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Story question (possible spoilers)

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    Potato Sprout

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If Raito is prepared to kill Yuu so he doesn't procreate with any other girls, why not just make Yuu impotent? Get him a vasectomy, nuke him with radiation for a few seconds, anything that it will make it impossible for him to breed. Hell, could even spade/neuter him. Am I missing some plot note or something?



    Potato Spud

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The reason for that is actually pretty simple: there'd be no story. All Raito would have to do is come back for a few minutes, spade/neuter/nuke Yuu, and skip right to the "Please look forward to the author's next work!" note. Where's the fun in that?

Honestly, there's no logical reason for him not to. If Raito were descended from Yuu, then killing Yuu would most likely mean his own erasure, yet he has no qualms about killing Yuu; making him impotent would lead to a similar situation. Additionally, he probably won't exist in any timeline after this is all over. The disease originating from Yuu and his descendents had a catastrophic effect on the world, and the changes to Raito's timeline would probably mean he would never be born, no matter how he stops it. He could be milking all the time he has left, I guess, but I doubt that; he seems too business-like for that.



    Potato Sprout

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Easy Ratio could easily kill, but killing your ancestor make you never exist and if you never exist then you cant go back in time to kill your ancestor. If he did he would probably earn a nice deas ex reset.



    Potato Spud

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Actually there is another really really big plot hole that needs to be questioned. If they can travel back in time. Than why the fuck don't they take the virus from the future and introduce it themselves. Actually, why hasn't it already spread since the power users got them due to a side effect of the virus?

They clearly have shown that you need to live in a clean environment or the virus would kill you so its definitely able to survive in an air born state.

Only thing I can think of is that they need Yuu specifically, otherwise its a huge plot hole. Aww what if this story somehow turns into like an Infamous story-line....



    Potato Sprout

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The premise is pretty crappy as it stands now. I hope it's found out to be all lies from Raito to make him go after the main girl. Idk, so many holes in the plot but maybe shove forward to see if any of them fill themselves.