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    Fingerling Potato

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A god who fled to their room and never came back out would certainly explain a lot ~w~

(Is this just re-inventing deism at this point? owo;)

PItiful Boar

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87 yesh 

what is going on w/ life  

btw if you never seen solaris the movie done by the russians 1970s you should , v thought provoking

also stalker by the same guy

Edited by Feishy Pit Boar, 16 April 2023 - 10:26 PM.



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Not a lot

Today was a very blobby day. I lived like a blob, blobbing around. Mostly a happy one though, I think.


I am reminded that setting things up on linux is flexible, but difficult. Trying to understand how to set up a Samba config file (not just to do it by copying other configs blindly, but to understand it and what one is doing) is hard. And I'm a bloody programmer :/

Edited by pokari, 18 April 2023 - 10:59 AM.

PItiful Boar

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89 get a NAS buddy

i have 2 in fact, but surprisingly, what i realize is that i have way too much junk that i have never revisited... videos back from 2004, 2005 


i have weird stuff



    Fingerling Potato

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The linux box with Samba is my NAS ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Moderately beefy, too, at 12 TB.


Okay, so, funny story. Koyaanisqatsi. I hadn't heard of it before. So I looked it up and looked at a youtube video of it.

I skipped a lot of it, but maybe watched half an hour all told, starting at the middle and working towards the end. The camerawork was really great, they'd done a bunch of cool things with time-lapse, slow-motion, weird camera shots, and ominous music.

...It was only when I saw "Francis Coppola presents" at the end, however, that I realised every shot playing backwards wasn't an artistic statement but (probably) this particular upload dodging copyright protection.

On the upside: Bridges and buildings un-exploding themselves into an array of ruined ghost tenements is I honestly way more awesome and haunting than the original way 'round.

PItiful Boar

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91 coppola's company distributed it, he didn't make any of the stuff... i was in a new age mood back then, i also sad baraka (1992) and the other two -atsi films (they were a 3 part trilogy)

well, glad u found it interesting enough to see at least half of it

12TB is a lot... what sort of stuff do you plan to put on to it?



    Fingerling Potato

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The unexciting answer is: Backups, mostly. Periodic disk images of my PC and Laptop and whatever other device. More-frequent semi-continuous backups of select portions of the same device's filesystems. Insurance against any of my SSDs crashing, for someone who doesn't want to lose anything.

...And maybe all the GOG game offline installers I own, if I'm feeling hoard-y.

It adds up. Not to 12TB right away, but easily to 5TB or so, and I figured since changing the size of a ZFS raid is a pain I might as well get four disks instead of three (since one disk is parity three disks would have just been 8TB)


Ironically the processor on the machine running this is noticeably more powerful than my (now aging) gaming PC's (I do plan to use the computer for other things than just being a NAS—but in the meantime it's kind of hilarious. NAS go brrr...)

PItiful Boar

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93 sounds like you're asking for unnecessary complexity

imagine paying yourself the time going thru setting up a zfs raid instead of buying one off the shelf... like building a pc instead of purchasing one online... doing it for the experience ig



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Building a PC yourself is frequently still cheaper when the things you want from it are unusual and specific ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Especially if one assumes one's time is free, but I'm still unemployed, so mine is :'p

Which is sort of what happened here. It's loads more expensive than a NAS that can only do NAS stuff, but between blowing $250 on a single-purpose machine and blowing $650 on a computer that does the same things and is a respectable computer in its own right... And compared to any pre-built PC that fits those conditions, it's what I want? IDK

But I am definitely somewhat doing it for fun. Although "fun" here also means "to avoid my own future frustration at the things I cannot do". It's possibly complicated — or I'm just sleepy and rambling!




    Fingerling Potato

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Everyone doing okay? owo


PItiful Boar

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not as well as you considering you're still up at five in the morning having a blast 96




    Fingerling Potato

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Not okay, then. I'm really sorry.

I don't think I have anything useful to say, but much love, many hugs, and I hope you are doing as okay as circumstances allow.


PItiful Boar

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98 im... a bit peeved

everything that ends well ends

everything that doesn't end well ends



    Fingerling Potato

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It is how it goes. The universe is not known for its sympathy. That's what other humans are for. At least ideally.

*extra hugs*

PItiful Boar

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Edited by Feishy Pit Boar, 09 May 2023 - 05:19 PM.



    Fingerling Potato

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Yay, 100~

There was much rejoicing.


In totally-unrelated note, several hours in a totally-nonviolent walking simulator sort of game has me idly wondering why so many games are violent.

Like not in a judgemental, woe is humanity way—just genuinely, why is "fake violence" one of our most common themes for "fun". Like obvious potential evolutionary reasons spring to mind fairly easily, but at face value it seems very strange...

Sleepily, I wonder if I could make a compelling tree-hugging simulator. Maybe the reason that doesn't sound compelling is there's no reason not to just walk out and hug a tree IRL?
Except bugs maybe.

PItiful Boar

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2 we would never have gotten past suber tooth tigers in the game of life if it wasn't for our savagery tho



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I mean... Would we not have? No idea. Lots of species survive having some predators...

It sure as hell did something though, yeah. And now it's mostly dead code, that it's better to have pixelized outlets for, one supposes?

But we also like hugs and try to save small wounded animals and so on and so forth. Strange creatures, we.


And now, to cuddle into soft blankets and snuggle myself to sleep like the small confused apex predator that I am.



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I'm looking for new jobs... so far it's been: "a biology degree? wow, you don't really have any experience we could use..." or just auto-reject.


I really don't want to have to wait a year to build up a data science portfolio or something like that at my current job...


I am also wanting a partner :((((((((. haven't had a gf yet while everyone around me seems to be getting into relationships

but on the bright side, I'm applying to other jobs!!! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO it's a warm sunny world out there!

PItiful Boar

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best of luck