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Am I the only one who's glad that Toru snapped

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    Potato Sprout

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I would've done it earlier if I were in his shoes.



    Potato Sprout

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It was realistic, at least.



    Potato Sprout

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Not... glad, but kind of inevitable I guess. Toru's life has been one huge ball of stress for several months now, and his main coping mechanism has been stripped from him by the stressor - Koyuki. And then this right after Asahi already berated him... Just the last straw, and Koyuki happened to be part of the trigger this time as well.

That said, I will be disappointed in Toru if he doesn't swallow his pride here and apologize to Koyuki as soon as possible. Preferably with a full explanation, but expecting a withdrawn, self-loathing teenage boy to admit all the details like that is probably too much to ask.



    Potato Sprout

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Yeah, good move by author. Its what I'd expect from a abused teenage boy who was repeatedly coerced or guilt tripped (not necessarily intentionally) by Koyuki into helping other people with their problems, often the same people who abused him. The whole Iris Hunter arc was a jarring example of this as Toru had to help return iris powers to the same people who have been abusing him for years for not having powers himself, basically asking him to help make himself stick out and be a target again.

Edited by polishthunder, 16 September 2012 - 05:47 PM.

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Its also because of the frustration of unable to put himself into his owns shoes..

He knows whats going on there, but he can't deal with that situation, and his best course of action was avoid danger like helping random pretty girl.



    Potato Sprout

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I feel it is fair to say that he has all the right in the world to have snaped, in fact, I found it to be the best part of the manga thus far for I believe I would have snapped myself in his shoe.
I hope though that he is not forced to be the one seeking forgiveness from Koyuki, rather I hope his group of friends are the ones who take the initiative to ask him for forgiveness.

Meow Zorg

Meow Zorg


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He takes far too much shit.

To be honest i believe that fan service is terrible



    Potato Sprout

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I think what really caused him to snap was Asahi's advice, which ended up having the opposite effect. I hated the advice she gave Toru. I think the reason why i hated her advice was because she's looking out for Koyuki rather than Toru. Asahi wants Toru to get closer to Koyuki so Toru and Koyuki can be fully aware of each-other's feelings. However Asahi failed to see how her advice would affect Toru. I think Toru fully knew what might happen if he got even closer to Koyuki. Koyuki might be bullied, or even worse is Toru's bullying worsens. I think that is his main reason why he pretended not to notice Koyuki's feeling. Asahi advice just put more pressure on him and made him more considerate of Koyuki. I think if it weren't for Asahi's advice, Toru would have been cool helping out Rei. What do you guys think?

@Nerrin what if he doesn't swallow his pride and doesn't apologize. then Toru and Koyuki starts to avoid each other, and that's when Rei comes in and gets closer to Toru.



    Potato Sprout

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@Nerrin what if he doesn't swallow his pride and doesn't apologize. then Toru and Koyuki starts to avoid each other, and that's when Rei comes in and gets closer to Toru.

I'd be disappointed not because it means he won't get with Koyuki, but because even if he was stressed it still wasn't right to take it out on her like that. And he's smart enough, thinks enough about people's feelings and actions to know that. I think he is in fact too aware of it to get away with the usual idiot teenage protagonist excuses like "never finding the right time to explain." Most of what he does to solve problems is built around clearing confusion, after all.

zloi medved

zloi medved

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it's definitely satisfying to see toru finally getting angry. even tho koyuki only harangues him out of the will to "do the right thing", it's annoying to see her constantly fail to take any sort of consequence. for example, with the Iris Hunter arc, when she's manipulated into ignoring him, and it's this that pushes him over the edge and makes him unable to handle the vicious bullying. at no point is it brought up to her that she was (to some extent) the reason he left school by ignoring toru. at no point does she apologise for that. furthermore. she attacks toru and calls him a coward for not coming to school (in the world's worst pep talk).

i'm neither saying that she shouldn't meddle, since with toru's passive nature, koyuki acts as the major driving force to move plots, or that toru should be coddled. but it would be nice to see her actually facing some sort of consequence for her actions, rather than getting a condescending head pat and a "well, you meant well". it makes her look careless of the feelings of others, and leaves her stagnant as a character. literally her only development over the course of the manga has been "falling in love", and that's damn boring considering everyone else has been going though major character arcs in the way they act, see the world, and handle their irises.

what i'd like to see is for toru to be able to develop realistically to take his own initiative, giving koyuki room to back off and not push her own agenda so aggressively all the time. my prediction for what will actually happen, though, is all blame will be once more pushed onto toru, koyuki will get a condescending little head pat and "poor girl", and nothing will change for her as a character.

Edited by zloi medved, 27 February 2013 - 09:11 AM.



    Russet Potato

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I'm glad too, because I want to see how it plays out. 




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Well Touru had every right to get mad. Asahi gives advices to be aware of other people's feelings, yet herself is never aware of her own feelings nor other people's. I guess it's acceptable... a manga that characters have a feasible flaw makes them human, especially in this type of manga.

As other people stated before, Touru's friends never really apologize for anything.. especially Koyuki. I mean, she's a half-baked saint who tries to help. do the right thing all the time but isn't aware of her own feelings nor the feelings of the people around her. One track mind that doesn't think of the consequences nor the reality... the same is with most of his friends. This puts Touru to the extreme to blend with such flawed humans, I guess in real life we have strained relationship because of our flaws but as friends we strive improve each other... Touru does have flaws but him blowing it up is just the tip of the ice-berg for what he's been through and what he had to put up to. The fact that Koyuki says "I didn't think you were like that", not only is she not aware of her own feelings but the so called trust in Touru is so lacking. In the end Koyuki has a low iq... I really do adore her as the main heroine and even with her half-hassed holy actions which don't take into consideration consequences or other people's feelings, she's still lovable cause she's a hard working idiotic human which you can't hate.

Though, in real life I'd never really want to deal with idiots who aren't aware of their actions and the people around them.. it's too much stress, you can admire for their idealism but idealism without intellect is just self-destruction in real life.