hours before feeling alright.

#1797831 IAM Horn, AMA

Posted by Antisolar on 13 June 2017 - 07:43 PM

Grave-digging but I forgive myself.


Horn, I have to say I never liked you one bit. Or maybe, just one bit and just once. After that, I threw everything Horn-related to garbage can.

I have some very selective filter, and give no second chance to people who disappoints or hurts me.

I do make the difference between the Horn on batoto, and the one dude behind his computer. I have nothing for or against the second because in my eyes, it's a completely unknown entity who absolutely cannot be judged based on my knowledge(even more so if it's superficial) of the persona that walks the internet.

So the one I am talking to is Horn.


I was trying to find one topic and ended up seeing this one. It somehow annoyed me which is, in this day and age, enuff reason to check it.

Only read last page and your serious posts about yourself.

For all you can care coming from an completely non-existent member you most likely don't give a damn about, there is now one less person who despises you and one more person who respects you for another reason than posting some kinky photos.


Horn is dead, long live Horn.


Kind wishes,


#1792622 LPW (last post wins) v4

Posted by Antisolar on 06 May 2017 - 07:44 PM

Arrow to the Knee

#1792474 LPW (last post wins) v4

Posted by Antisolar on 04 May 2017 - 04:40 PM

out of here anti

I'll be backC2tHNrh.gif

#1765531 Your Favorite Artworks

Posted by Antisolar on 20 September 2016 - 07:03 PM

Honestly, I was trying to find this topic in Potato Hell. Graphix seemed full of people sharing their own stuff.
So I browed potato hell. Twice. I was about to ask for help, beg some kind soul that would be willing to help me within such a short time I would not lose the will to share some stuff.
So like when I do when I must find something I posted age ago on batoto, I just googled myself. I am awesome. Such a genius. I am so proud. And I am still willing to share some stuff. I am drinking some peach schweppes too so I am in a rather good mood.
Don't ask. I didn't even bother checking if some other similar yet more recent thread exists. I don't care. This one the only one for me.
I am not going to give you all some original stuff. It's from one of my fav, yuumei that I checked on today. It's an artist I believe I already posted about.
blablableh whatevah
I decided to post them because well...
Better Tomorrow


#1760126 Latest Purchase You've Done!

Posted by Antisolar on 06 August 2016 - 10:10 PM

So last time was Rebecca Guay's artbook. This time, it's from another MTG illustrator : Peter Mohrbacher

The artbook is Angelarium.

There is one big thing that bothers me with this artbook, it's the text. Lot of text. About half. Actually, I didn't read a single sentence of this book and I doubt I ever will. I didn't buy this book for that and from the reviews I've read of it, it's not worth the time.


I feel more and more like a dragon, gathering stuff like a treasure. Is my zodiac sign taking over ? I didn't understand why rich people can spend millions for a single "artwork" that looks like shit, but I am starting to. If you like it and you can affort it, why not. I still disagree about the looking like shit part tho but tastes and colours...

Anyway, I got rid of 90% of my novels and I plan on using my library mainly for artbooks. But monies. Maybe next order will be a Di-Maccio, and if I am lucky, Motherland Chronicles will be out before I die.


Anyway, the first(because there will be at least one more next year) Angelarium artbook came with a golden engraved coin, postcard pack and a sketchbook. I also ordered the collective cards.





And a very good night to all..

#1751587 Latest Purchase You've Done!

Posted by Antisolar on 04 June 2016 - 10:13 AM

So basically, I've ordered two LED, each with their remote controller. It was for the lamp near my bed that uses two.

The thing is, they are colored LED. the remote allows 15 RGB variations + White and 3 brightness levels. It also has basic On/OFF as well as 4 "disco" mode.

The first mode change the color 2 times per second I think. The second mode is the same, but once per every 3 sec.

The third mode is smooth change and the last mode is smooth change (slow).


I also wanted to check if each controller works for its own LED, but as expected, they both affect all LED which means if I want my lamp to have two differents color, or two different modes actives, when I target one LED, I use my hand close to the remote to block the signal toward the second LED. Well, that's because the two LEDs are quite close being part of the same lamp after all.

There is however, one very negative point. When I use Off with the remove, then On, it comes back to where it was last time, which is good. But if I use the normal button for the lamp, which cut its access to electricity, then the lamp will start with mode Disco 1 which is very annoying.

My dad asked me to buy 5 more because he finds them nice, but I discovered this annoying fact only after ordering them. So we might not like using them as ceiling lamp unless we only use the controllers which isn't very handy, even if we will have 5 of them.


It is still a nice thing for any other lamp beside the ceiling ones.

here some pics





#1730842 Latest Purchase You've Done!

Posted by Antisolar on 03 March 2016 - 02:00 PM

A bathtub ! It's not exactly my last purchase, but it's the one I got last.
We got it Monday and finished setting it up yesterday afternoon. I had the privilege to take the first bath because I am the one who found, ordered and paid for it.
My parents will refound me half later.



I wanted to take a pic when there are whirlpool, water jet and whatever but I was already inside by the time I could use them all (water level is importantand I didn't wait for it to be full)) and sweating in some 40°C mist.
All in all, I think it's nice, but I am one who takes bath to relax and sleep. The jets when all of them are ON are quite noisy. Daddy wasn't bothered when he used it himself.

#1723998 Latest Purchase You've Done!

Posted by Antisolar on 17 February 2016 - 03:02 PM

Evolution: The Art of Rebecca Guay - Collector's Edition









I could have chosen Bitterblossom which is a valuable card instead of one of her choice but they can't be used anyway. I like the one I got anyway~

As for how much monies all that cost me, including shipping and customs fees....no, you don't want to know.

#1708421 Latest Purchase You've Done!

Posted by Antisolar on 23 January 2016 - 06:03 PM

Anti has the same walls as Phil

Nobody has the same wall !


#1708419 Latest Purchase You've Done!

Posted by Antisolar on 23 January 2016 - 05:56 PM

I have a tablet that I don't use.
So I bought a tablet holder.
Just because.


#1690634 ponys going away party; You gets drunk; sock wins a pillow; Icee and Anti com...

Posted by Antisolar on 26 December 2015 - 09:55 AM

150 euro for a hair straigthening that lasted until I washed them. Supposed to last 3 months. I can't say I didn't see it coming as I have faith in the obstinacy of curly hairs. Well it's not like it completely vanished. Kind of sorfter, take less place, easier to brush, easier to everything. But the result is somehow even more horribilis because unatural than before I did it. Next time, I will try japanese straigthening probably 3 times more costy. And if it then still refuse to submit, I will kill it with fire ;(

#1650748 Latest Purchase You've Done!

Posted by Antisolar on 21 October 2015 - 09:32 AM

Today, I've purchased two more prints :
The bully (51cmx51cm)


So when I receive them I will have 6 prints in my bedroom <3

#1621454 How was your day/week?

Posted by Antisolar on 17 July 2015 - 12:41 PM


edit : cleaning