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Question about what happens during the second game.

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Alright so the anime just recently end the SAO arc and is now on the second game trying to rescue Asuna from that freak. My question is does anything happen or is Kirito going to save her before anything happens. I guess the answer will determine of I continue the show or not...

Silent J

Silent J

    Potato Sprout

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Lots of crap will happen if the anime continues following the novel. Asuna is pretty damn out of reach right now.
Some development with Kirito's cousin/sister.

Edited by Silent J, 02 November 2012 - 05:27 PM.



    Potato Spud

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The second arc mostly centers around Kirito's journey to reach Asuna, not Kirito's journey with Asuna.



    Potato Sprout

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So far its followed the canon pretty closely so I reckon it will continue to do so: read the books/translation if you don't want to wait. The story continues way past what will be the anime anyway. baka-tsuki have free translations



    Sweet Potato

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Here's an interesting note, sorry, this is just the best place I saw to post this........might be of interest to someone who's a fan of SWO

