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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

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PItiful Boar

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11 ded at fifty nine yesh

but maybe she had done everything she wanted already... and it was a good time to go ...



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Well, that would be nice :/ I expect 59 to be about when I'm settling down from my second or third mid-life crisis, so we'll see how that goes.

On the bright (?) side, meditating on premature death does put stuff like the soggy dead fly I just found in my rice bowl into perspective. At least I'm still alive. The fly had a worse day of it, too.

PItiful Boar

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13 i'm having a infestation of cockroaches at the minute... ants too, some flies but not as bad

I've used those sticky papers and I've been catching them throughout the month

This must have been the third sheet I've changed. I could take some gruesome pictures as those bugs with their last ounce of energy waive their antenas helplessly

i recently came across the news of a streamer / esports player named rekful, apparently he was a top ranking wow player back in the days

He was a womanizer, going through three ex girlfriends, he would go on these trips where he filmed himself, partying at the beach, etc... By accounts he had a fun and successful life... but he was also suffering from depression and he killed himself this week


I'm confused... was he happpy? was he sad? He probably had more fun that I could ever have in my lifetime... 



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14 Couple things come to mind.

First, "fun" as a measure of happiness—there would seem to be some truth to the idea that we've leaned a bit hedonistic about this in our culture, over-emphasising the importance of enjoyable moments, moments where you've got adrenaline or endorphin or dopamine highs.

Actually I wonder if we have more bipolar people because of that. *checks* U.S. does lead the world in bipolar people so, maybe, but who knows. But I digress.

You can't string together a bunch of those peak moments and make happiness from that. You need to be content—not in some profound way necessarily, just some manner of reasonably-content-and-unperturbed—in the downtimes, the moments of repose, between any distinctly "fun" (or for that matter, unpleasant) times. Otherwise your life can suck profoundly even if you're having lots of "fun" bits.

Like, to take it to the obvious stereotypical extreme, if you're deeply upset about some aspect of your life, going out and partying usually isn't going to fix it. That doesn't mean the party won't be fun, at least not necessarily. But, the problem is still there when you get back. If you then try to go to more parties (presume here for the sake of the argument that parties are in fact fun) to make yourself "happy", because you're upset with how you feel at baseline, then—well, of course that just gets exhausting and fixes nothing.

Instead at that point you have to take on the much, much harder task of figuring out what, not what you find fun, but what you can do to improve your baseline mood. To the extent that that's feasible.

So, like: Yes, it's entirely possible that he had more fun, and simultaneously was sadder than you or I.

If anything, I'd expect the people with the most access to "fun" to maybe fall into this trap the worst, because the "coping" strategy of just going out and doing distracting fun things will take one longer and farther—and you'll just come to ground all the harder and more often.

Semi-unironically, therefore, it may all be the fault of capitalism giving us a faithless, hedonist society uwu

Also though—me being me—I'm going to blame our society's lack of hugs! Freely available hugs from friendly people definitely improve baseline mood. Not a panacea or anything, of course. And maybe not for everyone. But still.


PItiful Boar

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15 thanks for the hug

what's the point of existence dude



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Pie, good literature, fluff, and hugs. uwu

PItiful Boar

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17 spent these days binging on kings and generals channel on youtube, where they talk about the war battles of the past

went through the imjin war, the mongolian war, napoleonic wars, war of the roses, ww1, ww2, cold war... 

There was actually a movie made about the imjin war (the korean vs japanese naval battle back in the 1590s?) called the Admiral. The turtle ship was amazing...



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Oh, that is a nice boat.

PItiful Boar

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19 it was

allowed him to basically do a one man reverse team kill (in professional gamer terms)

There are a whole bunch of Korean movies that are pretty good (and free) on youtube

Has ads thou

This one called The Suspect is like action movie, like a korean Jason Bourn



PItiful Boar

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20 i went around and checked youtube to see if I can find another good movie

The general IMDB ratings for a recent English movie was around 4-5. The best I found was a movie by Morgan Freeman The Code, with an IMDB rating of 6

There was this oldie made in the 70s about how the US led to allies to win ww2 that was ranked in the 7s, ah the good old days when Murica was great and had over 50% of the world GDP (and we're now around 20% T_T) MAGA!

PItiful Boar

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21 Is it safe to take BART now? Do they sanitize the seats?



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If I am conspicuously absent from this thread at present, it's probably because of taxes, which is an interesting thing to be saying in July. Strange times.


The only way BART is safe right now is if they basically don't let anyone ride ‾\_(• _•)_/‾

PItiful Boar

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23 guess i won't chance it then


today i bought an item off ebay from someone in calebasses, Mauritius

Mauritius is where? an island to the west of madagascar

Madagascar is where? an island to the west of Africa


Makes you wonder how they wire the internet cables



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Undersea cabling is actually a kind of fascinating topic.

Basically you just drop the stuff on the sea-floor and let it sit there, sometimes miles below the surface (likely not in this case). And you give it enough slack that you can trawl a hook under it and pick it back up if you need to do repairs, I think? It's like amazing how elegant and crude it all is.

PItiful Boar

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25 they made huawei give up their undersea cabling business before they allowed it to sell phones in the us

and then they just banned huawei outright lol


did you know there's an opensource radio? i came across it today when i read on the net about this guy christopher lyndon being a really good radio host... wow much better than npr... just to show you muricans are not all listening to bozos like rush or glenn beck and turning stupid

Edited by Feishy Pit Boar, 16 July 2020 - 10:17 PM.



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Er. What does open-source radio even mean?

Radio channels are specific frequencies of light (e.g. the music station Mix 106.5 around here is broadcast at 106.5 megahertz). They're regulated by the FCC in the U.S. (Ignoring that and just broadcasting shit is what "pirate radio" is).

And how we handle audio on those frequencies is both simple and fairly nailed-down.

Now, there's some other frequencies that are less-regulated that you could broadcast on in theory I guess, and you could make a new open-source protocol for that... but no one would have the equipment for receiving it?

And if we're talking about internet radio, I'm pretty sure most of the protocols used therein were already open-source, pretty much by necessity.

...Do they mean "crowdsourced"?

PItiful Boar

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27 it's WBUR (boston public radio) I guess it's city level... has a cool name tho


"A professor told the LA Times that the prince had a chauffeur deliver him his final paper in a bag alongside a Rolex watch."



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Correct approach is obviously: Ask if the lad forgot his watch? Explain you can't take bribes. If then claimed to be an unsolicited gift with no strings attached wink wink nudge nudge—take it, report it, give the paper the C it deserves. uwu

I am of course joking; the various risks of such an approach to one's reputation, job, and safety would be disproportionate to the value of some dumb luxury watch.

Honestly, sounds like a parody of an entitled young rich noble. Kind of like how Trump acts like a parody of an indulgently wealthy corrupt businessman.

PItiful Boar

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29 the professors turned down the watch, the chauffer returned the watch ... one year later


of course, there's another qatari prince who ordered his staff to murder his wife's chauffer

and they say the staff who worked for ellen degeneres on their show had it bad 

PItiful Boar

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30 quiet

Edited by Feishy Pit Boar, 19 July 2020 - 11:54 PM.