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[Spoiler - Read ch 31 first.] Karaka speculation

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Poll: Quiz (31 member(s) have cast votes)

Karaka is currently (disguising as) Noma

  1. Yeah, hell yeah! (5 votes [16.13%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 16.13%

  2. No, heaven no! (18 votes [58.06%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 58.06%

  3. Karaka might be pulling string through Noma... (6 votes [19.35%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 19.35%

  4. =3= (2 votes [6.45%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 6.45%

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    Fingerling Potato

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Okay... I had a feeling before... I thought it was crazy... But now the feeling became stronger... Karaka = Noma, I think. Whether the original Noma is dead and Karaka is disguising as him or whether Karaka's another identity is Noma is up to you, I guess. But, so far, accordingly, everything is way too suspicious. Look, why would there be no other regular test participants? Were they scared of Viole? Sure, they could but all of them? I don't think so. There are bounds to be idiots who are ignorant and idiots did insult even rankers or adminstrators sometime. So, I don't think all of them ran away but rather the examiner killed them all. And even the examiner might be fake, assuming Karaka killed the real Noma. So, what do you guys think? Do you also think that Karaka killed everyone else and lured Viole's team into a trap?

On the side note, I do hope the current guy is Urek Mazino... Though I do hope it is not Back Ryuu (That is not how I imagined him to be!)...

[And I do think SIU will troll with his identity but he will probably troll us with obvious-obvious like he did Viole-Baam.]

Edited by Heron, 10 September 2012 - 08:04 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Why would he disguise himself as a test administrator to send baam to fight a guy who is hiding and call`s himself "One of the strongests being of the tower"... unless he expect him to kill all of baam team ... but for now i am more intrigued by what was said on afterword on chapter 30 "i think that many of you will correctly guess the identity of the pink pig that appeared in this episode" ... still trying to find out who that pig is >.<

Lazy Tiger

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I don't really know whether Karaka has any involvment in this, but here are a few ideas about this topic.

- If Karaka was behind Viole's test, then why would he risk killing him? Presumably FUG wants Viole to climb to the top to fulfill their wishes, not kill him in some random floor by some "unknown" entity.

- If Noma is not Karaka and if the other team was really killed in order to give Viole this test, then why bother in the first place like this, instead of killing Viole directly? Presumably the reason why the test administrator chose this roundabout way of elliminating Viole is because they are not allowed to kill regulars directly, so they devise a test in which someone else kills them. So they couldn't have killed the other team directly either.

As a sidenote, I don't really think the rankers on the 21st floor (and even FUG) know the identity of the person inside Zygaena. They just know something powerful enough to kill heaps of rankers is there and so they decided to use this to their advantage to get rid of Viole.

Edited by Lazy Tiger, 10 September 2012 - 09:07 AM.



    Potato Spud

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Its not only about killing him or not... Karaka is part of Slayer, It will be really stupid for them to send Baam where member of Walhaiksong is because they wanted Baam for theirself too. Urek and Walhaiksong have enough power to protect Baam friends from Slayers and Baam would prefer to join organisation with Yuri if that would means his friends are safe.

Its strange that Karaka or other slayers not act to prevent Baam joining that test, its really risky for them.. Its either they dont know about person inside Zygaena or take risk because of some other reasons...

Lazy Tiger they dont know who is there and just send rankers to die there? Rankers neednt to climb tower anymore and they travel around only if they have job to do. Its probably that ppl from 10 great families send rankers to find that person and some of them investigate Zygaena...



    Fingerling Potato

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Why would he disguise himself as a test administrator to send baam to fight a guy who is hiding and call`s himself "One of the strongests being of the tower"... unless he expect him to kill all of baam team ... but for now i am more intrigued by what was said on afterword on chapter 30 "i think that many of you will correctly guess the identity of the pink pig that appeared in this episode" ... still trying to find out who that pig is >.<

I don't really know whether Karaka has any involvment in this, but here are a few ideas about this topic.

- If Karaka was behind Viole's test, then why would he risk killing him? Presumably FUG wants Viole to climb to the top to fulfill their wishes, not kill him in some random floor by some "unknown" entity.

- If Noma is not Karaka and if the other team was really killed in order to give Viole this test, then why bother in the first place like this, instead of killing Viole directly? Presumably the reason why the test administrator chose this roundabout way of elliminating Viole is because they are not allowed to kill regulars directly, so they devise a test in which someone else kills them. So they couldn't have killed the other team directly either.

As a sidenote, I don't really think the rankers on the 21st floor (and even FUG) know the identity of the person inside Zygaena. They just know something powerful enough to kill heaps of rankers is there and so they decided to use this to their advantage to get rid of Viole.

We still don't know how many factions are there in FUG. For instance, it could be that it is Luslec mainly that supports Viole. YHS, Hwa Ryun, etc. side with Luslec. However, that doesn't mean all of FUG has same idea. Sure, they need an irregular to kill Zahard but the plan they have might be different. According to Ha Jingsung, "The others might not think the same way." and we do know that Karaka is the newest Slayer of FUG (since Viole is a candidate atm). So, Karaka might feel jealousy/animosty towards Viole (since Viole is an irregular who is a slayer candidate that shows great potential, much more than himself). He might not want to kill Viole but he probably want to put Viole into despair by trapping his team. Karaka might be watching the situation and he would probably let Urek(?) kill Viole's team but if Urek tries to kill Viole, he might save Viole. I am not saying Karaka is strong enough to defeat Urek so but a slayer is supposed to be someone very strong so he might be able to "save Viole" if needs to (according to this theory, he hates Viole but needs him for FUG). He couldn't possibly dirty his own hands by killing the team directly because Luslec would blame him but it is different if someone completely unrelated does so. Even assuming Karaka wants to kill Viole, it also makes sense that he should put the blame on Urek(?).

On the side note, I do think FUG would probably know Urek(?)'s location because he said that he had been killing rankers to left and right. So, that at least estimates his whereabouts.


@Dorsai - Hello, please read above. ^^

Edited by Heron, 10 September 2012 - 09:20 AM.



    Fingerling Potato

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It doesn't seems like plausible to me..... Karaka's totally unrelated to this mess.....The one related to it ''probably'' are: Yuri Zahard, Garam Zahard or maybe some yet to be reviled character (+_+).

The Corinthian

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It doesn't seems like plausible to me..... Karaka's totally unrelated to this mess.....The one related to it ''probably'' are: Yuri Zahard, Garam Zahard or maybe some yet to be reviled character (+_+).

Haha! Thats a good misspelling.

Will of NGE

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... but for now i am more intrigued by what was said on afterword on chapter 30 "i think that many of you will correctly guess the identity of the pink pig that appeared in this episode" ... still trying to find out who that pig is >.<

Seriosly, Wangnan has pokeballs, Lero-ro is Pikachu...

EDIT: (deep breath)(realisation) OMG!!!!! The little flower piglet is BaekRyun and that's his controvertial look!!!
I need to stop giving ideas to the wrong people xD

Edited by Will of NGE, 15 September 2012 - 02:42 PM.


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    Russet Potato

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Seriosly, Wangnan has pokeballs, Lero-ro is Pikachu...

Lol Yeon can be Charmander maybe?

Karaka want to kill his teammates not fail Baam.THere is no way that Karaka sent Baam into such a dangerous situation.

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    Mashed Potato

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Karaka want to kill his teammates not fail Baam.THere is no way that Karaka sent Baam into such a dangerous situation.

Raises an interesting possibility, doesn't it? :) If they all (or most) manage to walk out of this situation alive (and with the flower, maybe), how can FUG higher-ups continue to dispute the group? :D

After all... 1) Embarrass the administrators by succeeding and passing... check. 2) Surviving against Urek, when Rankers didn't... check. 3) Now having a big name in the Tower (with awkward friends you do try to get on with) have half an eye on them, so harder to waste without reason... check. :lol:



~:Euo will do instead of my whole handle:~


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    Fingerling Potato

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The only possibly suspicious characteristics of the Test Administrator are his eyes. If that isn't his normal look, he could be keeping them squinted, closed, or covered with goggles; doing so would hide the yellow eyes Karaka seems to have. But that's unlikely.

God of LoL

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The only possibly suspicious characteristics of the Test Administrator are his eyes. If that isn't his normal look, he could be keeping them squinted, closed, or covered with goggles; doing so would hide the yellow eyes Karaka seems to have. But that's unlikely.

He might have lazer eyes.
