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Member Since 23 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2021 10:33 PM

#1869088 Search broken?

Posted by GodricKharg on 17 March 2018 - 09:25 PM

I’ve noticed when I go to search a manga or manhwa it doesn’t.... just gives you a default list you then have to scroll through.

I know the site is “no longer” and maybe not many use it, but I still do on occasion... is it worth fixing this?

#1855568 Batoto will be closing permanently

Posted by GodricKharg on 11 January 2018 - 03:44 PM

I made a special discord server for bato survivors...


To discuss where to read, and release...

Everyone welcome.

#1853058 Batoto will be closing permanently

Posted by GodricKharg on 07 January 2018 - 09:27 PM

oh... well damn.  It'll be missed...


I wonder if any of the staff have thought to take on the bato domain and try to seamlessly move over?

Btw, I always wondered about the 'only the last 4 most recent chapters' could be read without an account..'   should have IMO made it so only series releases 2+ years old  could be read from the site without a membership...  this way the scraping would effectively (IMO) stop... yea people would complain but maybe admin get more sleep.


damn, I wonder where the scanlators will upload to now...


side note, if anyone wants to discuss setting a server up, I own scans.today ...  just need a server to direct 'reader' to as my account won't really support what bato does I don't think.

#1808687 Tags and Genres you'd like to see implemented.

Posted by GodricKharg on 30 July 2017 - 03:22 AM

I would love if we could get a 'Cross dressing' tag to suppliment the 'gender bender' tag/Genre.  Many times Gender Bender is used simply to indicate what is in truth, simply cross dressing.

#1708067 New Filter category - Removed - DMCA'ed etc

Posted by GodricKharg on 22 January 2016 - 11:42 PM

So I went looking tonight for manga with no chapters that might be available to be picked up with no chapters.


Suddenly I found myself wishing for a way to 'filter' out all the manga which had been dmca'd for removal from batoto.


It would certainly make it easier for which series at a glance need a scanlator that have not been started on...

#1654112 Batoto becoming registered only?

Posted by GodricKharg on 27 October 2015 - 06:51 PM

From an outside perspective, it sounded as though they raised the point because they want Batoto to make it easy for other aggregator sites to download their work. Information wants to be free, and all that. I could see the point in this (I'm a pretty big fan of that concept myself), if it weren't for the fact that the person running Batoto has repeatedly clarified that the load from other aggregator sites' bots has gotten so bad that the site can't survive if something isn't done to reduce it.
Just tossing out a thought: If Archangel's goal is to distribute their work to all of the aggregator sites, upload it to one of the cyberlockers and send out an email with the link. Not only are they in the business of allowing people to upload files for others to download, they're pretty happy about the traffic.

Considering it's pretty bad that regardless of what time you publish a groups scanlated work, it's on the money centric aggregators sites within 10 minutes, a lot of the time it's much less from the initial chapter add.

I've actually sat there after adding Adam in puberty, freezing, domestic an kanojo (and other works I participate in) to see how fast a certain other site picks it up.

Average? Five minutes. Never more then Ten.

That's a bot hitting every series on bato to within 10 minutes to cycle again. This is one aggregator. Add in the others.

I have no idea what the actual bot statistics are that are suspected for grabbing content but to me that even seems ridiculous and borders on spamming behaviour.

Yay an error free post....

Regarding the automatic distribution of a chapter: It was an added bonus when uploading to non-DMCA abiding sites, which we do not support but do not mind having a chapter up on as our series are both free. I myself have learned quite a bit from this thread, as I've never seen other sites as 'aggregator's' beforehand. It would also be pretty selfish of me (Higasho) the uploader of our group to continue pushing the unofficially supported/convenient distribution of chapters topic method. After learning about the bots that were siphoning life from batoto to mirror content from and to 'aggregator sites' and is ultimately bad for batoto's health, and thus we no longer care for such a distribution method. Now with the knowledge of 'aggregators' our group will likely manually upload our chapters more carefully, to select sites such as batoto that respect groups such as ours.
No matter which path batoto takes,
We will always support this loving site,
Because it truly respects the hard work, that is put into each series!
Beyond the originally intended audience.

 TL:DR - Major-Clarification

We knew about other manga-sites as non-DMCA abiding sites, and yes even profiting sites, which we publicly do not support. We have never heard of 'aggregator' sites that use bots to steal content from other sites automatically. It is possible that the sites we currently support which is listed as non-DMCA abiding site to use bots. Reason we UNOFFICIALLY support non-DMCA abiding sites is simply because both of our series are FREE on U17. Since we consider almost every site as non-DMCA abiding site, and not an aggregator bot site unless proven guilty. We're perfectly fine about mass distribution of a chapter for now. (We do not publicly support them like we do batoto) If a site is found and listed as an aggregator we will be sure to warn users to stay away from such sites.
1) We do not support aggregator sites
2) We don't like manga sites that do not listen to DMCA-takedowns.
3) Both series are FREE, and are not LICENSED.
4) We're not against both our FREE series being listed on non-DMCA-Abiding sites.
5) We like to think both Authors of both FREE series, would like their work seen by many readers!
Hope this clears things up!!

Yeah, it was pretty easy for me to figure out from just a manga addicts perspective. But it's ok, there's crap we all miss in our enthusiasm.

#1652891 Batoto becoming registered only?

Posted by GodricKharg on 25 October 2015 - 05:34 PM

A bot comes along, takes as much as it can get and redistributes on it's own bandwidth somewhere else.
If you stop thinking about yourself and your money and your server costs, these bots are doing something thats furthering the goal of the scanlators, namely spreading something that isn't available through "normal" means.
Now since you don't want your site to crash and burn due to costs that are blamed on these bots (even though every last member is doing the same as the bots just at a smaller scale per individual), why not actually make it known that you aren't making things work with ad rev instead of walling everything off and hide behind the flimsy walls of forced accounts (people have been doing accounts for a very long time, a bot that can't work around that, does such a bot even exist?). Is it that you're too proud to ask for donations?
I for one have not seen this site attempt asking for help, it's always been a thing that just worked so there has never been a need to wonder if things ware okay, but now suddenly I'm forced into this backalley forum to read about it all going to hell (yes this is hell, being forced to log in and go on forums to read bad news is quite literally my idea of hell).
So what I'm saying is, bots are "greedy" yes, sometimes they are doing it for profit, but sometimes they aren't! You can't stop them efficiently anyway, nobody wins by trying to stop an unstoppable force.
The entire scanlation "scene" was built upon LOSING money, if your site isn't losing enough money to need to ask for donations once in a while I don't know what kind of insane ad deals you have going...
Do not fear losing money in a place where losing money is basically the goal, that will only lose you money faster, as well as popularity (presumably).
I for one would jump on the new replacement for this site that someone would eventually make if this sticks, as soon as possible. As some guy (almost) said earlier, this can only get worse if you go in this direction.
Now if you are worried about the site going into "the red" for the readers sake, don't be, the readers will survive even if the site doesn't, and so will the scanlators that have been in the red from day 0 without a doubt.
You have something good here, let it remain good until the end, no matter what that end might be, pure and beautiful without the evil of money dictating how things "has to be", this is not a life, this is something that can be made again and again, it isn't unique and thats a good thing.
Speaking of, when the site does die (it only makes sense for it to die no matter what direction it takes), releasing the code would be a nice show of good will.
And do forgive me for not putting myself in "your position", but I'm part of the community, and the community is much larger than this place (or any forums anywhere), even if I did like it here.
Remember mangatraders? Good times.

I really really wanna know what crap you be smoking.

MANY OF THOSE SITES a your talking about, the ones that run these none-existent bots, or that other users upload stuff to?

Have you checked the scanlation policy of even half of the groups? There are many that indicate bato.to as their only official reader, there are some that even forbid uploading to a site that isn't bato.to.
Why? Because they are a reader site designed to make money first and foremost. You can't understand the number of times I've read on another site and I end up having to shut down my browser (mobile or desktop WITH pop up blockers) due to browser hijacking JavaScript in an ad revenue banner. (Yes, call us today to unlock your hijacked browser, course I'll give them a call... NOT).

In fact I think the only online reader for manga that actually listens to scanlation groups and DMCA requests is bato.to.

As for your suggestion that bato.to will die, I am doubtful of that.

I just hope the mobile reader apps are able to allow a user to login to bato.to for reading purposes... I only read from the iPad these days.