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Your Favorite Final Fantasy Game

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    Potato Spud

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What's your favorite Final Fantasy game?

My favorite Final Fantasy game would definately have to be Final Fantasy VII, because It has

Vincent Valentine in it.

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Edited by Slevin, 15 March 2013 - 02:01 AM.

Se aí tem fé, aqui tem axé.



    Potato Spud

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That's a good one. ^_^

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    Fried Potato

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I like them all equally as much.



    Potato Spud

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I know it is pretty hard to choose one!

Tactics is another good one.

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    Potato Sprout

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To me, personally, it's Final Fantasy XI: Online.

Despite it being a subscription-based MMORPG, its main storyline and side-quests doesn't put its story-driven heritage to shame. Hell. There's even an ending to it all along with its many expansion packs, such as its highly touted Chains of Promathia expansion pack.

It's a shame that a lot of people dismisses it since it's an MMORPG, since the game itself is a pretty immersive experience from beginning to end.

Edited by MrPuffet, 07 October 2012 - 10:00 PM.



    Fried Potato

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I like Tactics. Both the story and the game itself are quite good.

Also, XII was interesting.

But it is difficult to pick one...



    Fried Potato

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Final Fantasy VII,

To me, personally, it's Final Fantasy XI: Online.

Despite it being a subscription-based MMORPG, its main storyline and side-quests doesn't put its story-driven heritage to shame. Hell. There's even an ending to it all along with its many expansion packs, such as its highly touted Chains of Promathia expansion pack.

It's a shame that a lot of people dismisses it since it's an MMORPG, since the game itself is a pretty immersive experience from beginning to end.

Are you pumped for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn cos i am.

Xagnam - My brother in KPOP



    Potato Sprout

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Final Fantasy VII,

Are you pumped for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn cos i am.

I was in the Beta for Final Fantasy XIV and played through it until January of this year, so I've played the game for about a year in its early transitioning between the old FFXIV and its "A Realm Reborn" reincarnation. I hope you don't hold it against me, but I'm going to wait and see if the game has improved since its launch.

Honestly, I'm more exicited about FFXI's new expansion pack, and I'm fighting the temptation to re-subscribe to the game again (I probably will when the expansion pack is out).



    Fried Potato

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I was in the Beta for Final Fantasy XIV and played through it until January of this year, so I've played the game for about a year in its early transitioning between the old FFXIV and its "A Realm Reborn" reincarnation. I hope you don't hold it against me, but I'm going to wait and see if the game has improved since its launch.

Honestly, I'm more exicited about FFXI's new expansion pack, and I'm fighting the temptation to re-subscribe to the game again (I probably will when the expansion pack is out).

Thats understandable, Final Fantasy 14 has a bad rep so its gonna be hard to get all the final fantasy fans back to even play the new 'A realm Reborn'

Xagnam - My brother in KPOP



    Potato Sprout

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Thats understandable, Final Fantasy 14 has a bad rep so its gonna be hard to get all the final fantasy fans back to even play the new 'A realm Reborn'

Honestly, the new changes looks pretty sweet. Especially the user-interface, which was my constant complaint in Beta and much, much later in it's official forum. But it sort of looks homogenized: it's giving me the impression that it's another "cookie-cutter" MMO. However, that isn't a bad thing either since FFXI was nothing but a "cookie-cut" of the first Everquest, Hironobu Sakaguchi obviously liked what he saw and ran with it under the Final Fantasy brand, and the game didn't pay the price of not revolutionizing anything unless if you count adding a story to an MMO.

Again, I'm going to wait it out, like I should have to begin with, and see if its any good this time.



    Potato Spud

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I actually haven't played 14.

Is it worth checking out?

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    Potato Sprout

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Well... check it out for yourself. I will say that it is a completely, brand new game.

I would will like to share with you a bit of a story in this game that I thought was pretty cool when it was revealed sometime ago.

When I used to play the game in its early "released days," there was this noticeable tiny red dot in the night sky, and I assumed it was just a star: a star that was a part of a major celestial constellation. In Final Fantasy XI: Online, they had similar colored stars that were a major part of a celestial constellation; a big blue star, for example, was a part of the Shiva constellation. So, I didn't pay very much attention to it. Six months later, someone in the official forums made a revelation: the tiny red dot in the night sky had grown bigger since it was first seen when the game had launched.

I was floored...

Something similar to "Meteor" from Final Fantasy VII was going to happen in this game. I was right: it was coming.

Edited by MrPuffet, 08 October 2012 - 10:10 PM.



    Fried Potato

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I suggest you watch all the gameplay that has been released (and theirs alot) and make your own judgement on it.
I registerd for the FInal Fantasy 14 A Realm Reborn Beta test, i just hope i get picked.

Xagnam - My brother in KPOP



    Fried Potato

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Only FF game I played so yeah..



    Fingerling Potato

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While 7 deserves special mention, since it was that one who got me into the series, the one i like the most is 9. Even though the artstyle was a bit childish for me to start with, it suits the game perfectly.



    Potato Spud

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9 is pretty damn good

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    Mashed Potato

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only played X, XII, and XIII

my fav is actually XII


but XIII has a unique gameplay even tho i dislike the fact that there is no "safe cities"



    Fingerling Potato

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only played X, XII, and XIII

my fav is actually XII


but XIII has a unique gameplay even tho i dislike the fact that there is no "safe cities"

If you played the later ones only, you should really try 9. #9 was the last of 'the old generation' which had no voice actors in it. The graphics are not realistically but extremely 'cuteish' but it really fits the game. It also has more of the 'fantasy aspect' i was looking for in these games. 7, 8, 12 and especially 13 has a lot of tech fantasty/steampunkish stuff in it, a bit too much for my tastes.



    Mashed Potato

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i heard that 7 is the best?

too bad i don't have enough time to play any additional RPG anymore because pokemon and wow is already on the list >.>